Hi and welcome,
My name is David (EDFixer) and I'm the proud author of ErectionHub (www.erectionhub.com) and Erectile Dysfunction And Treatments (www.erectile-dysfunction-and-treatments.com) a site completely dedicated to delivering the very best information about erectile dysfunction and helping you select the very best erectile dysfunction treatment options.
Working as a professional and fully trained pharmaceutical representative for a global pharmaceutical company in the specialized field of erectile dysfunction treatment, it's my job to present, train and educate doctors and other members of the medical community on everything relating to erectile dysfunction.
My motivation to create and write erectile-dysfunction-and-treatments.com comes seeing men and families succeed and re-gain control of their lives as soon as they've deciding to learn and understand everything there is to know about erectile dysfunction and more importantly, selecting the very best erectile dysfunction treatments for their needs and lifestyle.
It's my role with my site to help anyone affected by erectile dysfunction in any way re-gain control of their lives. Erectile dysfunction is a serious topic because, having erectile dysfunction changes lives in so many ways. It reduces confidence, causes frustrations and anger, creates distrust and disharmony and can also be a warning sign of other, potentially larger medical problems. In fact, erectile dysfunction can often be a blessing in disguise...
I sincerely look forward to setting the standard you deserve and expect with my site and the information and treatment selections I can help you with.
I look forward to be part of your erectile dysfunction treatment plan.
Start today!
There's never any need for good luck... With the right treatment you will succeed.
Thank you.
David (EDFixer)
Erectile dysfunction is something you don't need to settle for or "just live with". It's unfortunate that most men continue to ignore the signs and refuse to seek treatment and information when, with information and treatment help, they're able to forget they ever had erectile dysfunction, re-gain their confidence and move on with their lives.
Fixing erectile dysfunction is all about taking control of erectile dysfunction treatment that's completely suited for you and that accommodates your lifestyle. There are so many options open to you and they're affordable.
By refusing to understand and treat erectile dysfunction it will actually cost you a lot more in the long term. Your relationship, job, confidence, happiness and popentially some other, larger, medical problem for which erectile dysfunction is a sign of could present some nasty costs for you if you don't look into it today!
Don't settle for second best, let me help you re-gain control of your life and let me help you select the very best erectile dysfunction treatment to help you get back on track.
What about your doctor? Excellent question... Your doctor is an important resource, but your doctor see's so many patient's each day and they're limited in term so time and the amount of knowledge they have about all erectile dysfunction treatment options. They're happy to write you a script for any erectile dysfunction treatment (let's say Viagra for example) but, without them knowing you, your sex life and lifestyle needs you could have been better suited to Cialis. Each and every erectile dysfunction treatment provides very different results because, they're actually designed, marketed and intended for different patient types. It's so important for you to get the right one in order to receive maximum benefit.
This is where I come in with: www.erectile-dysfunction-and-treatments.com
I look forward to being part of your erectile dysfunction treatment plan!
No need for good luck... With the right treatment there's no second guessing, you will succeed.
Warmest regards,
David (EDFixer)
Author: www.erectile-dysfunction-and-treatments.com
It's really that simple!
The number 1 place to view my work is at: www.erectionhub.com
But, to get you started, here are just a few articles I prepared earlier...
Welcome to www.erectile-dysfunction-and-treatments.com, the Number 1 On-Line Resource for everything relating to erectile dysfunction. I'm David, the proud author.
SO, erectile dysfunction is affecting your life isn't it? I'm certain it's affecting your life and the lives of people in your life in more ways than one isn't it?
THE GOOD NEWS is... fixing erectile dysfunction with the right erectile dysfunction treatment turns you into the man you want to be. Sounds unreal but it's as genuine as it gets!
The fact is, most men with any degree of erectile dysfunction continue to avoid the symptoms of impotence and even fewer men seek treatment. The result... so many men are walking around feeling angry, disappointed, frustrated, low on confidence, anxious and stressed and possibly even depressed.
If you seek treatment and get to know information that benefits your life, statistics on success stories, as well as my many personal experience working in the erectile dysfunction field, tell us that with the right erectile dysfunction treatment you succeed.
Success, in the context of erectile dysfunction, is defined as being the man you want to be because, you definitely know you don't want to be that man with penis problems right? So, imagine living without impotence knowing you can initiate and enjoy sex naturally and whenever you want to... not when your treatment demands.
Successful erectile dysfunction treatment means your treatment accommodates your lifestyle and needs... not the other way round.
What is erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is any repeated dissatisfaction with your erectile performance and because it's a subjective test, it requires you to be honest with yourself and decide if you want to improve your sexual performance.
Are you truly satisfied with the quality and duration of your erections? Is your sex life where you want it to be?
What causes of erectile dysfunction?
I dedicate an entire chapter in my site to helping you target, identify and fix the causes of your erectile dysfunction.
The erection process requires a harmonious flow of events to take place and anything disrupting this flow ultimately shows up in your erections... It pays to know what's causing you to have unsatisfactory erections because, with information your putting yourself in control of fixing your erectile dysfunction. Being in control builds confidence and the best results as I will soon explain to you...
Generally speaking, please visit my site and research under causes to see the many causes affecting the quality and duration of your erections. Causes are divided into psychogenic (emotions and feelings) and organic/physical (diabetes, cardiovascular health problems, weight, high blood pressure, cholesterol, medication etc).
Another tip, there is always a psychological component linked to erectile dysfunction. Therefore, any successful erectile dysfunction treatment plan must include erectile dysfunction psychological treatments.
If it's a lot of information to digest all at once, no need to worry. I have everything covered at my site... I'll put you on the right track of beating erectile dysfunction and let me reassure you, I know erectile dysfunction very well because, I live and breathe it everyday as it's my job to train doctors and educate medical professionals on erectile dysfunction and erectile dysfunction treatments.
Step 1: Getting an erection
Here's an exert from my site...
Step 1: It all starts with stimulation
* “reflex” - caused by direct contact with the penis
* “psychogenic” - caused by erotic or emotional thoughts.
These are the keys to start the erection process. All clear so far?
Step 2: Messages from the brain
The brain sends messages to the penis to release a chemical called Nitric Oxide (NO) which is responsible for relaxing smooth muscle tissue of the corpora cavernosum (these are the cigar-shaped parts of the erectile bodies of he penis). When this tissue is relaxed more blood enters the penis creating the erection.
Sounds like hydraulic machinery doesn’t it?
cGMP (used to relax smooth tissue of the penis) is then released sending more messages to open the gates to the penile soft tissue allowing blood to enter and most importantly “stay there” until the sexual activity is complete.
Interesting fact:
The penis can hold 10 times more blood when erect than when flaccid. Therefore, if your tank (your penis) is not filling correctly or staying filled your chances of having pleasurable intercourse are limited.
Step 3: How to stay erect
Good question... Men who don't have male sexual dysfunction (erectile dysfunction) are able to stay hard and climax successfully because an enzyme called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE 5) is only activated after climaxing. PDE-5 is responsible for breaking down the cGMP (remember cGMP is needed to increase blood flow to the penis causing an erection) during which Nitric Oxide (NO) is also reduced allowing blood to flow out of the penis. The result... a flaccid penis.
Hint - To Remember:
It is very important to remember the role that the PDE-5 enzyme plays in moderating erections because some of the best treatment options specifically work on PDE-5 levels by inhibiting PDE-5. By blocking PDE-5 blood is able stay in the penis until you successfully climax. Viagra, Cialis and Levitra are all PDE-5 inhibitor treatments. This is exactly what you may need...
It’s all coming together now right? Just a few more steps until you and I talk about fixing erectile dysfunction.
I strongly recommend you visit: www.erectile-dysfunction-and-treatments.com to start the healing process today!
Erectile dysfunction treatment
Getting to know the best treatment for your erectile dysfunction is the most important component in the erectile dysfunction pathway.
What about your doctor? This is an excellent question. Your doctor is an important part to the fixing process. However, please consider this... your doctor see's around 20-30 patients each day (sometimes more or less) and he/she definitely does not have the time or the resources to explain every erectile dysfunction treatment option to you. Nor does your doctor have the time to give you the strengths and weaknesses of every erectile dysfunction treatment. In addition to these points, most doctors actually don't know the pro's and con's of all erectile dysfunction treatments. You doctor probably thinks all PDE5 blocker products (including Viagra, Cialis and Levitra) are all the same and do the same thing. THEY DON'T!
My site is specially written to give you the information you need to make the right decisions at every stage of your treatment. The more in control you are of your treatment, the sooner you'll succeed because, you're determining the treatment you want to take. Let's face it, does your doctor know your sexual needs, sexual habits and your lifestyle preferences? No... doctor's don't know these things...
When you put all of these points together it becomes easy to see how most men receive the wrong treatment. The result of using the wrong treatment is simple... DISAPPOINTMENT and further frustration and loss of confidence and many men actually experience a loss of interest in sex.
The key to getting hard erections with erectile dysfunction
It's ever so simple. My site is designed to help you (1) identify with product information so that you can decide if (2) the product was designed for you. Sounds crazy doesn't it? Allow me to shed some light on how and why pharmaceutical companies develop products...
Each and every erectile dysfunction treatment is formulated, designed and marketed with a particular type of patient in mind. Pharmaceutical companies then sell this picture on to doctors so that doctors know how to look out for (identify) these men so that, they can prescribe products. So, in order for you to get the right treatment, it's extremely important to focus on the product's patient-profiles and decide if you fit the profile. If you don't move on... I have a treatment suitable for everyone and a profile fitting everyone's needs.
Don't forget, finding impotence treatments on the net is so simple isn't it? However, finding the right treatment designed to work for you is harder right? This is where I come in.
The ultimate BENEFIT to you
By bookmarking www.erectile-dysfunction-and-treatments.com today you will receive personalized help from me at every step of your treatment journey. By selecting the best treatment for you upfront (first time round) you benefit by saving a lot of money, a lot of time and confidence because, you're not switching to new products each month continuously searching for something that works. Get the right treatment first time round!
I also invite anyone affected by erectile dysfunction to send me an email with any questions or ideas. I look forward to be part of your success.
There's no need for good luck when to erectile dysfunction... I know you will succeed!
Thank you.
David (EDFixer)
Author: www.erectile-dysfunction-and-treatments.com
Selecting The Best PDE5 Blocker Treatment For You Matters!
• Is erectile dysfunction relevant to you in any way?
• Would you like to find and start the very best erectile dysfunction treatment but not sure where to start?
• Are you currently using a PDE5 blocker treatment but wondering if there's a better one for you?
If any of these questions are relevant to you, it's so important to incorporate this article into your treatment plan. Fixing erectile dysfunction is not only possible, it's actually very simple with the right erectile dysfunction treatment. It always comes down to selecting the right treatment for your specific needs...
My name is David, author of www.erectile-dysfunction-and-treatments.com. This article is a review containing powerful information about Patient Preference Data and relating to PDE5 blocker treatments.??If you have erectile dysfunction or if you know someone with erectile dysfunction, deciding on which PDE5 blocker, also called PDE5 inhibitor treatments, is very important. Deciding if Viagra, Cialis or Levitra is right for you matters because, whilst they share some similarities, they’re actually formulated for different types of erectile dysfunction and lifestyle needs.??In order to have a rewarding erectile dysfunction treatment experience with my favorite erectile dysfunction treatment option, PDE5 inhibitors, it’s so important to select the right one for the right reasons.??When you visit my site which, is completely dedicated to erectile dysfunction information and fixing erectile dysfunction with the best treatment options, you’ll notice that I take you on a pathway starting with information about causes, what it is, recognizing the signs and most importantly fixing it!??Let me help you achieve this today...
The 3 PDE5 Blocker Treatments
We've all heard of Viagra right? Well, since Viagra's launch in 1998 there have several developments in the world of erectile dysfunction...
Just a few of these developments are:
• The number of men with erectile dysfunction in the US alone increases by 250%
• Cialis is launched
• Levitra is launched
• Numerous studies on each are facilities to test which PDE5 blocker wins the day...
There you have it... today you have the choice between Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. So, which one is right for you and why?
Strengths & Weakness Of Each PDE5 Blocker
A full comparison is available at my site giving you all of the information you'll ever need...
To give you some background why it's important to review the strengths and weaknesses of each PDE5 blocker treatments, let me start by telling you, each and every erectile dysfunction treatment option is formulated and marketed with particular patient-types in mind. As such, when pharmaceutical representatives train doctors and urologists on erectile dysfunction treatments they're all pitching their product(s) to specific types of men.
As such the golden rule to selecting the right treatment is to find out which one you can best identify with and this is where I come in with www.erectile-dysfunction-and-treatments.com to help you.
Alright, let's get into it...
• Viagra (Sildenafil) Man: Each dose of Viagra, a Pfizer product, lasts up to 4 hours which really means you're getting a good 3 hours for your money. Sex in 3 hours... that's some pressure to perform isn't it? As with all PDE5 blocker products, it's very important to wait at least 1 hour after taking the tablet before engaging in sexual intercourse... don't forget I'm setting you up for success. Viagra's absorption is also affected, seriously inhibited in fact, by alcohol and fatty foods (a normal meal you'd receive at your favorite restaurant). Therefore, the ideal Viagra man is someone who enjoys and prefers planned sex, infrequent sex and who isn't bothered by the fact that he isn't able to razzle dazzle his sex partner with a nice glass of wine and dinner/lunch before having sex. In my experience educating doctors on treatments as a pharmaceutical representative, doctors also prefer to prescribe Viagra to men who may possibly need nitrate medication for heart pain, chest pain and/or angina. It's probably a good time to tell you that, if you're taking nitrates it's normally advised to avoid any PDE5 blocker... check with your doctor.
• Cialis (Tadalafil) Man: Not that it really matters too much but, Cialis is actually my preferred product for most men with any degree of erectile dysfunction. Let me tell you why... Cialis, by Lilly, is the only product delivering in excess of 36 hours of efficacy per dose. Wow... that's a lot of bang for your buck! Cialis as designed to help men with erectile dysfunction forget they have it! Sounds amazing doesn't it? In my opinion and many others share the same opinion, Cialis has actually achieved this. If you're new to any PDE5 blocker treatment the starting dose of Cialis is always 20 mg. After 6-8 weeks on the 20 mg you can opt to "upgrade" to the once-a-day everyday Cialis 5 mg dose. Just like taking your morning vitamins and other medications, the wonderfully engineered 5 mg dose of Cialis gives men constant erection enhancing ability helping them enjoy and initiate sex naturally... just as though they never had erectille dysfunction. Moreover, the absorption of Cialis into your system isn't affected by alcohol or fatty foods making this special erectile dysfunction treatment accommodating to your lifestyle and needs. The ideal Cialis patient is really anyone who prefers spontaneous sex, more frequent sex or unplanned sex. The Cialis man likes to feel in control of his erections and likes to forget he is restricted by erectile dysfunction. Are you a Cialis man?
• Levitra (Vardenafil) Man: Levitra , by bayer, isn't spoken about that much in doctor surgeries or amongst men with erectile dysfunction... it's disappointing because, Levitra is actually a wonderful product for the right person. In fact, in some aspects I prefer it over and above Viagra. Let me tell you a litle more about Levitra... It's designed for similar men who'd choose Viagra. It delivers just over 4 hours of efficacy, some trials report around 5-7 hours, but unlike Viagra it's absorption isn't as affected by alcohol and fatty foods giving you more freedom to enjoy sex as well as a normal lifestyle. In fact, as you will soon see, more men stay on Levitra when started on it compared to Viagra...
How You Benefit Using Patient-Preference Data
Patient preference data is helpful simply because, in various trial scientists were testing which product patient's preferred and stayed on and why.
In these trials, for example the Erectile Dysfunction Observational Study Int J Clin Pract 2007, Hatzichristou assembled 8,047 men over the age of 18 years of age to participate in a trial to see which product they stayed on and preferred. This is powerful data because, these trial participants didn't know which product they were taking, all they knew is they were taking a PDE5 blocker and had the option to switch products if they weren't satisfied with the treatment response.
Here are the results that benefit you...
• Cialis: 90% of trial participants starting on Cialis stayed on Cialis
• Viagra: 63.2% of trial participants starting on Viagra stayed on Viagra - the rest switched mostly to Cialis
• Levitra: 63.9% of trial participants starting on Levitra stayed on it - the rest switched to other products... mostly Cialis
In another randomized, open-label, crossover study adapted from Eardley et al. 2007 between Cialis and Viagra, a staggering 71% of men preferred Cialis compared to 29% of men on Viagra. A 42% difference is something worth keeping in mind!
You're probably asking why so many more men preferred Cialis over Viagra?
Out of the 206 men who participated in this trial, 138 said they liked Cialis because, they were able to get hard erections with sexual stimulation long after taking the drug and 73 men said the hardness and firmness of their erection was good.
In Summary: It's absolutely vital to read up on each product separately to help you decide which PDE5 blocker fits your erectile dysfunction needs and lifestyle needs. However, according to the data contained in this article, men on Cialis have less of a need to plan sex and they're able to take 1 pill and not worry about when they're going to have sex.
Where To From Here?
I'm continuously adding results of clinical trials to my site that help you make the right decision. Whether you're new to PDE5 inhibitor treatments or an existing PDE5 blocker user (of any band) I encourage you to let me into your treatment plan so that we can work together to help you forget you every had it!
I hope you will bookmark: www.erectile-dysfunction-and-treatments.com today.
Please also feel free, in fact I encourage you to do so, send me an email with any questions or ideas and I'll be sure to get back to you with the best information I can provide to help you.
Thank you.
No need for good luck here... you will succeed!
Author: www.erectile-dysfunction-and-treatments.com
Websites: www.erectionhub.com & http://www.erectile-dysfunction-and-treatments.com/index.html
You'll be sure to find everything you need. I'm also standing by ready to answer any questions or work off any ideas, all you need to do is send me an email.
See you soon!