The FIRST thing I advise you to do is to wear a Red Garnet (in Dutch: Rode Granaat of 'Almandien') or "Almandine". When I was in trouble family of mine gave me one. My partner came from Amsterdam where I had started a course at Stichting Caros. One in Witchcraft (Alexandrian / Greencraft) and one in Occultism. Because I was suddenly confronted with homelessness I asked the man where I cod stay, that also did these studies to marry me. Cod not have made a bigger mistake. He turned out to be a flipped, freaked out, paranoia marine officer. And he started to take it out on me. He kicked the child out of my bellly. When I needed to go to the hospital for 'curritatie', he made me go cycle all the way from Amsterdam to Oss, to have a miscarriage over at his sisters house. I ruined her bed. He had gave up his home in Amsterdam, so instead of finishing my study I was homeless once more, but this time with an asshole that beat me and yelled at me on a dayly base. I cooperated with a tv program making Caros look like a fool, and turning my highpriest and highpriestess in strange looking characters. My family then helped me out and I got a house in Rotterdam on my own name and I hoped that he would chill out. However, I starded an education in health care, but was one day mistreated so heavily I had to cancel my education. Then I received the Red Garnet to wear of Italian family of mine. Clearvoyance and psychic gifts are in my family. I inherited it of my great grandmother, who was herself, unfortunately, christian. Anyway, soon I meeted friends and I left my huspand, living in my mothers house, who he insulted, just like he insulted my father. My friends then helped me and we all went over to my house and chased him out! Then I cod finally divorce that asshole. I was also, when I contacted the Greencraft Wicca once more, invited for a weekend in the Dutch woods called the Pagan Wiccan Europe Convention. Before I cod explain my highpriest / highpriestess what had happened I was thrown out! While putting a test on me for my degree, for wich I have, looking backward, succeeded. Anyway, a while after my marriage was being undone I meeted a new friend. Also violent. I bought a Red Garnet and found the strength to get rid of him all the way by myself. After I got a house I was free to study in Sicily, adviced by my family in the Illuminati Maris Aeternam Order after my ex boyfriend put black magicians against me. I was (FINALLY!!!) attacked with black magic which expanded my magical skills greatly! The things I learned in Sicily can not be compared with all things I learned in the Netherlands. The material in the Netherlands is as good as worthless compared with the things I was teched in Sicily. And I got the highest degree. I am now free to teach everybody in this Sicilian Tradition, as long as I avoid my students getting into contact with them, because they are maffia in worship of Laverne, and they do not want any interference. But I am free, to teach whoever I want. And at least ONE pilgrimage to Sicily is an obligation for all of my students anyway. You see: in the Netherlands and in Wicca they will not tell you how to curse. They are against it. But if you fight a violent partner, making use of martial arts, you'll get into trouble with the police! Now, I live in the Netherlands. And guns are not allowed. I know how to get a gun in the Netherlands legally and I got one in my home since I received email of my ex-huspand. But if I'm being forced to use it, and if they find out I did, I will have to go to jail for a real long time. What you CAN do without any consequences is putting a curse on someone! No one can ever arrest you for that! That can NEVER be proven!!! And I can teach you how to do that!!! I had to invest quite an ammount of money in my studies, but the REAL art of magic is a study that is not free. There is somutch to learn and I got incredible things to show you!!! If you are interested please contact me! I got Red Garnets especially ritually devoted for people who need to get rid of a violent partner. They do incredible things! If you are in trouble: do NOT go to a comman health center, because they send you to a psychiatrist and a psychiatrist will only give you medication that is bad for you. (Please Google Citizins Comite on Human Rights) If you are in trouble: please contact ME!!! I am an expert with experience in this aeria. I can help you out!!!