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Keep Your Health On Track with Mindfulness - by Julie Potiker, author of Life Falls Apart, but You Don’t Have To: Mindful Methods for Staying Calm In the Midst of Chaos
Mindfulness is a tool that can help us live "on purpose" rather than feeling like we are at the whim of all that happens to us. With practice, we can use it to observe ourselves without judgement, respond rather than react in challenging situations, and feel more in control of the choices we ... Views: 1135
Choose knowledge, questions and action and depression will no longer feel comfortable with your company.
What we watch daily is the dish that feeds our thoughts. Today, let me serve you with pride the most elite delicacy our world has to offer.
For the last twenty years, something magical ... Views: 897
Noting my yearning to reach beyond early limitations brought me to a new mental and spiritual space.
God: NOT a big bearded man in the sky. The “All-There-is,” Creator, Source and Universe is not a limited human being.
Words cannot describe God, but some ... Views: 955
Summer arrives, a time for travel, enjoyment, being with friends and family. A time for romance and love. Of course we all want friends, companions, company, love. We need to feel close and connected.
We can enjoy a friendship for many years, but then often, we drift apart or the friendship ... Views: 4914
The Hindu mythology boosts of 33 crore Gods and Goddesses. Each of these deities are known to possess unique powers. Hanuman holds a special position in Hinduism. Would-be mothers and young men worship Hanuman most sincerely. Hanuman is known for several distinguished features. Let us ... Views: 1058
Many of us run around at top speed trying to do it all a great deal of the time. There are quite a few expectations and quite a few triggers around every corner, it seems.
Our bodies, though, likely don’t know that little crises will soon pass. Our bodies just keep taking the hit. For me ... Views: 1051
Dr. Romance writes: This is often called the Season of Peace, as in "Peace on Earth; Good Will to Men" Yet there is so much unrest in the world today: the world is still involved in wars, terrorism seems to be endemic worldwide, and domestic violence and hatred still dominate the news. ... Views: 1197
"Gratitude is not only in what you do
but how you approach what you do."
There are some whose lives are filled with great blessings but still feel that they have nothing. And there are those who are truly poor, yet given even the slightest crumb will feel they are most fortunate. ... Views: 1342
Dr. Romance writes:
OK, so you're disappointed. Your dream has ended in the trash. So, after you get finished with laying on the floor, kicking your heels, and screaming; or going on a drunken binge, or beating someone up, you find you're still disappointed, and all ... Views: 1020
Psychologist Wm James said, We can alter our lives by altering our attitudes.
Why not start with gratitude? Dr. Hans Selye said it’s the most healing of all emotions.
At its core, gratitude is being grateful that we have something and maybe also being grateful that we don’t have some other ... Views: 1081
For many, one of the most rewarding and fulfilling volunteer opportunities out there is cuddling babies in the neonatal intensive care unit. Parents of premature infants try their best to spend as much time as possible in the hospital with their newborn, but it is impossible to spend day and ... Views: 1366
I recently found out that I had been approved for a new visa to live and work in the United Kingdom. This new visa, just like the last one is good for two and a half years. When I look back at my time living in the UK, it has been a lifetime. I don’t mean that to sound negatively but rather ... Views: 1011
The Science of Gratitude
Learning to cultivate an attitude of gratitude is not only simple, it’s good for us on so many levels. It increases our vibration, it nourishes the soul and it begins to shape our lives, enabling us to manifest every joy and happiness into our lives. But it’s not just ... Views: 825
This weekend, I went on a 12-mile hike. It was hot, and it was painful, and my legs ached and screamed after about mile 9.
Looking back, it was a perfect Saturday- an experience cultivated of joy, freedom, and empowerment in the highest senses of the word.
When I reflect on my happiest ... Views: 1350
Occasionally we all get those moments when we feel a little sorry for ourselves or that the world is not always quite so fair. Happens to all of us, certainly has done to me and I am sure it is the same for you as well. Having the odd moments of Thoughts Leading to Nought are part and parcel of ... Views: 1148
It’s no secret that we live in a society that encourages us to be self-focused. Every time we turn on our televisions, listen to the radio, or drive by a billboard, we see messages advertising the latest beauty product, skincare regime, or clothing fad. If we let them, these announcements of how ... Views: 1149
So, you want to know about one of my favorite guilty pleasures?
You might have a similar one.
I love watching House Hunters on HGTV! There’s nothing better to do on a lazy Sunday morning, coffee in hand (or let’s be honest…a homemade mimosa) than curled up on my couch watching TV, and ... Views: 1347
In self-reflection, this past weekend I realized that I have done just that, I enjoyed 7 hours of contentment and inner peace. In making some conscious choices, I was able to make the time for myself to intentionally relax and enjoy my day. I treated me to a moment in time where I was able to ... Views: 1392
One of the best ways to start your day is by focusing on what you are grateful for. This is the best way to attract more of what you are grateful for into your life. Sit back, relax and enjoy this sample from "Morning Gratitude".
Gratitude meditation is a focused meditation exercise. It is a ... Views: 1658
Recovery author and guru, John Bradshaw once talked about being a "human being" instead of a "human doing." While New Age thoughts talk about the illusions of being a human. Never happy we're we are in life. Always having to get "there" and when it finally becomes our "here" we realize that ... Views: 1323
Happy New Year! Regardless of how it went for you, 2017 is gone. There were challenges that faced many of us, and even some that tried to suck our souls like a newly purchased Roomba. However, in spite of the attempts, we're still here.
There's something about adversity. It mobilizes the ... Views: 1301
We all want to have joy and abundance, but get stuck in the monotony of jobs, families, and responsibilities. This monotony can make life seemingly float by without authenticity.
What can you do to attract joy and abundance into your everyday life? Here are four ways to easily add flavor to ... Views: 1202
Dr. Romance writes:
As a parade went by, one of the horses pulling a float entry left a memento in the middle of the road right in front of where we were watching from the sidewalk. From that point on, every band or group that came marching down the road marched bravely on, right through the ... Views: 1476
Giving up a child for adoption can be an emotionally difficult process. If you're pregnant and thinking about giving your baby up for adoption, you have likely thought long and hard about your options, weighed the consequences of each, and decided that this is the best route for you to ... Views: 1801
Start every day to smile in the face, and I’m sure the days will prove to be a very happy and special days of your life.
There are so many reasons to worry and feel bad about, in this world; but very few reasons to be happy and we have to find them all to be happy.
Don't collect ... Views: 1776
Studies show gratitude makes a difference in helping people grow. There’s a field called positive psychology studying in a scientific way what makes life worth living.
It’s a way of looking at strengths, to build yourself up in ways that are particularly useful for business startup.
And ... Views: 1240
Have you ever imagined how law of attraction and healthy habits could be interlinked?
Right from the beginning, this earth has witnessed the law of attraction or manifestation in a high-calibrated way. We all live in the empire of the power of now. Wondering what do you mean by the power of ... Views: 1458
Musicians often have hell to pay for playing rock and roll. They shoulder the blame for being in cahoots with the devil, and for glorifying him with secret messages supposedly hidden in their songs. If a berserk kid goes on a shooting spree, rock music must surely have possessed his soul. If a ... Views: 3323
As I sit here in my car in the hot Texas summer, I have a sense of peace in my heart. I look out the car window and am amazed at the beautiful green trees that stand resilient against the beating heat. If you look hard enough you can see a pure white aura glowing from their steady statures. ... Views: 1580
Living purposefully adds years – as well as higher quality – to your life. But how do we go about living purposefully?
First, let’s look at a couple of recent studies and what they say about purpose and longer life. In one study done in the UK, researchers found that people who believe their ... Views: 1280
What is happiness? Happiness does not come from material things or from others, it is a state of mind, our attitude towards everyday life, it is the journey and not the destination.
No question money carries a significant role in someone happiness, however, I would ... Views: 1562
There is no doubt about it. December is the time of year that is synonymous with giving. Whether it is family, friends, co-workers, charitable organizations or the people who make our lives better, we all have our lists and are checking them twice! Most of us love to give -- and when we do so, ... Views: 1061
As each one of my three daughters comes home for the Thanksgiving vacation holiday, my heart expands and I am overcome by all of the amazing gifts that I have in my life. Of course, also on the top of my list of the gifts and blessings I have in my life is Debbie Ford, the brilliance she shared ... Views: 1325
Success isn’t owned, it’s leased,,,,,and rent is due every single day – JJ Watt, Defensive End, Houston Texans
I’ve been spending a fair amount of time thinking about commitment and how that manifests in my life. When I got sober I made a commitment to my grandmother that I would stay sober. ... Views: 1743
As some of you might know I have been working on writing my first book. I was very honored when I found out that the highly renowned multimedia publishing company Sounds True wanted to publish it. After going back and forth on some of the terms of the agreement, they sent me a final draft of our ... Views: 1126
With all the shootings, wars, and violence in the world, not to mention the heat of the our current political environment, it’s easy to lose sight of the good.
Yet good there is, always. Good people striving to make the world a better place regardless of the turmoil of the moment.
Two ... Views: 1264
If on a given day your aim was to accomplish the following:
A glass of water in the morning
20 min walk in the evening
Paying the phone bill
Doing groceries
Having a nice cup of coffee
And you accomplish all of it – You are successful! By definition you are ... Views: 1211
Living a fruitful life requires you deal with the pits at one time or another. Life isn't easy. No one ever said it was. However, we often get stuck and fall into a stooper that can lead to clinical depression if left unchecked.
What stops you from leading a fruitful life? Is it the hard work ... Views: 1294
Ask, Believe, Receive
It sounds simple, and there are even guided steps on how to make the Law of Attraction works. You can probably find most of it online. I found most of it focusses on thoughts, belief and gratitude. And it really sounds easy to practice. Well, I'm not sure whether it ... Views: 1393
Ever since we were young, we’ve been asked to compete, to make sure that we’re the best at everything, to ensure that we are always at the top. For most of us, it starts when we’re young; we are told to be the best in class or get first place in sports and stuff like that. We were not taught how ... Views: 1538
"Come on, Dr. Mantell, you've practiced psychotherapy for more than 40 years, have been a transformational leadership coach and mentor. You must have some rules to live well that you'd be willing to share." Of course I do, and I'm happy to do so, But first, a question for you.
When it comes ... Views: 1371
"The economy is in a slump."
"People aren't spending money on services."
You hear this, and more, every day. Sigh.
No wonder entrepreneurs lose sleep worrying about their financial future.
It can make you crazy, can't it?
But is this the only way to think? Do we need to 'buy into' ... Views: 1616
are some tips our
psychics provided in adopting more
Adopt a Pet.
. Scientific tests have proven that stroking an animal’s fur can decrease
someone’s blood strain, nevertheless it turns out that acquiring a canine, cat
or other animal companion ... Views: 1072
Respect. It’s hard to define it in words but if Google was any help here, this is what I got out of it. Respect is having an admiration for something or someone and treating that thing or person 'well'.
Now treating it or them well is easily misunderstood by all of us. A very simple example ... Views: 1344
Today I was speaking with another therapist and he was sharing a story of struggle and at the end stated, “At least I’m not dead.” I was blown away in the moment of truth in that statement. Truly, we ALWAYS have something to be grateful for in our lives. Yes, I know that bad things can happen ... Views: 1562
Every evening, minus a few exceptions, the first thing I do when I get in bed is write in my gratitude journal. I take a couple of minutes to answer questions about my happiness such as 'what am I grateful for?', 'what did I do great today?', and 'what amazing things happened today?'.
It's ... Views: 1250
To test your open-mindedness, let me ask you a question. Imagine that I were to show you a picture of an angry and intimidating looking Arab guy with a big beard. What do you think? What is the first thing that comes to your mind?
Is it the word 'terrorist'?
If the first thing that came to ... Views: 2205
Because emotionality and sensitivity are frequently looked down upon, while their opposing character traits are heavily romanticized in the Western world, people often have a disturbed image of their own emotional behavior. We are constantly under pressure to restrain our emotional selves. We ... Views: 1373
I am grateful for the Hallmark hype and everyone’s marketing for Thanksgiving. It’s a perfect opportunity to focus on giving thanks and gratitude but let’s not wait for this once a year celebration. If you celebrate the American Thanksgiving or already celebrated the Canadian Thanksgiving in ... Views: 1433
Lately I’ve had one of those soul searching questions rattling around in my head, “When is enough, enough?” Whenever these types of questions pop up in my life, I always look to the same two sources for the answers. First I turn to nature and quietly pay attention to her many worlds, by ... Views: 1410