Reldan Nadler is The Official Guide to "Emotional Intelligence". You can find complete information on Reldan Nadler and his products by visiting True North Leadership.
In general, a man can be out of touch with how he feels and a number of his needs. He is then going to look like a whole human being, but he typically won’t operate like one.
As a result of this, it is going to be normal for him to ignore how he feels and overlook a number of his needs. But, ... Views: 169
Even though a man’s childhood will be behind him, it doesn’t mean that he has fully moved on from this stage of his life. A big part of him can be anchored to this stage of his life.
The reason for this is that this might have been a time when he missed out on what he needed from his father ... Views: 169
What someone may see, if they were to step back and reflect on how they experience life, is that they don’t have a strong connection with their feelings. They could find that, in general, they are not aware of how they feel.
This is likely to show that they spend most of their life living in ... Views: 134
What can be normal is for someone to ignore a number of their needs and to focus on others. But, if this is just what is normal, it might not be something that they are consciously aware of.
Consequently, they will be neglecting themselves but this is not going to be something that will stand ... Views: 150
Even if someone feels worthless and unlovable, it doesn’t mean that they will be consciously aware of this. But, if this is not something that they are aware of, what is going on for them is still going to have an impact on their life.
It is likely to influence how they perceive reality, how ... Views: 282
It is often said that someone shouldn’t have any expectations. One of the reasons that is put forward is that, by having them, they are likely to end up being let down.
However, even if someone is able to arrive at a place where they no longer expect anything, it doesn’t mean that they won’t ... Views: 255
If a man is focused on his mother’s life and is ignoring his own, it will be clear, at least to some people, that something is not right. Of course, he is not here to be an extension of his mother; he is here to express himself and live a fulfilling life.
This is not to say that he can’t be ... Views: 155
When it comes to living a fulfilling life, one thing that is often mentioned is having an open heart. Or, perhaps to be more accurate, this is what is often mentioned in the world of self-development and spirituality.
What this typically relates to is someone being connected to how they feel ... Views: 170
If someone has just broken up with their partner, they can be in a bad way. They might have been with them for a number of months or years but, no matter how long it was, they won’t just be able to carry on with their life.
Yet, as this person will have been a big part of their life and now ... Views: 141
When a man not only meets a woman who he is attracted to but starts dating her, he can believe that his view of her is accurate. However, as time passes, he can find that she is nothing like how he thought she was in the beginning.
Due to this, he can come to the conclusion that he was ... Views: 137
If someone were to take a step back and reflect on their life, what they might see is that they don’t have a very ‘positive’ view of themselves. So, they can believe that no one likes them, are worthless, are a burden, are unlovable and are incapable, for instance.
What could enter their mind ... Views: 145
For a little while now, a woman may have been with a man who is unable to be there for her. This can be because he is too focused on taking care of his mother’s needs and doesn’t have much time or energy left for anyone else.
As a result, this is not going to be a relationship that is having ... Views: 181
Freedom, real freedom, does exist. But it is not a condition or an event, nor is it found within another person's approval of us. Nor is real freedom ever a mere effect of circumstances, otherwise it is not freedom but merely a temporary pleasure we have mistaken for being the same as being ... Views: 215
Freedom, real freedom, does exist. But it is not a condition or an event, nor is it found within another person's approval of us. Nor is real freedom ever a mere effect of circumstances, otherwise it is not freedom but merely a temporary pleasure we have mistaken for being the same as being ... Views: 214
Whether someone is watching the news or browsing a social media site, they can hear about how a certain country is a problem. Alternatively, they could hear about how people who belong to a certain group are a problem.
Then again, they could hear about both of these things. Either way, this ... Views: 131
What someone may find, if they were to step back and reflect on their life, is that they have the tendency to eat when they are emotionally unsettled. This can be something that takes place every now and then.
Alternatively, this could take place a few times a week or it might be more often. ... Views: 162
If a woman is with a man who is overly focused on his mother, he is not going to have much time for her. And, when she is with him, he could generally be mentally somewhere else and emotionally out of reach.
She is then not going to feel seen and heard, valued and loved, and that she is with ... Views: 160
The other day, someone left a comment on a video that I had made about a mother-enmeshed man. They essentially asked me if a man in this position would be different if he dated a woman who was from a different racial group.
This was not something that I had been asked before and I thought ... Views: 161
If someone didn’t have at least one parent who was able to see them as a separate individual who had their own needs and feelings, and generally attuned to them and met their needs, they might not be aware of this. Now that they are an adult, they might not be able to remember a great deal about ... Views: 152
In the self-development world, it is often said that the past only exists in someone’s mind. Therefore, if they often think about what they have been through and this is causing them to suffer, they just need to change what is taking place in this part of them.
Now, what can’t be denied is ... Views: 129
Most likely, someone will live in a society that is built on the view that they, along with their fellow citizens, are passive observers of what takes place externally. What is going on inside them, then, won’t influence what is going on outside them.
Thus, unlike the few that have power, ... Views: 149
What can be normal is for someone to spend a lot of time looking into what the elites are doing. In their eyes, these can be seen as the people who are creating most if not all of the problems in the world.
If so, this is likely to mean that they will watch a lot of videos and read a lot of ... Views: 155
In the article that I wrote about Yellowstone titled, ‘Can Someone Learn About Enmeshment By Watching Yellowstone?’, I briefly spoke about John’s youngest son, Kayce. I said that he was a loose cannon, and, in addition to the drama in his life, he was inches away from being killed or ending up ... Views: 186
In and Out of Ruts
Bill Cottringer
“It takes guts to get out of the ruts.” ~Robert H. Schuller.
First of all, here are the two main elements of a “rut” that can help us arrive at a common understanding of what we are talking about here.
• Being somewhere where you don’t want ... Views: 249
Irrespective of how many years have passed since a man was a boy, it doesn’t mean that he has fully moved on from this stage of his life. This might not be something that he is aware of, though.
If someone who understood the impact that early deprivation can have on someone was to take a ... Views: 147
For a little while now, someone may have been looking into the different past lives that they have had. They might resonate with one life more than the others or they could feel equally connected to all of them.
Furthermore, in each life that they have been able to remember, they might have ... Views: 179
So, shortly after I had written the previous article about Yellowstone, titled, ‘Can Someone Learn About Enmeshment By Watching Yellowstone?’, I thought about how I had more to say. In this article, I spoke about how Jamie, John’s second youngest son, is very sensible and reserved and how ... Views: 177
Navigating Conflicts Successfully
Bill Cottringer
Conflicts are an inevitable part of life and when they are not resolved, they often come back with increased velocity and vengeance to take a bigger bite from a part of the anatomy that really hurts. ~The author.
Conflicts ... Views: 247
When I was on a plane at the end of last year, I started watching a few episodes of a series called Yellowstone. I think I may have heard about it before or I might have just been curious about it after I saw the cover and read the description.
Anyway, I was soon engrossed in the series and I ... Views: 163
What can be normal is for a woman to wear very revealing clothes, and it might not matter where she is. Now, she could have a figure that not only makes her desirable to a lot of men but a lot of women could both appreciate and want to have the same figure.
This might be a figure that she was ... Views: 154
For a woman to have been with one man who was caught up in his mother’s world would have been tough, but, to have been with a number of men who were like this will have been even worse. Assuming that she has been in this position more than once, she might have decided to turn her back on this ... Views: 305
If someone were to take a step back and reflect on their life, what might soon stand out is that, when it comes to the areas of their life that are not going well, they hope that things will change. This could be how they have been for as long as they can remember.
Therefore, they are not ... Views: 136
When a man sees a woman to who he is attracted, it might not typically occur to him that she is a human being who has her own needs, feelings, hopes, fears and insecurities, for instance. Instead, she can purely be seen as an object that can satisfy his sexual needs.
There is the chance that, ... Views: 154
In general, someone could simply go through the motions in life and perhaps often wonder why they are even alive. During the week, then, they could wake up, get ready for work and then head to work.
Once they are there, they could perform one or a number of tasks, with it being as though they ... Views: 254
Although someone has a mental, emotional and physical self, they might typically only be aware of the thoughts that are in their head. In fact, they might even see themselves as a being that is purely mental.
This is going to mean that they won’t have a good connection with their body. By ... Views: 175
If a man believes that both he and others are being controlled by something ‘out there’, he is unlikely to be short of support. In his eyes, then, there could be a group of people who operate behind the scenes who are controlling most of humanity.
This could just be something that he shares ... Views: 157
Right now, a woman could feel very frustrated and angry, and be deeply deprived. This could show that she is in a relationship with a man who is rarely physically available, and, when he is, he is typically somewhere else emotionally.
The reason for this is that he can generally be focused on ... Views: 155
If someone were to take a step back and reflect on their life, what might soon stand out is that their life is not very fulfilling. But, if this is so, they might not believe that they deserve to experience life differently.
They could believe that it doesn’t matter what their needs are or ... Views: 146
After having been with a number of men who were overly focused on their mother’s needs and were not available, a woman could believe that she is unlucky. This can partly be because of how different she is likely to be from these men.
Unlike these men, she is unlikely to be focused on one of ... Views: 161
If someone was deprived during their early years, it doesn’t mean that they will realise this. The reason for this is that their brain may have blocked out most if not all of what took place.
However, while what took place will be in the past, the impact that it had on them is likely to ... Views: 162
After feeling lonely for many years and becoming aware of this, someone could find that they have the tendency to feel invisible. They are then going to exist and be able to be seen by others but they generally won’t feel as though they exist or are seen by others.
Naturally, experiencing ... Views: 161
Even though a man will be made up of both the masculine and the feminine, it doesn’t mean that this will stand out. He can typically come across as though he is only made up of one part.
This can mean that he will generally come across as easy-going, do what he can to please others, put up ... Views: 156
A number of days, weeks, or months ago, a woman may have experienced a breakup. If so, since then, she might have put in a lot of effort to change her appearance.
Now, this could mean that she has bought new clothes and perhaps wears things that she didn’t wear before. Then again, it might go ... Views: 155
If someone is struggling mentally and emotionally, they can end up looking for a therapist to work with. They might have been in a bad way for a little while or this might be an experience that is relatively new.
If this is not something that they have just started to experience, it is good ... Views: 152
One thing that can plague a man’s mind, if he has come to see that he was unable to attach to his mother, develop a strong sense of self and then break away from her, is why this process didn’t take place. He can feel angry, enraged and deeply betrayed.
But, as the person who he came through ... Views: 168
What someone may find, if they were to step back and reflect on their life, is that they haven’t been able to get it together, so to speak. So, unlike their friends, they could often struggle for money and have a job that is anything but fulfilling.
Additionally, they could often be in a ... Views: 165
Right now, someone could have a few areas of their life that are going well and a few that are not. This could be how their life has been for as long as they can remember.
Due to this, they could have well and truly had enough and be desperate for their life to change. But, if this has been ... Views: 197
If a man was to see that he is overly focused on his mother and doesn’t have much of a life himself, there are a number of things that could take place. He could feel deeply frustrated and helpless and believe that his life will always be this way.
Alternatively, he could feel deeply ... Views: 129
For many, many years, someone may have spent a fair amount of their money on certain or several clothes brands. Assuming that it is one brand, this is then going to be a brand that they greatly value.
Therefore, the money that they have spent over the years will be seen as an investment. So, ... Views: 163
If a man were to take a step back and reflect on how he sees himself, he could find that he doesn’t have a very empowering view. He could find that he sees himself as someone who doesn’t have any value.
What could then stand out is how this view is having a negative impact on his ability to ... Views: 153