We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Spiritual Guides". If you have expertise in Spiritual Guides and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
In this second part of our exploration of living large, we look at a small selection of the fears that hold us back. Awareness Engineering combines contemporary healing techniques, quantum reality concepts, ancient disciplines and philosophy to help individuals uncover these answers.
Rethink ... Views: 1216
Know what is important to you
Values are that which you love, cherish, or wish to gain or keep in your life. Awareness Engineering combines contemporary healing techniques, quantum reality concepts, ancient disciplines and philosophy to help individuals uncover these answers. A proper, ... Views: 1532
Obesity has become a major issue in the United States, and is especially alarming among school age children. While we may not all be classified as obese, losing weight or at least maintaining our desired weight has become a national obsession.
If you have found that diet and exercise alone ... Views: 1298
The next level up from a psychic reading, or psychic medium readings, is called
A channelled reading. During this type of reading the channeller is not a medium or a psychic in the traditional sense but they will have developed their sixth sense by meditating and other disciplines and be able ... Views: 1672
If it is true that we do in fact reincarnate, that there are such concepts as past lives, then how many times do we have bodies? How many times can we incarnate, and how many past lives might we experience? There are many suppositions and opinions.
In my research, both with untold numbers of ... Views: 1323
A person’s natal astrology chart provides a cornucopia of information that can be aptly applied to coaching and therapy sessions. The chart may provide a type of roadmap of the personality that can suggest pertinent conversations and direction for a productive session.
During the intake ... Views: 10101
If you feel like you have been hitting your head against a brick wall and life is turned against you this a good article for you. Karmic relationships are created by our souls to help us make good on a situation we participated in another life time. We might have hurt another person in some way ... Views: 2693
It’s official! I’m psychic. There, I said it. You know, the word “psychic” is so emotionally charged and has taken on quite a few unsavory meanings. We can thank both Hollywood and opportunistic shysters for that. However, the word “psychic” really means “pertaining to the soul or spirit”. I ... Views: 2987
I listened in as Jennifer McLean interviewed guest Geoffrey Hoppe, who channels Adamus St. Germain, last week. The theme was predictions for 2010. I am writing this article because I feel this St. Germain has one of the most informative, higher level understandings of what is happening on our ... Views: 1965
Guardian Angels are assigned to us at birth and remain with us throughout our lifetime. An angel guide on the other hand is one that we can call upon for extra assistance. All of us can call upon many angels, in addition to our Guardian Angel, to help us in any situation. Their role is to steer ... Views: 1734
Dear SelfGrowth Friends,
Each new moon, I receive a vision and channel an accompanying message from the spiritual OverLight of the portal. The energetics of the image are explained, as well as the spiritual work that can be accomplished by going deep within the portal during meditation - or ... Views: 2157
The main difference between an angel and ascended master is that an ascended master has lived lives as a human and an angel has not. An ascended master has lived many lives being human and evolved spiritually over time to balance their karma and evolve from fear to love. An ascended master ... Views: 3357
It is in the very nature of being human that creates in us a desire to know about the world beyond what we can physically see or experience with our five senses. This world beyond the senses is described as the metaphysical world. This philosophy has developed within it various sub-categories ... Views: 2427
There are many ways to feel affection for God. The best is the one that shows your emotions. The best means of loving God is always for your mood and always giving relaxation and happiness in mind control. Forced deep love of God for your metaphysics is not mature is simply perception or ... Views: 1590
Speaking to Spirit ….. how to feel and hear spirit
Speaking to spirit is different from talking to your friends or next door neighbour. If you are lucky enough to see a spirit in a physical form, you will notice their method of communication is not through their mouth but through a thought ... Views: 1471
Opening up to your Spirit Guides – ways to open or enhance your connection with them.
It is more and more recognised that everyone is born with a guide who is there to help throughout our life. Some people have additional guides who come to help them with a specific lesson they need to learn ... Views: 2552
It can be shown in the Lord's Prayer and numerous other Scriptures that true and complete prayer consists of four components: ATTITUDE, COMPASSION, TRUTH and STANDING.
ATTITUDE - There are a number of attitudes which enhance prayer: Repentance, humility, joyfulness, patience, thankfulness, ... Views: 1360
Soul Retrieval is a very sacred, ancient healing practice. In fact, it is believed to be the oldest known healing modality on the planet. Simply put, a highly trained shamanic practitioner follows the rhythmic sound of a drum or rattle into the shamanic state of consciousness, sometimes ... Views: 5611
It has been said over time that those who hear voices are going mad. What about those who hear voices in their dreams? Are they mad also? How do we determine when we have heard the voice of the angels, and when we have received true guidance? One of the easiest things to do is to discount ... Views: 1783
Animal Spirit Guides ~ or Totems ~ are among the most powerful and profound Spirit helpers we have. Our ancestors knew how important these Animal Spirits were, but over time we've been taught to turn a deaf ear to call of the coyote and a blind eye to the flight of the raven.
Yet these ... Views: 3381
Okay, so if you've been reading my newsletters, following me on facebook or attending any of my workshops recently, you know that I've been having a good ole' time with my Spirit Guides lately.
I've been meditating, contemplating and channeling all kinds of inspired information from my ... Views: 1774
The information I give you today is of some importance. We are entering the stage of Consciousness. The transformation of the global consciousness already started. More and more people like you are looking for the truth.
This transformation is happening in you. But be aware that every ... Views: 2419
Many people find the concept of spiritual guides, angels, Reiki guides, and enlightened beings to be beyond belief. This is often simply because they may not yet understand how to work with these beings of Divine love. Over my years of working with Reiki and following my soul’s longing to learn ... Views: 3061
What is a Spirit Guide? How do I connect with my spirit guide? How can I get direction from my guides? How do I work with my guides? These are some of the most frequently asked questions when folks begin connecting with their innate spiritual natures. Before I offer some answers, however, it is ... Views: 2064
How would your life be different if you listened to your soul's whisperings to you?
"How do I know my soul even is whispering to me?" you may ask.
How can it not whisper to you? It is the largest part of you! It's the part of you that keeps calling you in your daydreams and in your night ... Views: 1395
One should never judge homeless people and stereotype them as unfit to society. They are real people with vibrant hearts and yearning souls like the rest of us. Even though, many sacrifice their pride to remind society of its indignity, some better yet, are invisible spirits and guides on our ... Views: 3902
Lately I have found myself in some challenging circumstances. Aging parents with various accompanying scenarios have occupied much of my time and most of my thought. And to my disappointment, I have not been at my best. I have watched myself pushing energy all over the place -- insisting I've ... Views: 1057
A Message From Your Bliss Guides...
Laugh, play, dance and enjoy life. This is your birthright, this is your true calling ~ to be an expression of joy on earth, a light in the darkness.
Do the holidays stress you out? Even if you love the season, chances are you feel the pressure ~ holiday ... Views: 1140
The Attitude of Gratitude!
The ability to learn to consciously to manifest is one of the exciting things about being here on this earth plane.
This planet is a perfect place to refine our innate ability to be a creator.
One of the best ways to create a nice positive energy field ... Views: 1602
There are numerous definitions of master. However, the word is said to come from ‘magister’, which is a teacher and expounder as well as an applier of the law (magistrate). Master also signifies achievement – mastery.
>From the Occult Glossary: A Master is one who has his higher principles ... Views: 1058
Sundance for Freedom
As the sun grows stronger and the days get longer I feel the call of the Sundance Ceremony.
Sundance is one of the seven sacred ceremonies given to us to help us live in balance. To not just survive here but to thrive.
Every year there are hundreds of Sundance ... Views: 1676
The Warrior's Wheel-A Tool of Transformation
Working the Warrior Wheel
The definition of a warrior is an awakened human, fighting for peace, harmony, and individual, autonomous freedom to bring the Gold Horse to victory.
The Goal of the enlightened warrior is to use their tools to ... Views: 1649
It's always a good idea to remember to spiritually protect yourself. Just as there is filth in the physical world, spiritual debris is everywhere. Thoughts are things, they create your reality within the framework of your personal karma and fate, and you can capitalize on this mind dynamic to ... Views: 4252
The 26,000 year Tzolkin recycles in 2012. There are some personal connections to that within a past life regression I did in 1989. I’ve been open to these things but always had a skeptical eye open just to keep observant and a bit cautious of getting lost in it all. After all, we do live in the ... Views: 2059
There are so many bird medicines. They are complex and tricky to describe. I have hesitated to write about them. Then the idea came that it would be better to start by sharing a few and then adding other stories later. The one’s I know are from personal experience and training.
Water ... Views: 5353
You Are Never Alone
From the time you're born you have a powerful spiritual support system offering you guidance and wisdom throughout life's journey. These loving beings are known as Spirit Guides.
Your Guides know your true potential in life and their greatest desire is to help you achieve ... Views: 2200
I met a Child of God
She walked into my life
She spread her loving arms
And enveloped me in Love
I stood in awe of her
Her majesty and splendor
I felt her beauty
Her glory and her might
She walked the talk of love
Never wavering or faltering
She walked the talk ... Views: 1190
There's a person who does some work for me—getting specific, she does transcriptions for me—who off and on has done it for years. We've been creating product all this time… Of course, most of it earlier was Internet-related, and she came right along with that.
And now, most of what I do is ... Views: 1086
We all have Spirit Guides and/or Guardian Angels that are available to assist us in our daily lives. Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels are considered synonymous by some and different by others. Those who see them as different believe that Spirit Guides have been in body before and have had ... Views: 5286
Let me tell you about two men that I knew through two Panamanian women. One man had been married 53 years to his lovely bride. When he died suddenly from a heart attack, he left her in good stead, with insurance policies, money in the bank and investment accounts. There were no unpaid bills, no ... Views: 1189
Recently, the question came up again: “What is HoloMagic?”
"God" could be an accurate term, but it's got a lot of other stuff associated with it. Infinite Intelligence is clearly the one that Napoleon Hill opted for. The way I explain it most often is that it's connected with that quantum ... Views: 1202
This morning, I woke up feeling anxious, fearful and ashamed. My human self, my scared little girl, was activated and toxic thoughts and familiar feelings from my past were dominating my experience of a quiet morning. Sadly, I arose thinking about what had triggered these unwanted emotions. I ... Views: 1156
In 1994 I was invited to speak to a group of men incarcerated at Englewood Federal Prison, Colorado.
They were a group of men who had been part of a meditation and discussion group, and their leader had attended some of the meetings I was holding in nearby Boulder.
It was a thrilling ... Views: 833
"There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle." ~ Deepak Chopra
Here follows a jigsaw puzzle created by me for you. Something to work on and play with as you might wonder about ... Views: 862
Feng Shui Means Business
As a business develops a more global outlook, it has the oppoturnity to study how companies in other cultures succeed, and can embrace those ideas which can work for its particular industry. The Western business community, in search of ideas to improve its own fortunes, ... Views: 1211
We are very familiar with church sermons whenever we attend a certain christian service or gathering. Since the time we come to know God and our Saviour, a lot of things are being fed into our mind so that we may continuously grow mature in our spiritual walk with God.
The question is, do we ... Views: 2303
When the World Trade Towers collapsed on September 11th, everyone in New York City was coping with grief, loss, trauma, injury, shock and disbelief, ... or knew someone who was.
For the rest of the country, for those of us watching from afar, there was another role offered: that of witness to ... Views: 882
There are times in my life that I just feel like quitting. I get too preoccupied with the things I have to do, and with the responsibilities I have to take. There’s one thing in mind that keeps running “I’ve just got to finish this” - then I will be free.
But above all the pressures in ... Views: 1145
Since most of us are leaders now, let us be true in examining ourselves. From the time we knew about our God and our Savior, and from the time we get busy with the ministry, did we experience feeling so tired and felt like giving up? It seems that we are already too exhausted and drained because ... Views: 4519
Ron Scolastico, Ph.D. has worked with many people whose loved ones have died and who are sad because they do not sense the presence of their deceased loved one. Recently he was asked the following question. I hope you find the answer helpful.
QUESTION: “Often, people will vow that, after ... Views: 1276