Have any of you had nights when you were attempting to fall asleep but kept hearing wind whipping outside or water dripping from the faucet that kept you awake? Regardless of how hard you try to relax and calm down, the possibility of sleep does not seem promising as you continue to hear noises ... Views: 1099
Mrs. Anderson’s class of first graders crowd around the glass cage containing their science project. They have spent the last several weeks witnessing its evolution from caterpillar to chrysalis to graceful, golden Monarch butterfly. And today is the big day to set it free. Mrs. Anderson ... Views: 1020
Everyone has an occasional time of feeling down. Some people may be clinically depressed while others have bouts of feeling blue or times of low energy. Regardless of the frequency or the cause, and whether or not you are on medication, you can lift yourself out of the doldrums with a few ... Views: 16672
Learning the Language of Feelings
An excerpt from
The Feeling Soul – A Roadmap to Healing and Living
Mark Linden O’Meara, Soul Care Publishing ISBN: 0-968045928
Available at Amazon.com
Part of self growth and developing self-knowledge involves learning to express the feelings, ideas and ... Views: 2356
1. Sticks and stones won’t break my bones” – and words won’t leave any measurable physical damage, but they will cause progressive, long-term harm. Never underestimate the power of words: words are used to brainwash.
Being told you are “stupid”, “ugly”, “lazy” or “worthless” is never ... Views: 13796
I once acted for a woman who had four children, ALL of whom were the victims of extreme Domestic Violence. In fact, by the time she came to see me she had already lost her eldest son to suicide brought about through extreme and repeated abuse inflicted by his father.
I will never forget her ... Views: 1505
Self improvement is becoming an ever increasing requirement in the current society. In order to stay in the running for better career opportunities/social level/impression/self esteem etc., people extend themselves to ever higher levels.
The realisation that one can change gives hope and ... Views: 1021
One of the most common flawed modes of behavior performed by every sufferer who enters into a harrowing episode of stress, depression or anxiety concerns the words they use to describe situations and events they are confronted with. In using powerful, emotive words, sufferers will trigger the ... Views: 5289
Whether it is the time for finals or the final hours of married life, we all face times that give new meaning to the term stress test. There are numerous ways to deal with stress. Some can be dealt with mentally and others with diet and exercise.
I started researching the subject as a result ... Views: 1150
April 2006 - Volume III - Issue IV
ADHD - Learning to tie my shoes at age 53
Statement: My intent in this newsletter is to express as quickly as possible my own beliefs and opinions on matters. I have no problems with people who disagree with my opinion and have even been swayed to rethink my ... Views: 2724
If you had the ability to design your life the exact way that you wanted to, would you? If you could create every detail of your life, how would that be? What if I told you that you have this incredible power within you? What if I told you that you could co-create your life to your exact ... Views: 3574
All of us make mistakes. That's part of a learning process and learning is a life-long experience. As long as we live and breathe, we're bound to keep on learning something new and we're likely to make some mistakes along the way. Mistakes are not so much of a problem in themselves. They become ... Views: 3612
While we all reach for food for many different reasons, there are big consequences associated with binge eating. Various health problems and obesity are just a few bad things that can happen to a person that binges regularly.
Below are some suggestions of what you can do the next time you ... Views: 5405
"What causes an anxiety disorder? And which of these causes do I have control over?"
Here are answers to these important questions.
What Causes an Anxiety Disorder?
There are several factors that can contribute to an anxiety disorder. An anxiety disorder is caused by a combination of several ... Views: 3863
So, you are at the point where you realize that you have Binge Eating Disorder and you want to make a change in your life for the better… But what do you do next? If you are like how I was, a mixture of emotions used to begin to fill my head about what my new self would be like. I was excited ... Views: 2091
When you have a negative feeling, the thought of comforting and drowning yourself in food sounds like a wonderful idea. Your mind will be taken off of dealing with your emotions and food will heal all. This is the truth for about the first five minutes of binge eating. After that, you will ... Views: 2629
Rudy and Marjorie were on the verge of divorce. Married 12 years, they had constant verbal battles ending in what therapists call call emotional disengagement— meaning that they simply ignored each other for days on end.Emotionally, they were simmering inside and also lonely for each other, but ... Views: 3814
Smoking helps soothe anxiety, suppress unwanted emotions, and dumb down the pain of living. It's all to do with the nicotine receptors in the brain and the resultant pleasant hormones like dopamine that are produced.
So is roughly 30% of the world going to go raving mad? What is going to ... Views: 986
Most people unfamiliar with anxiety see it as just a simple case of the nerves. Those of us who live with anxiety know it is much more than that.
Anxiety is similar to fear, yet very different. Let me explain. Fear is a rational emotional response to a real threat. Anxiety is an irrational ... Views: 1712
As a doctor and a hospice volunteer, one of the most common fears that I encounter in my job is the fear of dying. In fact, this fear is so common that we have come to accept it as part and parcel of our life. In our fear-driven world where a lot of our actions are motivated by fear, the fear of ... Views: 3510
This is the third in a series of articles about entrepreneurs who have AD/HD.
Coaching bridges the gap between where you are and where you want to be. An effective coach works with you to transform your vague dreams of entrepreneurial glory into a focused vision that can guide your way. Your ... Views: 1438
This is the second in a series of articles about entrepreneurs who have AD/HD.
As I mentioned in the first article in this series, it seems that entrepreneurs are more likely than most people to have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or AD/HD. Unfortunately, many of these AD/HD ... Views: 1459
This is the first in a series of articles about entrepreneurs who have AD/HD.
The United States is in the midst of an entrepreneurial renaissance. People are literally waking up to the idea that they can work for themselves and make a lot of money doing it. And, while there are as many types ... Views: 1537
How is ADD Coaching Distinct from Regular Coaching?
By David Giwerc, MCC, President/Founder of ADD Coach Academy, www.addca.com
In order to discuss the distinction between regular coaching and *ADD Coaching it is important to reference the International Coach Federation, the professional ... Views: 1585
People sometimes wonder whether they can be hypnotized. Incredible, but true - there are professional hypnotists and hypnotherapists today who still seem to believe that only certain percentage of people can be hypnotized, and that is what they are teaching through their books, courses, websites ... Views: 6103
The Stop Smoking Hypnosis People
People sometimes wonder whether they can be hypnotized. Incredible, but true - there are professional hypnotists and hypnotherapists today who still seem to believe that only certain percentage of people can be hypnotized, and that ... Views: 4108
If you have Binge Eating Disorder, you understand the feelings of loneliness. You know what it is like to live in a secret world that no one knows about. You have a big secret, but no one is allowed to see that side of you.
At restaurants with friends, you order just the right amount of ... Views: 1499
When a hypnotherapist desires to help a person solve specific problem, but doesn't know what would work for that particular person and for the issue at hand, he takes the person into the future, to the point in time when the problem has been resolved and the person has been enjoying the desired ... Views: 1411
From birth to the age of eight to ten, children live in a state of deductive awareness. They lack the ability to respond to circumstances like we as adults do. Their responses will be based on what they have learned from the environment they are surrounded by.
When it comes to tennis – ... Views: 1230
You’ll be in trouble with the law if you play your music too loudly in Rochester, New York. Anyone found violating local and state noise ordinances by means of overly loud “boom boxes,” stereos, motorcycles, automobiles or loud partying will be ticketed.
New York City has also begun to oppose ... Views: 837
The 'holy grail' … that wonderful magic formula or pill that will simply erase all of our worries and fears … and make the world such a happier place for us all …
Can you imagine simply taking a pill and having all of your relationship, money, work, personal and spiritual difficulties simply ... Views: 914
Recently, as I was surfing around the web, I found yet another website offering misguided, uninformed and irrelevant advice to people who are stressed, depressed or anxious. The site had the following advice for sufferers:
“Most people who become stressed, anxious or depressed do so because ... Views: 925
The other night I lay in bed watching Oprah’s 20th Anniversary DVD collection – a gift given to me by my best friend. Story after story of incredible people that have touched and changed the life of Oprah caused my tears of inspiration to flow. One particular person I really identified with – ... Views: 3250
It is proven that affirmations help to reprogram one’s mind. When one repeats an affirmation over and over, the subconscious picks up on it as the present reality. Does this mean that people have the ability to completely turn around their life as they know it? In one word: yes.
You can ... Views: 3391
Want to talk about fiction but not sure if you can commit to reading a book each month? Especially if it turns out to be a book you don’t like. It’s one thing finding time for a novel you do like, but one that is a struggle just to turn the pages? No thanks.
So what is the answer. Short ... Views: 1071
March 2006 - Volume III - Issue III
ADHD - Coaching vs. Psychology
Statement: My intent in this newsletter is to express as quickly as possible my own beliefs and opinions on matters. I have no problems with people who disagree with my opinion and have even been swayed to rethink my position ... Views: 2171
When you feel at your lowest point, food becomes your best friend. Food makes you feel better from the hurtful comment that you heard a stranger say about your weight. Food comforts you when no one else can. Food numbs any pain that you don’t want to feel.
But, food is actually the enemy ... Views: 1489
Is life with ADHD getting you down? You can't lose weight. You have no time to write, paint, live or whatever you want to do? You're tired? You're no good at it anyway? You would like to change if only you could find the time and energy to start. And if I say to you, "You can lose weight. There ... Views: 8506
Imagine having more energy or more time to focus on the things you really want. Imagine being able to move forward in your life without some of your current stress. Doesn’t that sound good?
We all have things in our life that we just put up with or tolerate, for example, a cluttered desk, a ... Views: 1010
It’s the little things that you will need to notice and congratulate yourself on when beginning the recovery process from a binge eating disorder. These little things will be the stepping stones to gaining full control over yourself when food is involved. These tiny stepping stones will prove ... Views: 1628
Stage fright can be an incredibly debilitating condition that can keep artists locked away in their own homes, carefully guarding their creative gifts. Then those gifts never see the light of day, and they're never seen by the world.
And stage fright doesn't only inhibit performing artists. If ... Views: 1159
Have you ever tried to control other people? Who gets stressed out? Have you ever tried to control things or events over which you had no control? Do you find that stressful?
There are different typed of stressful situations. Some, like people interrupting you all the time, you can control. ... Views: 829
Binge Eating Disorder is a type of eating disorder characterized by sustained binge eating to excess followed by periods of guilt and disgust. Unlike bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder does not include periods of purging. The disease is supposedly prevalent among 1-5% of the population. ... Views: 999
Body Image - What Is It?
Body image is what you see yourself to be when you look into a mirror. Depending on your psychological state, you will see something very specific to your mental picture. Things like, your beliefs about your appearance, how you personally feel about your body and also ... Views: 1490
A British survey conducted by BUPA insurance indicates that people are worrying more than they did five years ago.
Health was at the top of the list of worries, particularly heart disease and cancer. Fears of bird flu and terrorist attacks caused less worry, according to the 1,800-person ... Views: 1035
Eating Disorders - Causes
Eating disorders are not just about food and weight. Often, eating disorders will result from a series of long-standing behavioral, emotional, psychological, interpersonal, and social factors. People who have an eating disorder will use food as a way of being able to ... Views: 1111
Self starvation and excessive weight loss are characteristics of the very serious eating disorder called Anorexia Nervosa. This disease is life threatening, affecting mostly girls (90-95%). Research suggests that between 0.5-1% of the American female population are affected by this serious ... Views: 1113
Age regression is one of the most powerful tools available to the hypnotherapist.
But lately it has come under fire for creating false memories. The truth of the matter is that it does work… but the hypnotherapist must be well trained, and used to regression work so that they don’t “lead” the ... Views: 1941
I grew up in a very violent and dysfunctional home. I endured many abuses that haunt me to this day! I believed, that when I left home at 15 years old, I was leaving behind the agony, pain and confusion of my family. But there was still so much suffering within me that I had not recognized and ... Views: 1548
I had a conversation with my client "Linda" the other day. She was in "crisis mode" and very upset with herself. She set a goal for herself the day before to be on time for everything, all day long.
She woke up early, and left for work early. She made it to all her meetings on time. ... Views: 1150