Valerie Lowe is a fully qualified Holistic Therapist working in Ashford, Kent, England.
Holistic medicine is a term used to describe therapies that attempt to treat the person as a whole, instead of treating just the symptoms of an illness. Holistic Medicine looks at an individual's overall physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being before recommending treatmentThere are no limits to the range of diseases and disorders that can be treated, as the principle of holistic healing is to balance the body, mind, spirit, and emotions so that the person's whole being functions smoothly. When an individual seeks holistic treatment for a particular condition other health problems often improve without direct treatment, due to an improved performance of the immune system, which is one of the goals of holistic medicine.Valerie Lowe is a professionally qualified holistic practitioner and a full member of The Association of Reflexologists, Master Teacher Member of The UK Reiki Federation and Member of theNHS Directory of Complementary and Alternative Practitioners.
Taking an holistic approach to healthcare, and often working alongside 'medical science', Complementary and Alternative Medicine is being used by increasing numbers of people, who have found it effective in assisting at times of physical, mental and emotional stress.
Providing a calm & comfortable environment in which to relax, your fully qualified therapist will work with you to plan an individual course of treatment to help improve both your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
Reflexology is a natural and very relaxing, holistic therapy that works by stimulating reflex points on the feet and hands, which have been found to correspond with organs, systems and structures within the entire body.By stimulating the circulation and autonomic nervous system, Reflexology can help with elimination of toxins, improve blood supply and boost the immune system, restoring energy and balance.
By putting gentle pressure on the feet it brings about a state of deep relaxation, which can in turn encourage the body's own self-healing mechanism to 'kick in'.
Reiki is a Japanese method of stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes self-healing.A non-invasive, safe, natural and holistic way of treating many acute and chronic conditions that brings about spiritual, mental and emotional wellbeing.
Reiki is compatible with just about everything in life and is today used in GP’s surgeries, hospices, post-operative recovery care units and increasingly in hospital complementary therapy units in the UK and abroad.
Indian Champissage (Head Massage ) has been practised for over a thousand years in India.A wonderfully relaxing method of stress-relief where the client remains fully-clothed during treatment, sitting in an ordinary comfortable low-backed chair. A great therapy for in the workplace or after a long journey or a stressful day. There is no need to use oils, although they can be used if desired and the ease of application makes ‘Champi’ a popular treatment for all, including pregnant and disabled people. An excellent therapy for problems of :Stress, neck, back & Shoulders, Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
Eye-strain, Migraine, Headaches, Tinitus, Mental tiredness & Depression.
Thermo-Auricular© Therapy (Hopi Ear Candling with Auricular & Facial Massage):
A safe and gentle natural alternative to syringing; a traditional remedy used by Shamen healers - introduced to Europe by the Hopi people of North & South America.
This relaxing and calming therapy is successfully used for problems of the ear, nose, throat and head areas The Lymphatic system and metabolism are favourably influenced by this intensive, painless and pleasant method of heat application
Indications for use are: Irritations of the Ears & Sinuses, Headaches, Migraines, Sinusitis, RhinitisStress relief and Relaxation and Stimulation of circulation.