Leonard Sappleton is a retired teacher with training in the Biological Sciences as well as the Social Sciences, Laguage and Literature. Leonard did extensive personal research and experimenting in the area of personal growth and self improvement and perfected the formula for personal growth and success in his eBook, The Power Of Certainty, which outlines how one can live his/her life by choice instead of by chance.
He is also talented in the area of Public Speaking, motivating and Life coaching. He writes motivational and self improvement articles on his main blog; www.krascopsblog.com and also writes articles on Linkedin. He is a social media enthusiast.
Leonard has a keen sense of humor, is outgoing and takes an interest in other people's personal success. He currently promotes the Amway Business opportunity as an independent Business Owner and is an ongoing author.
He is married and the proud father of three children.
As the world turns, you would better turn with it or fall off!
To learn more about Leonard Sappleton you listen to an extended pod cast version of my Bio on my blog's 'about me' page or check out my Amazon author page
Email: leo_krascop@yahoo.com
Tel: 1340-9980677
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