My name is Cathy Robinson and I'm the creator of Your Single Purpose (a blog for SWANKYs - Single Women And No Kids Yea!). I started this because I see no one really addressing this segment of society and we are an evergrowing number! The research I did to try to find a forum that addresses this population led me to sites where women angrily defend their choice to be single and they seem so bitter and hung up on the whole topic of men and who they are as independent women. The flip side of the coin was sites (all more than willing) dedicated to helping me and every other single woman out there to find their man!
What if we were to simply embrace the time we're single as a time to better ourselves? To see it as a time of education, empowerment...truly getting to know what our individual gifts are?? Then when we have a handle on what those gifts are, we go out in to the world and help others find theirs? EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US serve a purpose in this world. I want to help women be able to answer the question What is YOUR SINGLE PURPOSE?
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." ~ Anais Nin.....This is quickly becoming one of my favorite quotes because it speaks to a person's potential. Often single women who self sufficient remain in their own little buds. They stay in the special comfort zones that are self created and seldom venture outside of them because it's the unknown. But once they are shown what lies outside of what they know - curiosity and a sense of self fulfillment compels them to step outside and blossom!
I began writing on Your Single Purpose last last year (2012). I am compelled to show women that just because they are single and have no children doesn't mean they don't have something tremendous to contribute to society. But in order to be of service to others, they first must take inventory of their lives and get a hold on and strengthen four essential cornerstones in their individual lives: Time Management, Home Organization, Attention to Personal Health and Connection to Spirit. If goals are set in these areas and nurtured, then gradually a woman's sense of integrity and character are grown. This growth leads to the service of others which ultimately is what we're put on this Earth to do by God, our maker.