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I sometimes hear from people who just aren't sure if they are truly ready to walk away from their spouse and their marriage. Sometimes, they themselves are the ones who initiated the separation, divorce, or thoughts of giving up. Other times, they are responding to (and are at the mercy of) a ... Views: 414
I speak with wives who know that their husband wants a divorce because he has either told them of his intentions directly or filed divorce papers. Sometimes though, the panic that they feel about this (especially when they don't want a divorce) gets a reprieve because the husband one day just ... Views: 485
Many wives who feel as if their marriage is in trouble suspect that they aren't giving their husband what he needs to feel completely happy in the marriage. Sometimes, these unsatisfied husbands will tell their wives exactly why they are so unhappy with complaints like: “I just don't feel like ... Views: 482
I sometimes hear from wives whose husband is telling them that he isn't ready to come home or commit to the marriage because he fears that he's done something that has hurt her or his marriage too much.
I might hear: “my husband left home about six weeks ago. He admitted to having an affair ... Views: 433
I sometimes hear from people who are trying to save their marriages, but who aren't sure if things are going as well as they had hoped. Many people tell me that things feel very awkward or “forced” and they are worried that this means that they are just not going to make it.
A wife might say, ... Views: 318
I hear from wives who are trying everything in their power to get their husbands to come back home. And some of the husbands will give the wives every reason under the sun why he can't come home. Sometimes, these reasons sound a lot like excuses and the wife can begin to wonder if he will ever ... Views: 541
I sometimes hear from wives who are well aware that their marriage is only hanging by a thread. Many feel as if they are barely hanging on. Sometimes, it's pretty clear that the husband's heart isn't fully in it, although perhaps he has made a commitment to you and your marriage. Sometimes, ... Views: 380
I often hear from wives who want to know how to broach the conversation about saving their marriage. And, they want to make sure that when they are having this discussion, their husband is agreeable to what they are saying. No one wants to feel as though they're speaking to a brick wall.
Some ... Views: 368
One thing that frustrates many wives who are newly separated or taking a husband initiated "break" from their marriage is the husband's lack of clarity about how things are going to work. The wife often wishes that he could be specific about how things are going to unfold in the days and weeks ... Views: 371
Knowing the couple I'm about to describe as I already do, I can pretty much picture the scene in my mind. And since I myself went through the same scene in what seems like another lifetime ago, I've felt what I know that the wife is feeling right now. I can literally not only see what probably ... Views: 506
I often hear from panicked wives whose husbands have just or recently told them that he wants a separation. For many wives, the "s word" is often akin to proclaiming that the marriage is most definitely over, at least in her eyes. Many people associate a separation with an eventual divorce and ... Views: 365
I sometimes hear from wives whose husband has left them "because he needs some time to think." That's pretty much the extent of what he tells the wife. Rarely does he go a little deeper and offer up an explanation as to just what "thinking" actually means. Understandably, the wives are not ... Views: 413
I often hear from panicked wives whose husbands have just or recently told them that he wants a separation. For many wives, the "s word" is often akin to proclaiming that the marriage is most definitely over, at least in her eyes. Many people associate a separation with an eventual divorce and ... Views: 397
I often hear from wives who have been fed the "I love you but I'm not in love with you" line that many husbands will give when they aren't sure if they want to be married anymore. This is a very common topic that comes up time and time again. Many of the wives have trouble understanding what ... Views: 418
“Boundaries define us. They define what is me and what is not me.
A boundary shows me where I end and someone else begins,
leading me to a sense of ownership.
Knowing what I am to own and take responsibility for gives me freedom.”
– Henry Cloud, American author
Do you set boundaries ... Views: 732
Many of the wives who contact me about finding a way to save their marriages realize that they had some part in the marital collapse. I often hear comments like: "we grew apart," or "we didn't make an effort to stay connected." Another example is "things just changed between us and the spark ... Views: 521
I often hear from wives who are scrambling to come up with the best course of action after their husband tells them that he wants a divorce. Many of them are looking for a way to make their husbands either regret the decision to divorce or to see that it is the wrong decision in the first ... Views: 399
Many wives who contact me are going through some serious turmoil within their marriage. Some are just beginning a separation and some have even been served with divorce papers. Others just know that their marriage is in serious trouble. Despite all of the drama going on their lives, many of ... Views: 440
Most of the people who contact me are willing to do just about anything to save their marriage and prevent a divorce. Sometimes, their spouse doesn't want a divorce either, but this isn't always the case. The situation that I most often see is that one spouse is considering a divorce, while the ... Views: 429
I recently heard from a wife who felt strongly that her husband no longer loved her. For the past couple of years, she had noticed a shift in her marriage. He no longer lit up when he looked at her. He no longer listened intently when she talked. He no longer spontaneously touched her or showed ... Views: 412
Especially during trying times like isolation, relationships can be devastated by simple, thoughtless things. Bad behavior will ruin your marriage faster than any temptation from the outside. Dr. Romance points out the worst mistakes to make in a marriage.
Dr. Romance's 3 ways to ... Views: 659
I recently heard from a wife who wasn't sure why she felt the way that she did. Her husband of five years had decided that he wasn't happy being married and he felt that he should explore life on his own to see if it would make him happier. He didn't give the wife much warning about this. He ... Views: 401
I sometimes hear from wives who are desperate for some sort of plan to make their husbands stay with them. Often, the husband has suggested a break, separation, or divorce. This is usually the last thing that the wives who write to me want.
A wife might say, in part: "I would do absolutely ... Views: 384
Many separated wives notice a transformation in their separated husband. They can't deny that he's actually a more pleasant person than he was before the separation. This would almost seem like a positive transformation - if the wife herself could enjoy it. You see, often the wife can't help but ... Views: 601
When you are reluctantly separated and want to save your marriage, you often intuitively know that communication is vitally important. Saving your marriage means that you are going to eventually need to overcome what drove you apart in the first place and then re-create the intimacy that will ... Views: 473
Many wives are very upset during their marital separation because their worst fear is literally coming true. Although their husband may have reassured them that they would stay in constant contact, once the separation begins, he can go silent. Many of the wives intuitively realize the inherent ... Views: 527
A perfect tropical island for Honeymooners, Bali has the aura of love all around. From the breathtaking mountains, unspoiled beaches, beautiful landscapes, to experiencing its vibrant Balinese culture. And to know that you can cherish all of this beauty and laze around in a privatepool villa in ... Views: 554
People with genital herpes find themselves in a fickle situation in terms of dating. Carrying deadly viruses that can spread with an easy go is devastating and is also assumed as a dead-end of love life too. Genital herpes has become common, but at the same time, a lot of efforts are being ... Views: 1290
Larry F. Waldman, Ph.D., ABPP
The divorce rate in the U.S. continues to hover around 50 percent and the dissolution incidence when one or both of the parties have been previously married is about 65 percent. This is a national travesty. The ... Views: 641
Larry F. Waldman, Ph.D., ABPP
The divorce rate in the U.S. continues to hover around 50 percent and the dissolution incidence when one or both of the parties have been previously married is about 65 percent. This is a national travesty. The ... Views: 630
If you're lucky enough to be living with someone else while you're isolating to avoid this virus, you may be having some difficulty with being alone together for more time than you're used to. The following guidelines will help you get along better and perhaps even improve your ... Views: 642
You may be feeling slightly overwhelmed, especially if you are getting new wife or girlfriend gifts for her to give on her birthday. Maybe you have no idea what to give and need help with unique gift ideas for her. Whether she is getting married or just celebrating her 21st birthday, getting a ... Views: 749
Pushkar is a small holy town located nearby Ajmer city in Rajasthan. Every winter, Pushkar is host to one of the biggest camel fairs in the country. It is a perfect choice for a weekend retreat from Jaipur. Pushkar is situated among Aravali ranges. It is known for the world's only devoted ... Views: 407
Is Your Marriaged At Risk and Is It Worth Fixing?
Marriage is hard work. You need to put in the effort to make it last. Every marriage runs into problems along the way. You and your partner might run into money issues, fidelity issues, trust issues, lifestyle differences, or a lack of ... Views: 365
Bali is considered as the best wedding place in the world. There are many good reasons to get married in Bali. Getting married in Bali is a good idea because you can save probably half of the cost of your wedding. You can get wedding venues, food, flower decoration and photographers very cheaper ... Views: 559
Earn £60 per hour advising people on relationships - by Beth Shepherd psychic reader.
Hello and thank you for reading this article, I hope you find it rewarding and interesting. For many years I have been helping people with relationship and marriage problems, those who need insight into how ... Views: 593
When is it best to end it? by Rosemary Price tarot reader, clairvoyant and psychic.
Many of us will look at the marriage of a family member or friend where they are struggling with enormous problems such as violence, gambling, drinking, cheating and abuse and assume that the only way forward ... Views: 647
No one likes a spouse who nags constantly. When you nag you drive your spouse and family away from you. You create an atmosphere of dread at home. After a while you even forget that you are complaining, it just becomes the norm. After some time, you find yourself looking around your own home and ... Views: 517
Marry for love or money? by Beth Shepherd psychic.
In most cases it is the young, beautiful, attractive, sexy women who are given the chance to marry (or live with or date) for money / expensive gifts etc. In some cases even an unattractive or elderly woman might get the same chance. In ... Views: 1304
Earn £60 per hour advising people on relationships.
This is your chance to shine - though if you are the sort of person we are seeking you are probably shining already.
We need people who have a lot of common sense and experience of life. You may have hard a difficult childhood or gone ... Views: 515
Why won't he leave his wife to be with me by Rosemary Price psychic. A case study. Names and some details have been changed to protect identities.
When I first started began working as a numerologist, clairvoyant and psychic tarot reader I found most who wanted me to read for them were ... Views: 621
Why did he leave me by Rosemary Price psychic.
This is a case study, names and and some details have been changed to protect identity.
Over the many years I have worked as a professional proven psychic, you may have heard of me, Rosemary, I have heard every variation there is of sadness, ... Views: 595
Dear Dr. Romance:
I am married 19 years and my husband and I have two children. We have a good marriage in so many ways yet we continuously cycle to a low point every couple of months primarily due to my change in mood and feelings about the relationship.
A bad case of ambivalence on my part. ... Views: 621
Dear Dr. Romance:
I read your article "Attitude Adjustment" and some of the things you said really resonated. In recent years, I have found myself developing more and more resentment toward my wife (who thinks very differently than I do). I want to dissolve ... Views: 774
Love often appears at our door as a beggar in disguise. There are countless ancient myths that tell how the gods would show up at the door of someone’s home, appearing to be in dire straits. On the surface of things, they seem to be seeking food and shelter; but, in truth, they’ve come to ask if ... Views: 861
Dear Dr. Romance:
I am a 49 year old disabled vet, chest injury in pain 24/7. I am on MAJOR pain pills. Have not had sex with wife since one day I pulled her pants down and found a river of a substance that looked like human ejaculate but smelt like beer. Six months later she said it was ... Views: 625
I’m operating with a new mantra, Keep clearing. Doing another round of letting go of the old (like possessions, processes, ways of thinking…), and I’m seriously embracing the concept of entering a New Era… Feeling amazing… Yay! How are you doing?
If we want change to happen, we have to change ... Views: 604
Dear Dr. Romance:
Just read a fine article of yours from a link off the internet, and was wondering your best recommendation of the books you've wrote for jealousy and suspicious minds in a marriage with no real proof?
Dear Reader:
"Handling the Green-Eyed Monster" ... Views: 678
The best underwater villas in the Maldives give you a vacation experience with a unique design, luxurious facilities, a sense of privacy and the convenience of dying to open the ocean view. You can go on vacation to the Maldives easily, especially for longer stays, with a range of personalized ... Views: 540
Dear Dr. Romance
For many many years, i have been the income earner for our 4 kids and my wife while she was home raising the kids. Day in day out I was working sometimes three jobs. I got into a career that took 10-15 hrs per day for the first three years - the money was great and I ... Views: 797