Back pain frequently results from a dysfunctional psoas muscle. When the muscle becomes contracted due to injuries, poor posture, prolonged sitting, or stress, it can alter the biomechanics of the pelvis and the lumbar, thoracic and even cervical vertebrae creating intense pressure on the lower spine.
Barry uses a wide range of innovative and revolutionary techniques to help release the Psoas and its related musculature. His most frequent technique releases the psoas through positional release methods. During the session Barry may move you into specific healing positions especially designed for your body. The correct positions can change the programs in your nervous system that keep your psoas in contraction and your back in pain. Repeated application of these techniques can re-train the psoas to maintain the proper tension and movement that allows for easy and effective physical activity and normal neural functioning. Barry may utilize other approaches from his vast array of techniques to stop the psoas from causing you ongoing back pain.
"Work with what you find, not what you expect to find."
“We must learn to fly within ourselves
and launch ourselves into spaces
where we cannot see a landing place.
This is the only true courage.”
— Arthur Lincoln Pauls (1929-1997)
Founder of Ortho-Bionomy