We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Gratitude". If you have expertise in Gratitude and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Dating Tips is something you need to understand while you are dating seriously and to avoid follies that can topple relationships. The scenario in the net is that, you will come across a plethora of profiles while you flip through different free online dating sites. Some of them will be serious ... Views: 2694
12 Things to Do for 2012
It’s that time of year again…people are taking stock of where their lives are, what they have accomplished in the past year, and setting goals for the new year. What’s on your list this year? What will make a difference to actually seeing your goals come to ... Views: 1859
If you’ve been doing any personal develop or “walking your path” for any length of time, you’ve at least heard (if not experienced) that gratitude is an incredibly powerful tool for manifestation.
However, if you’re anything like me, you may have had “a little” trouble really getting that ... Views: 1313
Dear Santa…
There are some things I’d like for the New Year. I know that’s not within your usual bailiwick, and you’re probably pooped from a long sleigh ride, but if you don’t mind…
First, please give me good health. My body carries me faithfully from before my birth until my last days. ... Views: 1397
“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.”
-Marcus Tulliuscicero
Definition: Gratitude is our ability to appreciate the blessings we have in our lives.
Synonyms: Appreciation, giving thanks, pay it forward, counting your blessings.
Meridian ... Views: 1930
The Irony of Man is not a new problem, but a repeating cyclical behavior passed down from generation to generation. Aristophanes referred to this as eiron, Greek word for Irony, and applied its usage to any shady or annoying characters. The Irony in itself was that Aristophanes himself was a ... Views: 1326
You most likely have heard of the ‘Mozart Effect.’ There’s been plenty of research that Mozart’s music delivers all kinds of benefits, from improved creativity and clarity to raising your IQ. In the field of positive psychology there have also been some interesting studies. Gratitude also has ... Views: 1404
Want to instantly upgrade your energy? Go where there are concentrated doses of goodness!
Environments are key in shifting your energy from ‘absence of’ to ‘appreciation for.’ When you’re feeling fizzled out and need to recharge with some gratitude vibes, shift your playground.
There’s no ... Views: 1325
Before I started to mediate today, I set an intention to see what I’m going to write about. The word that came to me was GRATITUDE. How perfect was that, since my whole life has changed, because of my being in gratitude.When I go back down memory lane, I was always in the mindset at looking ... Views: 1755
It’s not about the external experience. It is always an “inside job”. It is the feelings we came here to experience. I know that I have spent a lot of time trying to change or improve my life, when all that I really wanted was to Feel better. It seemed at the time that if I could just change ... Views: 2015
The Thanksgiving holiday has just passed and for the first time in my life, I celebrated it alone. Life seems to have been so busy and moving so quickly lately, that I felt I needed some down time to reflect on what is transpiring in my life. Taking time for myself to be thankful for all the ... Views: 1257
Thank You For Being Here
Being grateful makes you feel good. Beginning each day with a prayer of gratitude synchs you up and puts you in The Divine Flow. It opens the door to abundance. Being grateful will make you feel good. Feeling good is where we want to be to manifest our desires. ... Views: 1618
Would you like to feel really good about your life and have more abundance? One way to get started is to add gratitude into your daily life. It is so easy to focus on what’s not going right or what we don’t have, but it takes a little more practice to appreciate all the wonderful things in our ... Views: 2116
Every country and culture appreciates gratitude for good deeds, yet today we have grown so busy that we neglect to show appreciation. Although we all learned those warm words of thank you as a child, our world is filled technological advances that have replaced the simple and kind “thank you” ... Views: 1459
Life goes by too quickly, or does it? Aging can be very a stressful time for many, not just in their appearance, but also feeling like they might have missed out on things in life.
Often you will hear children say they can't wait to be older and then as adults they wish they were younger ... Views: 1426
What an interesting insight I’ve had this past week. I’ve been feeling very strange and directionless for the past two weeks and been trying to figure out what the heck’s going on.
As usual I have picked and poked and analysed my thoughts, feelings and life experiences and ended up beating ... Views: 1510
1. Work on figuring out your unproductive and destructive habits and replace them with good, healthy habits. One of my favorite quotes is by Charles Noble and he says, “First we make our habits, then our habits make us.” So if you allow a bad habit to continue it will start to define you in a ... Views: 1280
Increase in your personal energy and uplift your spirits by acknowledging or giving thanks for something or someone good in your life. Gratitude for even the smallest of things sets a positive mood for your entire day.
When you regularly express thankfulness or appreciation, you are ... Views: 1429
It’s true, lifestyle, people, things, success, and money can enhance your happiness, but that’s only half the equation. The other half of the equation depends solely on you.
I am sure you have heard of people, or perhaps you are one of those people, who have everything money can buy and still ... Views: 1229
With the Thanksgiving holiday approaching, I find myself reflecting on all I have to be grateful for; I have much to acknowledge.
Each day I open my eyes to the morning light, look out into my lovely bedroom, and am reminded of how far I have come in life. There was a time when I didn’t have ... Views: 1842
Over the years, I have taken the time to spend deep reflection on all my relationships with friends and family. I enjoy looking at my life through a different lens as I evolve and embrace the lessons I’ve learned along the way. As the seasons change, so do we. We grow into different people ... Views: 4398
Winter is the coldest season of the year in temperate climates, between autumn and spring. At the Winter Solstice, the days are shortest and the nights are longest, with days lengthening as the season progresses after the solstice. The winter has also been described as a period of time ... Views: 1042
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Claim Your Life - by Anne Vidovich, M.A., Claim Your Life Consultant
Isn't it time to Claim Your Life?
We are not victims or bystanders in our lives. We have control over our behavior, how we respond to circumstances and people in our lives. When we live through passion, soul, authenticity, and abundance, we attract more of the same. When we look at and ... Views: 1358
Yesterday was horrible.
I was going to ride my bike to my appointments. The bright sunny clear morning sky cooperated as I headed north on E Street. Upon reaching the intersection of Highway 101, I waited for a green light.
Once it changed, a car heading in the opposite direction proceeded ... Views: 1177
Having a baby is a time for celebration. When your newborn is admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit due to prematurity or a medical condition that delays the transition home, vulnerability, stress, and overwhelm over shadow this joy. As much as support from others is welcome at a time ... Views: 1090
“What time did they say we’d arrive?” I asked the man beside me in the plane.
The answer made me smile. Two and a half hours of lots of reading. I had brought a couple of books on CD. With earphones in place, I pressed the CD in the player, loaded with fresh batteries. I settled in my seat, ... Views: 1309
"Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so that we can see Life with a clearer view again." ~ Alex Tan
We were each born with the ability to cry, and because the entire design of the universe is splendid and awe inspiring, we have to realize that healthy crying is ... Views: 1948
Real love is something so deep, so energizing, that you will not know it unless you experience it. Love is an expression of energy, not something that is transacted. Tell me one thing: can you love people when you meet them for the first time? (From the audience: No Swamiji! We don’t even know ... Views: 1389
Gratefulness is an energy, and an attitude, and a style or pattern, and a spirit. It can be thought of or described many ways. Everyone though, will probably agree that it is a good feeling. It is positive. This positive emotion is the foundation for being open to positive change, positive ... Views: 1556
Our thoughts are things that create our realities. What we think strongly influences our emotions and where we vibrate at an emotional level will determine what we attract into our lives. For example, if we're living in a state of anger, hatred, and resentment, then we will attract this type of ... Views: 823
Believe it or not, your life experience is created through the power of your imagination. Think about it. If your child is two hours late getting home, you probably will play out many scenarios in your mind, frightening yourself with possible images. If you are planning your next vacation on ... Views: 1572
My Mom and Dad were married over 50 years and had a great marriage and strong love. They had a Relationship for Life until my dad passed away in 2008. I wrote a book in the honor of my dad and the life he lead, it is called Mills Way to Richer Living. He did what relationship excerpts and ... Views: 1368
About three years ago, I was driving a Toyota Forerunner that had been in my possession for about 14 ½ years. It had 274,000 miles on the odometer and it was still running, although of course, not perfectly. I finally decided that I needed a new car, and since I have a tendency to keep the ... Views: 1436
Have you ever noticed how mundane it is to ask someone, especially a total stranger, how they are doing? In most cases you will get the same unconscious response of "fine" "good" or an answer that doesn't really offer much in the way of clarity and authenticity.
If one critically examines the ... Views: 1179
Many of us get caught in the trap of always seeking things in life but not realizing that we are at the source of all our experiences. We at times find ourselves wanting a more fulfilling career, a better relationship, more money or people to treat us nicer. We tend to get this “victim” ... Views: 1911
"It is necessary, then, to cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude".
... Views: 1059
We live in a fast paced world, and we all experience some degree of stress at times. Over the years, I have found that patients who are grateful deal more effectively with the stressors associated with living with chronic pain, which is pain that has lasted more than three months.
Gratitude ... Views: 2024
One of the biggest challenges facing entrepreneurs and small business owners is that there is always so much to do, that the feeling of overwhelm and the focus on the never-ending to do list can become a chronic state of mind.
Right now, my list of projects is so long that if I were to ... Views: 1091
Using gratitude to change your attitude is such a simple and very effective jewel for self discovery.
What we focus on we create more of because energy follows awareness. Using gratitude to change your attitude works by switching your focus from what is not working to what you are grateful ... Views: 877
This summer, the Universe invited me to “shed my old skin” and move gracefully into the next chapter of my life. After 25 years, my husband and I decided to sell our home and move into a condo. This necessitated letting go of the familiar and embracing the new. During this summer’s journey, ... Views: 1109
Count your blessings!I remember sitting in my sister’s yard (my home at the time) with my dog, beauty all around me, the neighbors’ roosters running around me; and feeling a sense of calm and fulfillment. I was so grateful for my surroundings and my family and good friends.
Not ... Views: 1187
You know that old story you continue repeating, in your head and to others? The same old tune that's as worn-out as last year's slippers? And, about as comfortable, eh? What you’ve been repeating is most likely filled with past failures and present fears and limitations. It is really not serving ... Views: 912
Every month I keep a list of everything that I manifest. Sometimes it's something that I'm consciously working on, other times it's just a nice little surprise from the Universe.
Do you believe in the Law of Attraction? I believe we can all manifest our ideal lives. The first step is asking ... Views: 1258
There are 15 reasons to pray to Mother Mary; in explanation they are the fifteen promises made by Mother Mary to Christians who recite the Rosary and I am going to talk about the second promise in this article.
(Given to St. Dominic and Blessed Alan. Imprimatur. +Patrick J. Hays, D.D. ... Views: 2449
Over the last few years many of us have heard of the elusive universal law. We’ve seen and heard many professionals in the field talk about ways of attracting the things we really want into our lives. People are now more aware of the universal law than at any moment in history. This information ... Views: 2998
Developing an attitude of gratitude has been recognized by wellness experts and psychologists as one of the most basic things everyone can do to improve their lives.
It helps in stress reduction, motivation and keeping oneself healthy.
In order to form the habit of being grateful ... Views: 1042
Stress can have a very seriously negative impact on your body, your health and your life. Through this article you are provided an overview of how stress can effect your body. By understanding how stress can effect your body you will be in a far better position to reduce the amount of stress ... Views: 2109
With the increasing demands and expectations we often place upon ourselves, as well as the pace of life quickening for many, or the feeling of time running out, it can be difficult to enjoy life to the fullest.
We are either reliving or feeling stuck in the past, complaining and stressed ... Views: 1544
The Gift of Stress
Norma T. Hollis
Have you ever considered that the stress you may be feeling is actually a gift that is priceless? When I speak to people about stress as a gift I receive the strangest looks. Most people seem to see stress as problem on top of problem. What I have found is ... Views: 6503