Rae Roach is no stranger to struggle. Despite early professional successes and personal adventures, Rae admits now she always felt like an outsider in her own life. When a debilitating divorce and series of personal setbacks put her in a tailspin, Rae became completely unsure ofher own worth. Where did she belong? How had life become directionless, empty, and without joy? What was her true path?
Determined to strip away the masks that perpetuated her self-doubt and limiting beliefs, Rae embarked on an intense journey to find her authentic voice and speak her truth without fear. What she discovered was how the stories we tell ourselves shape our reality. She studied what it takes to dismantle the myths and lies we’ve incorporated into our personal narrative. She learned how to clear blame and fear from entrenched, unconscious patterns. She experienced that forgiving ourselves and others opens the door to our potential, and ultimately to hope and healing and happiness. She found the path to consciously creating the life she wanted.
Today Rae brings those lessons and insights to anyone struggling to find their way out of self-doubt and fear to a place of meaning and joy. Through dynamic speaking, writing, healing sessions, retreats, and workshops, Rae’s mission is to help others find their voice and purposewith more ease and support than she had, and to provide tools that will help them navigate whatever life brings their way. Her diverse professional experience in finance, legal,administration, facilities management, and human resources, combined with extensive training as a speaker and certifications as a life coach and practitioner of a wide-range of healing modalities, all lend a holistic and balanced understanding to her talks and consultations.
I always wanted to be someone .. just didn't know who.
No one is you and that is your super power!