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Larry F. Waldman, Ph.D., ABPP
The divorce rate in the U.S. continues to hover around 50 percent and the dissolution incidence when one or both of the parties have been previously married is about 65 percent. This is a national travesty. The ... Views: 685
Being alone doesn’t always mean that one internally feels alone. Many people are seen alone but they are quite happy and satisfied from within. Yes, one certainly does not do well if one feels alone! It is because we humans generally need social relationships to remain deeply satisfied at a ... Views: 593
An estranged family prioritizes the autonomy and individuality of each member at the cost of sacrificing emotional connection to one another. Similar to all groups and communities, an estranged family is attempting to cope with the tension between honoring individual preferences and beliefs and ... Views: 867
An enmeshed family diminishes the value of individual members while prioritizing the wellbeing of the group. The enmeshed imperative is: Are you giving enough to others? Weak boundaries do not successfully separate and honor individual preferences and needs. There is a way to be, and individual ... Views: 913
We're all human, we all go through our ups and downs throughout the day. Workload, family, financial issues, and all those everyday problems we face can take a toll on your nerves. Therefore, maintaining your mental health and wellbeing is necessary to keep yourself sane and your mental ... Views: 940
Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan, an enlightened being, has propounded a detailed explanation of why and how celibacy is to be practiced with right understanding.
He specifies that the desire for sex may arise, but with the help of right understanding, one is able to oppose it.
Fighting against ... Views: 464
Teenage drug addiction is a growing problem in the U.S. Most of the teen detox programs are actually for adults, as most teens get hooked on drugs much faster than an adult. However, some parents might hesitate to send their children to a treatment center for teens for teen rehab ... Views: 704
What a crazy mixed-up world we live in. We are bombarded with negative messages everywhere we look. While we attempt to tune out these messages, it pulls away our focus from the important issues in our family and home life.
In the average family, the day begins in an absolute state of chaos. ... Views: 1052
When we're born, we're pure. We don't have any inhibitions, judgements, opinions, biases. As we grow, we start to see, learn, observe, reflect, hear, form habits and absorb the information from the outside world. This can be from people, from what we read, what we're told from our loved ones, ... Views: 1008
In a liver biopsy, a tiny piece of liver tissue is removed and scrutinized under a microscope to look for warning signs of any disease and damage. Your doctor at one of the best cancer hospitals in India may come up with a recommendation for liver biopsy in the event that your blood test or ... Views: 742
The Internet has become an essential part of our lives and we use it in every single life process. It has become a useful tool for speeding up and simplifying various procedures. Yet, there are multiple threats and misunderstandings you may face on the worldwide web. So, you have to be careful ... Views: 714
Last week we started talking about being more present as it allows you to experience life in a more meaningful and more joyful way. Right now, we are living with an all-time high level of distractions, which is sending people’s stress levels through the roof; and stress robs us of our joy. ... Views: 924
All of us like happiness, don’t we? When someone appreciates us, we feel very good and motivated. But as we know life is not always a bed of roses. We should always learn how to deal with difficult situations that may come at any time. One of it certainly is that “how to accept criticism?” ... Views: 540
Human being is a social animal who loves interacting with others and demands their care and support in order to live a happy and satisfied life. Friends are an integral part of our life. If one has no friends, life feels dull and colorless with nobody to approach, and at times the feeling of ... Views: 516
A person's psyche is as great as well as sophisticated as the galaxy in which we exist in. Your ideas, routines and also suggestions are the products of complicated systems which take place in our brains. Psychology is a technique of scientific research that reviews the mind to be able ... Views: 612
If you have ever looked for or been to a psychologist, you know that it is no easy task. In fact, it is rather daunting at times. Finding a great psychologist is like looking for tiny push pin in plush borderline personality disorder counselling london carpet. It is possible but ... Views: 693
No matter how many good qualities we may have, but as soon as our ego raises its head, all the good inside us gets nullified in the eyes of the other person. Ego is generally disliked by everyone as it is laden with pride, arrogance, jealousy, hypocrisy, etc. Our nature should be beautiful; it ... Views: 575
Traumatic experiences can be a painful experience for your life. It can take a lot of time for you to process the entire event. But with the help of EMDR therapy, it will help you to work through some of the difficult feelings. So, how does EMDR therapy work? In order to understand the process ... Views: 1138
When you are happy, you are naturally confident, and this is not possible unless you have your ego level at its minimum! Always remember, ego brings only ruin. Arrogance ends our wisdom. Those who are consumed by ego are bound to suffer and bound to be doomed one day.
So come, lets learn the ... Views: 611
Bill Cottringer
“There's a mess inside you: You clean the outside.” ~Anonymous, The Dhammapada.
Do what matters most. I once wrote a book with that title. It took me more than 600 pages to wade through some extreme complexity to get to the profound ... Views: 1041
Self-hypnosis is all about reprogramming the mind and embedding newer, more favorable beliefs. This form of hypnosis is achieved through a trance like state where your reasoning is turned off. Our reasoning helps us to make important judgment calls that can save ourself and is an integral as ... Views: 1002
Let us first define what is success. The technical dictionary meaning of success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. It’s the most simplified definition of success. However, every human creates their own definition of success and the most socially accepted meaning of success is to ... Views: 551
Stay or Leave?
When I wrote about healing from the Narcissist, I used the paradigm that the spouse had physically left the marriage. Today we are going to address physically staying or leaving but always with the goal of emotionally leaving the emotional abuse of the spouse with borderline ... Views: 1310
97% of all consumers go online to find a local business. Perhaps even more shocking is that 75% of people judge a business' credibility based on the design of their website. Your therapy practice's website strategy needs to reflect the quality treatment your practice gives.
In today's post, ... Views: 672
Successful corporate leaders are highly gifted at achieving unusually positive results in their respective fields. They are able to access the best of their skills and abilities on a regular basis and can call upon their skills to perform for them reliably. These top achievers can be considered ... Views: 659
When your spouse has borderline personality disorder (BP), whether it’s a sudden realization or a long-known fact, it can be challenging. Those in relationships with BP individuals may be subject to unique forms of manipulation or toxicity. Recognizing these habits of the BP is the first step to ... Views: 1402
Psychiatrists are a medical doctor who specializes in mental health and are qualified to assess the mental and physical aspects of psychological problems.
A psychiatrist works as a medical director of a multi-disciplinary group of psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists and ... Views: 549
Mental health is the part of general health to which we sometimes do not pay the necessary attention. We tend to pay more attention to physical health and as a consequence some problems may appear.
But how to have good mental health? I start from the idea that general health encompasses ... Views: 1508
How To Set Healthy Boundaries and Live Life with Authenticity | Get Backbone Power Audiobook by Dr. Anne Brown -a psychotherapist, speaker, author, coach. https://backbonepower.com/backbonepower-audiobook/
A No-Nonsense Approach to Making Decisions. A Self Help Guide to having Backbone and ... Views: 1105
Life has become so complicated for the majority of people nowadays. Owing to growing stress and complications, women and men from diverse age groups are falling prey to various disorders-often without knowing. It is no more unusual to find qualified and professionally successful people ... Views: 638
Having Enough Hope in Motion for Success
Bill Cottringer
“You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world's problems at once but don't ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be ... Views: 714
It is commonly believed that the fault lies with the circumstances; people by themselves are good in nature, but it is the circumstances that they were put in which made them evil.
But just think about it… If that was truly the case, it would mean we are mere puppets in the hand of ... Views: 538
In the United States, the most common causes of TBI include falls (35.2%), motorcycle and car accidents, automobile accidents involving pedestrians (17.3%) and assaults (10%) with or without a weapon. Athletics and sports also cause a lot of TBI. In the U.S., combat head injuries are also ... Views: 1146
In today’s modern times, most of the people are suffering from various mental health issues at some point. Young Problems like Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, Impulsivity, and various other situations that give rise to mental imbalance are quite challenging to address on your own.
Fortunately, ... Views: 689
Salary implies inflow of money and money is considered to be one of the most important sources to live a happy and prosperous life. This is how one perceives a strong relation between salary and happiness. And based on this perception, one develops a deep attachment and sensitivity too towards ... Views: 557
Ten-year-old Harry finds a sand dollar on the beach; racing over to show his parents this treasure, he plows right through the sand castle that his eight-year-old sister, Carrie, had just started building. Carrie bursts into tears, shouting “I hate you! I hope you die! You always do this! I’ve ... Views: 1631
Does stress get the best of you even though you live in Toronto, one of the best cities to live in the world?
It’s clean and has a lot of beautiful parks where you can enjoy mind-calming walks.
It has a great public transit system and lots of bike roads so that you don’t need to worry ... Views: 809
Receiving an anorexia nervosa diagnosis can be the beginning of a very long and challenging process. Eating disorders don't develop all at once and anorexia nervosa recovery process takes careful planning, with the right aftercare steps in place and a good support system surrounding the ... Views: 590
When faced with something new: an activity, an upcoming event, signing up for school, the gym, confronting someone, etc., I often hear the words, "I can't", followed by some rationalization as to why they actually can't. For example:
I'm too busy.
I won't know anyone there.
I'm too ... Views: 1088
Your pattern of thinking—the thoughts you regularly invest in—has a big impact on your mood. Ever since the cognitive revolution of the 1950s and 1960s, it has been well established that certain reflexive ways of thinking about self and the world—sometimes referred to as “cognitive errors”—are a ... Views: 877
One of the factors that influence the speed and ability of a person to do a task or work is the intelligence factor. There are people who can do their work quickly and in a short time, there are also people who do their work slowly and take a long time.
All that is determined by the level of ... Views: 684
Somewhere, at this very moment, there is a woman deep in the throes of maternal depression. A woman who has likely fulfilled her motherly tasks to a tee - feed the baby, changed the baby, clothed the baby, put the baby to sleep, but feels nothing through it all.
Some, and most, really, ... Views: 859
Photo by Frame Harirak on Unsplash
I won’t start my article with the overused phrases “Life sometimes can be difficult”, “Everyday life is overwhelming for everyone” and staff. Yes, it is. And sometimes this is really ok.
Today we’ll speak about those days or periods when our brain or someone ... Views: 951
Happiness is subjective, and it differs from person to person.Happiness is a feeling of contentment, pleasure or joy which is derived either from the people we love or from certain material items or favourable situations.
This feeling of pleasure stems from the associated belief that links ... Views: 559
Our Common Denominator
Bill Cottringer
“Men go to far greater lengths to avoid what they fear than to obtain what they desire.” ~Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code.
One of the more important common denominators people have is: (a) being unique and different on the one hand with personal ... Views: 714
But it happens that our Guardian angel are silent, and we urgently need to get an answer to a very important question for us. How to be? Ask them about it directly, and the answer will come. The main thing is to look into all eyes and carefully listen to everything we are told.
For example, ... Views: 1021
1. Ask yourself, under the umbrella of life, what do you enjoy helping people with the most? When your friends come to you for advice, what life area do you feel the most passionate and confident talking about?
2. Okay, keep that in mind. Put it in your back pocket. Now ask your friends and ... Views: 617
As per the latest studies, it has been found that ‘happiness leads to success!’ This means if you want to succeed, it is important that you stay happy. Easier said than done, eh?!
Yes, success does generate great confidence and a strong sense of well-being within, which makes one feel happy ... Views: 551
Mental health refers to the state of psychological well-being, wherein a person is functioning at an acceptable and satisfactory level as reflected on behavior and emotional adjustment. In simple terms, it’s the absence of mental illness.
But, how can healing your mental health help you grow ... Views: 825