For more than 30 years, James Deacon has been involved in extensive research into wide-ranging and diverse aspects of the field of 'Mind, Body & Spirit'.
Deeply involved with the art of Reiki Ryoho, James has a strong background in 'vital-energy therapy' disciplines - having worked primarily with SHEN®, Therapeutic Touch, Mesmero-Magnetic Healing, Tenchi Seiki Te-Ate, & specific aspects of Qi Gung, prior to undertaking Reiki Master Initiation & Training in 1998.
For James Deacon, Reiki Ryoho is a passion.
Insightful, and adept at 'reframing' as a means of helping people better understand, since 2001, he has been sharing his perceptions with the worldwide online Reiki Community - speaking his truth - often plainly and directly – often using humour, satire, irony to get his point across.
A skillful and dedicated researcher into the origins, history and evolution of the art of Reiki Ryoho, James Deacon's work has influenced a great many people in the worldwide Reiki Community to re-think and to re-evaluate what they have been sold as the “truth” - helping them to separate fact from fiction, debunking commonly repeated myths, and cut through the hype.
Tens of thousands of Reiki practitioners have read his articles, and downloaded his free ebooks from various online locations. For example, at one location alone:
his ebooks have been accessed more than 269,000 times
Over the years Reiki Master James Deacon has worked in a variety of roles including:
Freelance feature-writer
Technician/Creative - Digital Design Studio
Training Officer - working on various Government funded contracts
Recruitment Consultant
Office Manager
POTR (Point of Technical Reference) / Advisor - working for a private procurement/supply company within a UK Ministry of Defence building
Owner - "The Butterfly Net" - 'Esoteric' Artefacts, Jewellery, Books & Collectibles
He also runs the information web site:
James Deacon's REIKI PAGES []
This is a comprehensive Reiki-resource site offers a wealth of information, with over 300 pages of Reiki & other Energy-Therapies info.....
The site offers indepth articles on the Reiki symbols, history, techniques, styles, grading systems and other related topics.
It has numerous FREE EBooks, translations of early Reiki documents and rare photos of early Reiki practitioners; plus links to over 130 styles of Reiki and energy-therapy systems, from 'A.E.T' to Kofutu to Zarlen Therapy.
Reiki Ryoho:
Reiki Ryoho is a gentle, non-invasive, therapeutic practice involving the application of a set of 'received skills' which permit the therapist to assist individuals to relax in a very particular way, enabling their body-mind-spirit to access and activate its own, powerful, inherent, self healing mechanisms.