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The Difficulty of Meditation
Hello Everyone I am Maya,
Today I would like to share my perception of the spiritual path with you – I will be focussing on the conflicts associated with inner transformation to offer a more complete awareness of this pursuit. My view comes from 22 years ... Views: 867
Benefits of Meditation
Hi guys its Maya,
Meditation to most people is one of those things which sound nice, is interesting at first, but does not have enough pull to get one really excited. Using a particular meditation to help you relax for 10 minutes seems enough, there doesn’t seem ... Views: 929
"In meditation,
if you observe
the process of identifying
with thoughts,
you will find that
there is a pleasure
in identifying with that thought.
And what I mean
by identifying
is you grab hold of that thought,
you make that thought you,
it becomes your identity.
So say a ... Views: 849
In this crazy world we live in, it is easy to get caught up in the negative turbulence around us. With today’s rate of unemployment, financial markets dropping, and sky-high mortgages, we can easily get caught up in the stresses of life. No matter how chaotic things seem, I know of a “life ... Views: 1183
The violet flame is a meditation that allows healing by transmuting energies. It is well-known by people practicing Yoga and Alchemy and has been made famous by Saint Germain. Here's an in-depth explanation of what the violet flame meditation is and how to make it more effective.
First of ... Views: 4110
There’s an old saying how a young man has no past so he drives fast cars to catch his future - and an old man has no future so he sits in his rocking chair trying to hold onto his past.
This has some truth to it. There comes a time when we get beyond the stage of reliving our past in ... Views: 1518
These are all states of consciousness or awareness, as are the states of sleep and every-day, walking-around wakefulness. These three, however, share a number of similarities that sleep and wakefulness only display in certain instances, and usually not to the same extent:
• Metabolism drops ... Views: 1201
This article is inspired by one of my listeners from the Netherlands. She is recently divorced and is rebuilding her life. She wanted some advice on how to build self-confidence again. I decided that in response to her e-mail I would like to address using meditation as a means to boost our ... Views: 1657
How many times have you caught yourself immersed in thoughts? What you did yesterday, what went on a year ago, what will happen tomorrow, your next assignment, your financial expectations, blah, blah, blah.
And what good did thinking about any of this do to you? I mean, some planning in life ... Views: 1356
Namaste beloved Reader!
My warmest greetings to you on this wonderful day of our Lord!
Today I have for you some vital information about one of the spiritual exercises of the soul -Meditation.
Often, for lack of knowledge and insufficient experience we are not clear enough about ... Views: 1104
It used to be that meditation CDs were just pleasant music and perhaps some “sounds of nature” thrown in. There is nothing wrong with that. They were relaxing and could help you get into a meditative state. But the newest recordings use more than just a light tune and the sound of rain or waves. ... Views: 1529
"Awareness itself
is always free.
If you are completely aware
in this moment,
watching what is arising
instead of being caught up
in what is arising,
then the experience is freedom.
Yet if you remain aware
without getting caught up,
at some point it will no longer
feel like ... Views: 941
Opening your third eye can freak you out if you’re not prepared for what you might experience.
I activated my third eye using a technique I learned for projecting astrally, and the most peculiar thing happened…
A bright-green cyclone appeared from the virtual space behind my eyelids and ... Views: 3895
Many of us, especially those on the spiritual path, tend to look at anger as an entirely negative emotion. However, anger used mindfully can be extremely positive, powerful and ultimately healing. Anger is simply energy, and we always have a choice as to what to do with it. Dzogchen Ponlop, in ... Views: 1704
Everything in life is controlled with a vision. You can "see" what you want to do; anywhere from moments before or decades into the future. The use of the brain and mind-power is a gift from the heavens. It is unfortunate that many people will not recognize the empowerment that proper use of ... Views: 1075
Energy flows where attention goes. How long can you focus your attention on one-thing? Did you know that single-pointedness clears your mind and helps you feel more stable, powerful and ready-to-go? Do you notice how the world is in a kind of race or competition for who gets the most attention? ... Views: 1726
Freeing from Structures
I am Mother Mary. I am the comforting energy, the loving energy. And I myself stayed on your planet. In a convent I had the honor to stand by God's Son, Jesus Christ. I was a priestess.
And now I turn towards each single one of you. El'Shara (Note: Heiko El'Shara ... Views: 1220
I am Lady Amethyst. I greet you with the words OMAR TA SATT. I am the mother of many children here and as cosmic mother I express my deep love for you. For when you were created in the universe it was I who was with you from the beginning of time.
Lady Amethyst has the honorable task to speak ... Views: 1312
Mindfulness meditation is free. There are no health insurance premiums, drug costs, or expensive therapies. And it works! But first you have to understand the authentic instructions, and secondly you must practice diligently. If you do this, mental and physical problems will melt away. Try it! ... Views: 1556
Could it be that the Law of Attraction Doesn’t Need Our Help?
Popular culture has us all believing we can have whatever we want, and that getting what we want is the pathway to success and social importance.
Beginning with books from the 1930’s like “Think & Grow Rich” and now taking up ... Views: 1204
I have an assistant at my work named Einstein. He’s a yellow lab and he’s been coming to work with me for about twelve years now, since he was a puppy. Though he’s a great help with children and other clients that I see in private practice, helping them feel comfortable; he’s an ever greater ... Views: 1135
"The mind is always looking
to get caught up in something.
Awareness is always free.
It is simply a matter
of where you place your attention.
In meditation,
if you let go of the need
to latch on to something
or take a position
and feel this moment
existing on its own
without ... Views: 1004
When the word Tantra comes to mind, one may think of ancient Eastern practices, intricate sex or images of naked gods and goddesses bursting with light and twisted into most difficult Kama Sutra positions. When you break it down, however, the word Tantra means “weaving” in Sanskrit. Tantra is a ... Views: 1838
Is the world an illusion?
No, of course not. When someone says the world you perceive is an illusion, they are either being figurative or they are mistaken. The world is the world. It is that in which we live.
Why do they say the world is an illusion, then? Because, as I have mentioned in ... Views: 1452
Landras - Journey into the Pearl Field of God
I am who I am. I am who I have always been. I am who I shall always be. I am Jesus Christ, God's Son. And I am very noticeable for you here in this room. I touch you very gently and announce the message of change and freedom to you. I know you ... Views: 1401
This past week, I found myself on the road again. My family and I took an emergency road trip to my husband’s home town. Though, not a pleasant reason to travel, I suddenly remembered how much I like the actual process of traveling.
When I was a kid, we traveled a lot My parents being ... Views: 942
I am Sherin. I am the wise being of Venus and cosmic mother of many of you. I am the pure love and I spray the energy through the universe and glide through the Stargate in order to accompany you on your journey to Venus.
You are so close to me, for you have been on AN'ARINA so many times and ... Views: 1102
Peace and harmony are given to you today. It is the perfection of you experiencing this that makes the love of your heart expand. When you come right down to it, all things are born from the internal drive of your mind and soul. It is when you let them work in unison that the path to creating ... Views: 1052
Labyrinths are walking meditations that go way, way back in time. Archeologists can date them all the way back to 1500 BC but they are probably much older than that. We can find them all over the world, in churches, cathedrals, old ruins, and now many spiritual retreat centers have them. ... Views: 1022
Norina, the medium of the golden-blue frequency on planet Landras, has been in touch with Sabine Sangitar regularly since Landras ascended. In this channelled meditation she invites us to travel to Landras with her.
I am Norina. I am the medium of the golden-blue frequency of Landras and ... Views: 1179
Today we’re going to look at the things that make us the person we are, the essence of what we really are. Is it possible to get in touch with with our essence, and if so, how can we do it? How can we tap into the quiet place between our thoughts, which is where the connection lies?
According ... Views: 933
This question gets asked very often, and there is nearly just as many different
answers. The term Meditation gets Google 1,800,000 times a month, that's over 60,000 times every single day, not including all the different languages. If you Google the question, you will get many different ... Views: 1004
For some, the morning dew gives a great, warm inner feeling. Others see it and get annoyed because it might get their shoe tops wet. It is part of the world's makeup to have seemingly mundane things elicit strong thoughts in polar opposite directions. The universe was created with diversity as ... Views: 1700
I am Kryon and I greet each individual with the words OMAR TA SATT. I greet the collective for it connects the grid of love. These connections are very strong and they unify the energies to an even higher energy that the collective, each individual absorbs and carries to the outside to the human ... Views: 839
Shall we get to the real secret of sleep? The things conventional medicine doesn’t talk about. Lets face it, insomnia is big business for doctors, therapists, pharmaceutical companies, manufacturers of over-the-counter pills and supplements, etc. There is pressure to sleep. We’re told that if we ... Views: 1104
Many people believed that what you are, where you are and what you have are because of the people around them and because of the external events happened in their lives. You should not include yourself who believe with this idea.
The power of the mind is wide. It can make you live a ... Views: 885
Wind, cast, reel. Repeat. Ahhhh. And relax. Think of the best place you know to fish and what’s usually conjured to mind right alongside the excitement of the catch is the peace and quiet and beauty of your favorite fishing spot.
Fishing is a great way to get away from the day-to-day ... Views: 1726
Many, many years ago I knelt in front of my teacher and complained about my father, his attitude to me and his complete lack of understanding with my interest in Buddhism. He had recently said some things that had hurt me very much and even angered me. I needed to share that pain and find some ... Views: 957
To be scared of silence.
Think about it. To be scared of silence. How absurd an idea: to be scared of quite literally nothing. Not a little fear either. To be scared, to a pathological extent, of nothing. To be scared of an absence of noise, of stimulation.
What does this mean? Why would ... Views: 1174
Children love a routine at night when they are preparing for bed. Putting them to bed, reading them a story, singing to them; whatever the routine is that a parent may have, calms them and relaxes them. When children go on a road trip in the car they do so much better when they have something ... Views: 1434
Saturate yourself with visions of success! Unless you see it first, it is hard to make it happen. Anything in life worth seeking must first be born from an idea within your mind, but then you need to take it and etch it into a strong, mental picture. Think about your goals in a realistic way. ... Views: 940
I am Melek Metatron. With the words OMAR TA SATT I greet you as what I am: the Eye of God.
With the entire love of the light embedded in the glow of the radiance of the Divine Thought Field I turn towards you, my dear divine human being on Earth. Thinner and thinner the veils are becoming, ... Views: 2234
Breathing may be one of our most important guides readily accessible and available to us every moment of our life. Tarthang Tulku Rimpoche, author, teacher and Founder of the Nyingma Institute, describes breathing as our most effective means for healing, interacting and supporting our whole ... Views: 1739
We lead a busy life in this world. To become a successful person in this planet, we struggle hard to keep up in this competitive market. In this struggle, we nearly forget our real identity or who we are.
It is because of this, our whole attention goes towards name and fame and we truly ... Views: 1034
Where can you meditate? Do you need to have a quiet place free from all distractions and noises or can you actually meditate anywhere, anytime, any place? Many people live in crowded cities or areas where it’s busy. Does that mean that they can’t meditate? Is it possible to meditate even when ... Views: 1481
Chances are you are living your life largely in a dream.
Many people will say "no, I'm pretty sure I'm in reality, hippy." To which I say "well then what is a dream?"
What is a dream? A dream is world inside a person's head. Now again I ask "how much of a person's life is lived in their ... Views: 3871
There is no entity who is separate from depression or for that matter any sensation or state that may arise in awareness ~ label it what you may. There is no one who is depressed, angry, jealous, afraid, confused, clear or joyful.
To explain; a sensation arises in awareness that is captured ... Views: 1421
The snowflake and the prayer
God gave us the snowflake to show us what snowflakes' can do when they stick together and he gave us prayer to give us a way to work together. A snowflake alone is a pretty sight, When combined with other flakes we see magnificence. Prayer alone provides ... Views: 1699
Why meditate? Despite the profound knowledge of meditation benefits that has only increased over hundreds of years, thousands of skeptics remain worldwide – still asking: Why should I meditate? The honest truth is: There are true miracles that occur in life as a result of meditation that ... Views: 5719
For the vast majority of our adult lives, we live in a world of make-believe. However, as most of us know, it’s no fairy story – most normal lives are a mundane up and down affair that never really goes anywhere – more like a second-rate soap opera. However, in stark contrast to our personal ... Views: 7392