In 1975 I had a Near Death Experience, it frightened the life out of me! Since then I have been researching this phenomenon to discover just what the heck happened to me. Fortunately I now have a good idea. My journey of discovery took me to places and people beyond my wildest dreams.
The study of Subtle Energies still remains on the periphery of mainstream science but with the advent of new technology that is now changing. Dr. C. Tart is the formost expert on the subject but without viewing the Subtle Energy Field (SEF) progress has been hampered. That has now changed and there is now a system that is able to reveal the SEF in fine detail.
We have been able to confirm much of what the ancient Ayervedics were aware of long ago. We have discovered the SEF contains some remarkable data.
We see an energy field in constant motion running through and around the body.
Blockages in the field correspond directly to disease or injury, even old injuries.
Blockage also appear to be precursors of disease.
Unusual flow around the head indicate mental health problems.
The SEF can exist in cohesive form free of and independent of the body.
Smaller fields have been seen as attachments to the main field, these are believed to be parasitic energy forms.
I am looking for assistance with my research work. I would like people to send me digital photos for me to process with my scanner. I will return the scanned photos but retain a copy for my research.
It is very important the lighting is correct, these are the requirements.
The subject must be illuminated with full spectrum (sun) flouresnce strip lighting only, 2 x 2ft is good. The light should be place above (2 -3ft) the subject and just in front about 6" to 12". Direct or indirect sunlight cannot be used, it tends to wash out the SEF.
The photo should be taken against a plain light coloured background, a pastel is good.
The SEF is more dense close to the skin, subject should be dressed in tight fitting white cotton or better still no covering on the part being photographed.
A low pixel count photo is acceptable, the higher the count the more detail is seen.
For details of the scanning system and examples of scans please visit my mother/mirror web site at:
Both ISIS (Intra Spectral Imaging System) and MCP Multi Contrast Photography can be used to detect the changes in the SEF before during and after any form of healing, even mainstream medical healing.
There is only one of us!
If you don't like the reality you are in change your thoughts and choices!
Subtle energies are just
that, so subtle they can only be seen by a few sensitives. It has many other
names, chi, orgone, prana, ki, to name a few. Energy healers are able to detect the field
with their hands, as I am. Blockages feel either warm, cold or sticky and on
occasion tingly. Up until now we have to take the word of the healer we have
blockages or a flow problem. Now healers are able to show their clients the
before during and after scans of the SEF a real advantage for both healer and
client. Below is an example of the SEF before and during healing.
The first scan shows a male with enclosed areas
indicating blockages over the neck area
and right arm, the red and orange show high cellular activity. The second shows
two healers working together. Note the change in colours over the chest areas
and arms. Note also the white over both shoulders this, we believe, is the
healing energy being drawn in.
It seems there is a remarkable potential for this system.
Not only do we see the changes in the SEF during healing but we also know
blockages can also be precursors to disease.
If disease can be prevented before it develops that would be a huge
advantage and saving in health costs.
My email is Web site is opening soon, watch this space.