Keith Leon and Maura Leon are co-owners of Successful Communications
consulting and training, and co-authors of The Seven Steps to
Successful Relationships. In less than two years, Keith and Maura went
from relationship failures to the relationship of their dreams, and now
they share their secrets with others through their website,
newsletters, seminars, and coaching. They have appeared on popular
radio and television broadcasts, including The Rolonda Watts show and
the Shelley Martin show, and their work has been covered by newspapers
such as the Minneapolis–St. Paul Star Tribune and the Maryland
Herald-Mail. They are regular posters at The Huffington Post.
Keith and Maura have more than twenty-five years of combined training
and experience in the field of personal and professional development.
They’ve worked with leading experts of transformation, including Jack
Canfield, Byron Katie, Michael Beckwith, Terry Cole-Whittaker, John
Gray, Barbara DeAngelis and T. Harv Eker. As professional speakers,
life coaches and authors, they support both men and women in the areas
of career, family, community and love relationships. Their passion is
building personal and professional relationships that work.
On Keith and Maura’s website at
you’ll find an abundance of information and resources, including
interactive quizzes, informational downloads, audio and video
recordings, and much, much more!
Have you ever asked yourself these questions…
- Why am I here?
- What is the purpose of my life?
- How can I make more of an impact?
If you were offered the answers to these burning life
questions, would you listen?
successful thought leaders
share their secrets to
living with purpose
WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? Discover The Purpose Of Your Life, by Keith Leon, foreword by Jack Canfield...takes
you on the personal life
journeys of inspirational
self-growth leaders
(including 10 teachers from
the hit movie, The Secret)
and other successful
entrepreneurs, entertainers,
educators and healers.
the stories of well-known
people who have found their
answer to this question, and
find out when and how they
became clear on their
life’s purpose.
What do they believe about themselves, how do they continue
believing it, and how do
they keep going when other
people (or the voice inside
their own head) says, “Who
do you think you are to
attempt that or do that or
claim that?”
Even OPRAH knows that discovering your life
purpose is a priority, so much so that she has been holding the
largest web based seminars in history with Eckhart Tolle
about this very subject. Oprah has been speaking with
one man about this topic; Keith interviewed 64 mentors
just for you!
Learn more at:
is a short list of some of
the participants in this
great project:
Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor,
John Assaraf, Dr. John F.
Demartini, Dr. Joe Vitale,
John Gray Ph.D., Hale
Dwoskin, David Schirmer, Lee
Brower, Bill Bartmann, Marci
Shimoff, Christine Comaford-Lynch,
Alex Mandossian, Rhonda
Britten, Chris Attwood,
Janet Attwood, John Kehoe,
Les Brown,
Keb’ Mo’, Dr.
Terry Cole-Whittaker, Debra
Wilson Skelton, Craig
Shoemaker, Chantelle Paige,
Lissa Coffey, Debbie Allen,
Ric and Liz Thompson &
Rudy Ruettiger
Rave Reviews for Who Do You Think You Are?
“If you want to do, be, and have all that you desire in
this life, you must become clear about your purpose. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU
ARE? will help you discover what your purpose is.”
— Dr. Joe Vitale, Author, The
Key and Zero Limits
“Whether you already know your answer to this question or
not, this book will uplift your heart, mind and spirit.”
— Marci Shimoff, Author, NY Times Bestseller, Happy
for NoReason, Co-author, Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul, Featured
Teacher in The Secret
“Simple, clear, and powerful! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? will
help you to get clear about your purpose, so you can begin living the life you
were meant to live.”
— Dr. John F. Demartini, Best-selling Author of The
Breakthrough Experience, Featured Teacher in the hit movie The Secret
“This book will open
your eyes to new discoveries. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? is interesting,
insightful, and enjoyable to read. It could be worth its weight in gold to your
life and your career.”
— Christine Comaford-Lynch, Author of the NY Times Bestseller Rules for
Renegades and CEO of Mighty Ventures
"I know you will enjoy reading this book as much as I did
because it will inspire you to be all that you are capable of and it will
provide you with practical tips on how to do that.”
-- from the foreword by Jack Canfield,
co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul® and author of The
Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to BeTM
Learn more at:
and Maura have developed practical and
powerful tools for creating relationships
that work.”
John Gray, Ph.D., Author of Men
Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
remarkably useful book – heartfelt,
insightful and honest. Following Keith and
Maura’s Seven Steps will surely improve any
H. Ronald Hulnick, Ph.D.,
President, University of Santa Monica
loving relationships is the best part of
life. Read this book and gain the tools you
need to make sure you have the love you
Terry Cole-Whittaker, Author,
How to Have More in a Have-Not World
and What You Think of Me is None of My
- that pretty much sums up how I feel about
the simple, yet profound and effective steps
and tools that Keith and Maura have laid out
in this book. It's a godsend! My fiancé is
much happier since I have been practicing
the seven steps. God I needed to read
that...thank you Keith and Maura!"
-- David Faustino, actor (Married, With
material is very strong - and the way Keith
and Maura live it is even stronger. The
Seven Steps far exceeded my expectations."
- Roger Wakefield
"All I have to say is...COOL! You two have
inspired me. You recognized the need to
change something in your lives and you
leaped into action. So many of us don't make
that step. Taking a different action is the
key to changing my life's circumstances, and
my life is finally changing. I made a
promise to myself to let go of the idea that
my love is unworthy unless I'm fixing things
for my mate. It's making such a big
difference in me and my relationship."
- Benjamin Burchall
Ever dreamed of a life you wanted to have but didn't think you could create?
We enable people to do just that...
We would love, absolutely adore hearing you describe in detail, the life you've always wanted but didn't think you could create.
"Let each moment you live be filled with the LOVE you deserve." - Keith Leon
"If it aint fun, make it fun!" - Maura Leon
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