Born and raised in a small Florida town, Shae, had the gift of intuition. Always having an inner knowing of events to come, people others could not see or feel and the gift of healing hands, Shae would use her gifts and talents often in secret.
After moving to Atlanta in her 20s, She began to open the doors to all of her gifts and fine tune them. She is a Reiki Master/Teacher (2 forms), Master Reflexologist, Nationally Certified Massage Therapist, Animal Communicator, Holistic Life Coach and Intuitive. She is an expert at using her healing gifts and intuitive talents for helping others be it for complimentary alternative health treatments or working with animals or children.
As a Neuromuscular Massage Therapist, Shae specializes in pain relief, postural correction, nerve entrapment release, post and pre-operative care. Shae has had great success in treating migraine pain, whiplash, back pain, Thoracic Outlet pain and Carpel Tunnel pain.
Shae is located in the Los Angeles area and offers her services to people online, over the phone or in person. She donates her time to Adopt-A-Golden Golden Retriever Rescue in Atlanta as their Animal Communicator. Her passion is helping all beings (human or animal) live healthy, whole and fulfilled lives through self-awareness and communication. She is available for consults regarding adults, children and animals (living or passed).
It is my hope to connect with like-minded individuals and to help all of those in need to live a healthy, relaxed and more fulfilled life.
I am very strong and passionate about my faith and the love of God. I respect all religious beliefs and work within the parameters of the belief system of my clients.