Exclusive Health Report...
"Now You Can STOP You’re your Kidney Disease, AVOID & PREVENT Kidney Failure Even If You’ve Tried Diets, Medications, And So Called Natural Remedies Before With Little Or No Significant Signs Of Improvement!”
Discover The REAL Secret To Ending Your Suffering With Kidney Disease And Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Safely and Naturally, Even If A Doctor Told You There Is Nothing That You Can Do ... Guaranteed!
Are you dealing with kidney disease or chronic kidney disease and scared of kidney failure and dialysis?
Does it seem holpless -- because if you have kidney disease you there are aren't many treatment options available ...
Well, be sure to read this entire letter and this profile very carefully, because I'm about to show you how you can safely and easily STOP your kidney disease, prevent kidney failure and avoid dialysis ...
... and start saving your kidneys and improving your quality of life!
Why I Can Help You With Your Kidney Disease or Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Hello, my name is Robert Galarowicz - Naturopath & Nutritionist - and I’m known as an expert on kidney disease and I am the founder of Healthy Kidney Publishing, and creator of "The All Natural Kidney Health & Kidney Function Restoration Program.
Why I am Obsessed Day And Night With Kidney Disease
Since 22 years old I have lived with every aspect of chronic kidney disease (CKD) from progressing renal kidney failure to being on dialysis for 2 ½ years and for the last 10 years living with a cadevour kidney transplant ...
After I got my life together, became a naturopath (official title for what is commonly known as holistic, alternative, natural health doctor) and nutritionist, I spent hundreds to thousands of hours and dollars researching and studying everything I could about chronic kidney disease natural treatments, natural kidney remedies, supplements, diets for ckd and more from all around the world.
The truth was I was SCARED TO DEATH of ever having kidney failure and wanted to avoid dialysis and living a MISERABLE life hooked up to dialysis machine.
I implanted everything I discovered into my own life and into my consulting practice working with local chronic kidney disease clients and nephrologists within the New Jersey and New York metropolitan area.
All of this research and working closely with kidney disease sufferers allowed me to see what works, what doesn’t and what is a waste of time that lead me to create “The All Natural Kidney Health & Kidney Function Restoration Program.”
Which is the name for a very serious product which I couldn’t be prouder of. And have been (honestly) kind of shocked at how well it works ...
The "No Dialysis Needed" All Natural Kidney Health & Kidney Function
Restoration Program: The Safe and Natural Way To Learn How To Avoid Dialysis,
Prevent Kidney Failure and Even Gain Back Kidney Function
Yes, you can stop your kidney disease and even improve it with natural kidney remedies ...
This revolutionary treatment for any form of kidney disease is called The All Natural Kidney Health & Kidney Function Restoration Program, and it’s a a simple, step-by-step system can help anyone at any stage of kidney disease to improve their kidney health, eliminate symptoms and learn how to avoid dialysis.
This All Natural Kidney Healing Program contains ...
If You Have Kidney Disease You Owe It To Yourself To Take TWO Minutes To Learn
More About How A New Natural Kidney Healing Program Can Help You Avoid
Dialysis, Improve Your Kidney Function And Live A Life FREE Of Misery!
Click Here To Watch A FREE Limited Time Presentation On Over 7 Tips To Better Kidney Health!
"Learn Exactly How To Reverse Your Impaired Kidney Function And Begin Healing Your Damaged Kidneys, In Just A Few Short Weeks, Using A Step-By-Step Scientifically Proven Diet, Natural Remedies & Treatments With No
Wasted Money, No Pain And No Harmful Side Effects..."
Visit http://www.healkidneydisease.com
Read what some customers of the The All Natural Kidney Health & Kidney Function Restoration Program are saying ...
Creatinine From 2.7 to 1.8, GFR From 24 to 44, And Potassium Back In A Normal Range
"Hi Robert, Thank you so VERY much. I was really worried I was going to lose my husband. Mark had high blood pressure that caused a lot of kidney damage. We saw a dietitian that gave us some useful information, but I really was looking for something more. When I came upon your program I was excited to get started. I purchased it, downloaded it right away and went out and got all the foods and supplements for his kidney disease you recommended to start giving to Mark.
I must thank you greatly for your program. He has more energy and most of his symptoms have cleared up. It has been 10 months and everything has been staying steady. Your program explains every aspect of how to help kidney disease and makes perfect sense that even a housewife, like myself, understands."
-Mark & Barbara Henswourth
Lowell, Massachusetts
No More Protein In My Urine And Inflammation Is Gone
"Hi Robert,
Living on a small farm I wasn't sure I would be able to follow your treatment program. I felt very relieved that you provided the exact products, supplements for kidney disease and internet stores to get them from. This made it very easy for me. I was able to modify my diet like you recommended and was happy to find I had most of the food already on my farm.
I had IgA Nephropathy kidney disease for years but was okay until recently. My doctor said I had a lot of protein in my urine and inflammation. I took medications like prednisone which helped but nowhere near enough and the side effects were really bad.
Your program really made sense to me. I followed it and took all the anti-inflammatory supplements. On my 3 month follow up the doctor said I had normal amounts of protein in the urine and the inflammation was better. He lowered my prednisone which was a big relief for me.
By the way your kidney diet is easy to follow and eating out guide is very helpful, especially when I visit my family in the city."
-James Anderson
Harrison County, West Virginia
Healthy Kidney Publishing
1 Sears Dr. Fl#3
Paramus, NJ 07652