A profound interest in human emotions, behavior, and
relationships has been a predominant factor all my life. The university curriculum which led to my
obtaining a degree in juridical science as well as in social
science also included intensive courses in philosophy.
In addition, being a mystic, I studied Buddhism,
Hinduism, Cabala and Taoism. As
a believer in the interdependence of the mind and body I have taken many theoretical
and practical courses in holistic and alternative therapies, such as Chinese
and Ayurvedic medicine, pranayama, meditation, etc. In the course of all these studies
I naturally delved into the theories of Jung and Freud.
Psychoanalysis had been my focus until
I learned the pratice and the techniques of hypnosis.
All of these have culminated in my
present activities of applying a “psychobiological” aproach in emotional reprograming.