We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Friendship & Loneliness". If you have expertise in Friendship & Loneliness and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
How to get your man back after a break up; If you are thinking about how to use reverse psychology to get your ex back, it is very simple to do. You are just going to figure out things that up front are not anything special but they can have some psychological impact on who you direct it to. ... Views: 1125
I want to get back with my ex girlfriend; Do you have an ex girlfriend that you would like to get back? You have probably been struggling to keep your self-control while trying to get over your break up, you will need to get yourself together before you proceed. If you can't calm down enough to ... Views: 1106
It’s been a long hard winter of spending many a day inside planted in front of this computer of mine. I love and hate this blessed and cursed place. The warm outside temps that got me to the park for a mid-afternoon walk today further drove home what I have been sensing lately which is that ... Views: 1138
Text to get your boyfriend back; If you are trying to get your ex back after having broken up, are you the only one of the two trying to resolve the situation? This can be difficult to do but if you pursue it with confidence you have a good chance of succeeding. The following four steps will ... Views: 818
How do i make my ex want me back; If you feel your relationship is not doing too well, what can you do about it? Is it possible your relationship is too far gone to save it? Or hopefully you are willing to start early to fix things when signs of trouble emerge. If the relationship has gotten ... Views: 934
When one feels close to someone, there are likely to be a number of reasons why. One may know what these reasons are, or it may take them a while to realise why they feel the way they do.
The connection they feel with the other person is likely to have built up over time. This is not to say ... Views: 1539
I need my ex lover back; If you find that your ex wants to get back together with you but you are not interested, you may be in a difficult position. You may have no interest in getting back with your ex for whatever reason or may just want to be friends. If your ex is putting pressure on you to ... Views: 2078
Is Your Ex Thinking About You; If you agree with your ex to get back with each other, the two of you need to make sure that your relationship will be more successful this time around. Is your ex thinking about you - what to do about your relationship.
What Your Ex Is Really Thinking; A ... Views: 960
Dear Dr. Romance
I am in a terrible funk over a failed relationship that lasted 2 years and I thought would lead to marriage. We met online and now I'm afraid if I go online again, he will see my profile and/or I will see his. I took this breakup so hard, the thought of that happening just ... Views: 1400
How to tell your ex you still love her; If you are one that is trying to get his ex girlfriend back, there is some superior and terrible news. First you get the terrible news, this is that there really is no sure way to get your ex back. There is a superior chance your ex girlfriend is gone ... Views: 2248
Is my ex over me; Experiencing a break up does not have to be the end of the world. It also does not mean it has to be the end of your relationship either. Many times a break up will help a person to realize just how much they loved the person they were with and what a great relationship they ... Views: 1487
Winning your girlfriend or boyfriend back; Have you been looking for the best way to get your ex back? You do not need to search far because a lot of the basic information on this can be found on the internet. Listed below are some of the better ways that people have used to get their ... Views: 724
How do you get your boyfriend back; If you have been suffering the pain of getting neglected by your boyfriend you can rest guaranteed you are not the only one. There are many around the globe that is experiencing the same thing you are. They may be thinking just like you, wondering how you can ... Views: 811
Dear Dr. Romance:
My entire adult life, I have gone out to all the places you're told to go to meet someone special. Nothing. I never even get asked out. It's like I'm invisible, and my life has wasted away because there's not a damn thing I can to do to 'make' someone ... Views: 1019
This article was original published on: http://raiseyourvibrationtoday.com/articles/2015/01/22/law-attraction-friends-4-qualities-look/
If you want to become a master of the Law of Attraction, it is important that you keep good company. Our lives become what we think about, talk about and ... Views: 1231
While someone can have relationships that they want to be in, they can also have relationships that they don’t want to be in. This doesn’t mean that one will no longer spend time with these people though; as they might still spend time with them.
In this case, one is not going to be ... Views: 1467
Dear Dr. Romance:
I am single man, I have question for you, is it natural for a man to masturbate? I normally, do it everyday, sometimes 4 times a day. Tell me if its wrong or normal to fantasize my cousin and she is a woman? Is it that wrong thing to do? I love to masturbate and to me ... Views: 1259
Make new friends, keep the old. One is silver, the other is gold.——adage
Research conducted by Dr. Dean Ornish and others shows that the happiest and healthiest people are those who are well-connected to friends and family. But, in our mobile society, keeping friends is not always possible. ... Views: 1117
If you find you're telling yourself you still love your boyfriend or girlfriend, you must decide what to do about it. How can you tell if your ex wants you back; It is natural to experience outstanding love after breaking up.
How to tell if your ex still has feelings for you; You experienced ... Views: 891
Originally published here: http://www.nurturingmarriage.org/the-little-things/3-ways-facebook-is-killing-your-marriage
Facebook is great. It is something that most of us use almost every day. However, it shouldn't be surprising to hear that Facebook has been mentioned in many a divorce ... Views: 1100
Holding on to a failed relationship in the guise that you want him as a friend is in no way a wrong thing to do but the fact that you know it cannot be salvaged and you still hold on to a man who probably has moved on is an injustice to yourself and your love life. Every woman hopes to meet a ... Views: 865
Bill: I love you, Amy.
Amy: I don't.
Bill: Amy, no one can ever love you more than me.
Amy: I know Bill, but I don't feel the same for you.
Bill: I can't live without you Amy.
Amy: Bye Bye Bill
Bill tried his best to explain Amy but Amy didn't understand his feelings. It happens all the ... Views: 1019
Dear friend, how do you keep from repeating the old behaviors and patterns that no longer serve you in your relationships and your life? (An excerpt from my NEW eBook – 7 Steps To Becoming An Empowered Single Woman which will be publish soon. SO LOOK OUT FOR IT.)
You have to make creating the ... Views: 1438
Sometimes you can find out that you have made a mistake where you will end up cheating on your loved one. In such a case many things will come to your mind. Among the worst things that will always pass through your mind is feeling guilty. Remember cheating is an act that will make you restless ... Views: 2542
On the topic of intimacy many people might say, “What do we really mean by intimacy anyway?” Intimacy is both a familiarity with and a deep knowledge of another person. And in fact, the first person that we really need to be intimate with is ourselves. Our capacity to see and relate to another ... Views: 1124
I am in my own state of shock. My friend, Marsha, called this morning to tell me that her daughter, Lauren, had committed suicide. She was 34 years old, the same age as my oldest daughter, Alicia. I’ve known Marsha since we attended Kino Junior High together. Some 15 years later Marsha, our ... Views: 1999
The thing is, there really is a difference in how you feel after you overcome shyness.
I'm not talking about overcoming shyness where you get bold for a brief moment and then anxiety creeps back in.
I'm talking about a full blown recovery where there is no going back.
A few years ago I ... Views: 1598
It all began when I was studying psychology in college in the 1960’s. That’s not as far back as you think. Just think of Abraham Maslow writing his paper in 1943 on what he called the “Hierarchy of Needs.” Both he and his pyramid have been revered for more than 70 years. I’m pediatrics ... Views: 1303
When you feel beset in your life, and people close to you seem to be difficult and uncooperative, consider that they may be reflecting back to you the behavior your own anxiety is creating toward them. Learning to let go of your obsessively trying to control others can free you to receive ... Views: 1714
Friend: One who is attached to another by affection; one who entertains for another sentiments of esteem, respect and affection, which leads him/her to desire their company and to seek to promote their happiness and prosperity. Noah Webster - 1828 Dictionary
The first act of friendship is ... Views: 1378
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Gossip - by Kasia Jarosinska (www.spiritualshifts.com)
When we directly or indirectly participate in negative talk about others or gossip, we are not a match to divine love. Our choice to listen to, indulge, participate in, spread or instigate gossip or negative talk of any kind directed towards others causes an absolute breakdown of our ... Views: 1298
As one of the most popular social networking sites online, Facebook provides you the opportunity to promote yourself, your site, your business, your events, and your clients.
Facebook, due to its social nature, creates a lot of opportunity to promote your products and services. However, this ... Views: 1115
Yes, it’s true…I’ve joined the ranks of Facebook rejects. Amazingly, I still don’t know why this happened. There could be any number of reasons from too many friends, too many messages, too many invitations or being perceived as a spammer. Regardless of the reason, the fact remains; I have to ... Views: 1565
Here’s a wonderful poem on friendship I came across, written by David Leonhardt.
Choose friends wisely, the portrait they paint
Is who you are and who you ain't.
Friendship is life's great support
When friends are of the right sort.
For all your dreams do they make room,
Or bring you ... Views: 1120
"It’s the most wonderful time of year" for some, filled with anticipation and excitement. And, it’s the most difficult time of the year for others who are barely putting one foot in front of the other due to illness or sadness. Now’s your chance to bring some holiday cheer to someone who could ... Views: 1241
Direct support Professional's (DSP's) have an important role in assisting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in becoming a part of their community. There are three areas we will explore in increasing successful community integration. Understanding the meaning of community ... Views: 1124
Dear Dr. Romance:
My husband/best friend crossed-over a few years ago and I still miss him terribly. I think of him every day and his essence is is always with me. I am still in love with him and cannot imagine having a relationship with another man. At this time, however, I have ... Views: 1280
Happiness Is Not A Result of Our Environment
Our Environment Is A Result of Our Happiness
We have the power and the right to be Happy in each moment of time no matter what challenges we are going through. We can be Happy and successful, regardless of problems and setbacks.
Our ... Views: 1398
Life, to many, seems like it is a series of popularity contests. The only people who don’t like popularity contests are those that either believe they will lose them, or worse, do lose them. They hold their breath each time they walk into a room, get up to speak, raise their hand in class or go ... Views: 1194
My interest was piqued when I saw the commercials for the new ABC series called “Selfie.” The new series starred Karen Gillan, a Scottish actress who I knew because she starred in my favorite TV show of all time, Doctor Who. It also starred John Cho an actor whom I knew from the reboot movie ... Views: 1453
“You cannot change the people around you, but you can change the people you choose to be around.” -Unknown
Human consciousness is shifting. We are splitting in two very different ways as a society. While one group moves closer to chaos, war, violence, and consumerism, the other is shifting ... Views: 2626
"We are our own dragons as well as our own heroes, and we have to rescue ourselves from ourselves.” – Tom Robbins, Still Life with Woodpecker
I’ve walked away from many relationships, both platonic and romantic, over the past two years. Those people may never understand my decisions, but I ... Views: 1300
If you want to be a cool person who other people like, respect, and gravitate toward, there are just five key things you need to do to make that happen.
But before I tell you what they are, let's first define what or who a cool person is.
And the best way to do that is to first reveal what ... Views: 1297
The last couple weeks we’ve been talking about the important topic of suicide. In the United States, it’s the 10th leading cause of death. The strongest risk factor is depression. Chances are that you have had or will have a friend who is at risk. You may be reluctant to talk to him about his ... Views: 1685
I was recently sitting in my favorite coffee shop, and remembering my dear friend who used to meet me there and who died not long ago. As I get older, I’m experiencing more and more loss, and so are my friends of a similar age. Those of us who survive loss still have to “keep calm ... Views: 1648
Feeling lonely is painful. Often people who feel lonely exacerbate the situation by blaming themselves. Why am I lonely? Because other people don’t like me. Why don’t they like me? Because I’m a loser. It’s not hard to imagine how this internal conversation can go downhill very quickly and make ... Views: 1158
Loneliness is a tricky thing to combat. Loneliness seems to beget loneliness. When you feel isolated you crawl into your shell and become more so. You feel separated from other human beings. You may have physical symptoms too, like an ache or a heaviness in your chest. It’s not a good ... Views: 1295
Dear Dr. Romance:Thank you for your free articles, you have a lot of good stuff in there. A couple of the girls at work and I read your articles and get a good laugh. You're giving advice assuming that our lives are what YOU consider normal. You have a good job, make good money, live in a ... Views: 1429
Dear Dr. Romance:
How can I sign up for your Happiness Tips newsletter? I want to read "The One Who Got Away." Also which article would you recommend reading in my case? I met a wonderful lady who loves dancing like I do, and for almost 8 months she has been getting her house ... Views: 1444
Dear Dr. Romance:
My best friend isn't talkin with me since 2 months now. I'm frustrated. We are best friends since 3 yrs now. In feb suddenly she stopped talking. We just had a small fight as in regular nothing serious. When i asked she said she doesnt want to talk anything for ... Views: 1981