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Creating daily practices for success is always a big focus when I first begin working with a client. The trick is to make sure that the stuff you say you want to practice is a “want to” not a “have to”.
The practices that most people want to focus on have to do with exercising, eating, action ... Views: 1645
Over the years I have told people hundreds of times to ground their energies, center their energies, and balance their elements. It is supposed to be taught everywhere and be common knowledge. Yet most people do not know how to do this properly. I have had an experience recently that has proven ... Views: 1690
I know this may spark an issue with a few of you out there, but I continue to see this over and over in my business, Working Moms and lost kids. I strongly feel the American family is broken. We have more kids in trouble at ridiculously early ages. Screaming for attention? Screaming to be heard? ... Views: 2946
If you watched CTV last week in Canada, you will have seen that the government is warning workers that prolonged sitting is no longer good for your overall health. It is an area that I have been discussing in relation to your skeletal health, but now the government is warning workers in ... Views: 2769
In most homes, school is over, and summertime has begun. On the one hand, most moms feel grateful that warm weather is here, family fun has begun, and the stress of the school year is on hold for the next three months. The kids are ecstatic because they get to run through the yard shooting ... Views: 3271
Fresh from a steaming lobster pot of a bubble bath, I marvel at my healthy form and thank the Universe for learning how to appreciate my body as part of the divine feminine. I love my Shann-ness: curvaceous, athletic, soft and strong. It feels good to be at home with my inner Goddess.
Years ago ... Views: 1593
Working from home isn’t for everyone, but once tried some people wouldn’t have it any other way, and others are forced by circumstances. If you have experienced working from home, unless you are really disciplined and have set yourself a daily schedule you will know that it is very easy to get ... Views: 1231
It has surprised me how many of my clients struggle with the fear of success.
For some, this fear stems from being successful in the past and associating success with loss. These losses include lack of privacy, health problems and serious damage to important personal relationships. In this ... Views: 1180
One of the biggest struggles all of us have in our modern world has to do with how to manage time. Most of us are so busy, and bombarded with demands on our time. We are overstimulated by choice, and even inventions designed to make us more effective and efficient often become time-stealers. ... Views: 2042
Ask most parents about when their family experiences stress and getting out the door in the morning comes in among the top answers. With the right routine and words, mornings can flow and be one of the happiest times in your family’s day.
As with any major parenting issue I always look at ... Views: 1132
The following are answers to some of the questions most frequently asked of us by those interested in or just beginning the practice of meditation.
Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years, so there are countless variations and definitions of the practice. ... Views: 3467
Life balance is undoubtedly a topic that all coaches work with. The main reason is because the concept of life balance is often the root of other problems experienced by individuals. Women have to wear so many hats and to juggle so many different balls that we often forget about ourselves. There ... Views: 1170
Being a woman in today’s society can be extremely fulfilling, but also challenging at the best of times. We know we should feel lucky and grateful after how far we’ve come in history. Yet, a lot of us may have taken on more that we can chew...
After working hard for years, many of us are ... Views: 3943
Ergonomic chairs are designed for enabling people to remain comfortable when performing work or employment based activities in an ergonomic chair.
Postural comfort does not come naturally. It comes from learning to create movement in your pelvic region, so that tissues in your buttocks ... Views: 1962
Back pain is one of the main reasons why people take time off work and why? It is because we spend too much time in sedentary, sloppy positions, doing very little movement and letting our muscles become lax and under-used.
We have become a society that drives around in cars – to the shops, to ... Views: 2759
Have a sense of wonder
When was the last time you glazed with wonder and amazement at the vast starlit sky, or lay on the daisy-laden grass and felt fresh air nourish your soul?
As we grow older, our busy lives can consume us and we forget to have a sense of wonder. Today, act like a child and ... Views: 1667
Are you taking life too seriously?
Did you know as we age we are less inclined to see the funny side of life? New research shows that children laugh on average 400 times a day, compared to 28% of UK adults, who don’t laugh for up to a week at a time!
Why have we all stopped ... Views: 3337
Does it ever seem to you as if it’s harder and harder to make new friends? Sometimes it’s our imagination, but sometimes it’s actually true.
When we’re young, we’re surrounded with lots of other people who are the same age as we are, and who are going through the same things we are going ... Views: 2305
Last night I got the chance to relax on a beautiful backyard porch home to a number of potted tomato plants, herbs and ivy – even the occasional rabbit. Trees and singing birds surround its high walls - it is a little haven of nature in the middle of the city.
Being from the country, I ... Views: 1014
Goal Setting Can Make Your Dreams Come True
We've all heard about goal setting and know that it is something we 'should' do. How many of us are actually doing it? Procrastination can be my worst enemy – how about you? But when it comes to goal setting, can we really afford to procrastinate? ... Views: 2254
Give to yourself! I know that may sound selfish, but there is much confusion in the world about giving and receiving. The Bible says "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:35.
This Scripture is true and we need to follow it. But a person needs to give to themselves as well. For ... Views: 1529
Did you know that God created for you a specific purpose, a specific plan? I bet you didn’t know that if you got your life in order and in line with God, that He will show you the career path He planned for you. Sound too unbelievable? It’s not. God is the creator of all things, the creator of ... Views: 1577
The following article by Siobhan Sims was published
in The Kilkenny People 15 February 2008.
I OFTEN have people ask me should they stay in their jobs for money or should they follow their heart and possibly take a job which may leave them happy but broke. I always tell these people to go ... Views: 1268
Last week my left ear got plugged up and it was difficult for me to hear out of it for about 48 hours. It was scary and challenging. Thankfully everything was okay, it's all clear now, and I'm able to hear just fine out of both ears.
Having this happen was yet another example of how easy it ... Views: 2721
From the time that we are born, we are taught to DO things! Every time we accomplish something we are rewarded, which gives us such accomplishment that we choose to pursue more opportunities to DO things so that we can be rewarded again! Education and work is also designed to further entrench ... Views: 1815
If you are willing to save your environment from getting more and more polluted then you must understand the importance of eco-friendly environment. With eco-friendly environment, you can breathe in cleaner and healthier air, which is going to protect your health from harmful chemicals and ... Views: 779
In today’s society, we tend to be jack-of-all-trades. Gone are the days where the man of the house worked while the woman tended to the children and the household. While this may still be the case in a few households, it is not typically the norm anymore.
Having a career is usually necessary ... Views: 1212
People often come to me with problems of motivation. It is what make s us do things we want to do and things we don't. Motivation makes us climb mountains and lack of it, leaves us with regret in later life. So how do you find your motivation?
Here are three tips to help you get motivation back ... Views: 2229
We live in a world of distractions. All day, every day we are bombarded with opportunities to be distracted. And, as I've recently noticed about myself, many of us choose (whether we're conscious of it or not) to distract ourselves on purpose and to escape from life in various ways.
Given ... Views: 1844
I called my Nanna today. It’s the first time I’ve talked with her in months and the only time in years I’ve called her voluntarily. That is, usually my Mom waits until I’m visiting her, then she dials Nanna up and hands me the phone.
Actually, today was only semi-voluntarily since my Mom ... Views: 1098
Procrastination is one of the most prevalent forms of self sabotage, and it can be devastating to your relationships, your career and your peace of mind.
Procrastination is the habit of putting tasks off to a later time. It isn't just rescheduling tasks; it is a pattern of behavior that ... Views: 1894
Most people ask themselves why is wellness so important. After all, they are alive, aren't they? Well, wellness does not mean only staying alive. It is also important for your efficiency, whether you are working or you are practicing a sport. It is pretty simple: if you are not feeling great at ... Views: 726
We all know techniques on how to lose weight and what we need to do, but why then do so many of us struggle with our healthy eating and lifestyle goals? Our eating patterns are highly engrained behaviours that have subconscious and automatic drivers. To alter these behaviour patterns is ... Views: 1302
“Your ability to work single-mindedly on your most important task will contribute as much to your success as any other discipline you can develop.” ~Brian Tracy
It was the spring of 1950. Author Ray Bradbury was living in a modest home in Venice, Calif., with his wife and children. He wanted ... Views: 1390
We live in a fast paced world particularly in the western hemisphere. There is a song, “I’m in a Hurry” by Alabama that aptly describes many of our lives:
“I'm in a hurry to get things done
Oh I rush and rush until life's no fun
All I really gotta do is live and die
But I'm in a hurry and ... Views: 1906
What exactly is the truth about being an entrepreneur? It boils down to your own perception of what you feel it should mean to you. To me, being an entrepreneur means empowering others by sharing my gifts and experiences and living my life to the fullest. When I decided to travel the path of the ... Views: 1534
There are many advantages to maintaining a To-Do list, do you keep one?
A to-do list is one of the more important elements to a successful life: duties are noted to help with your memory, and tasks are collected in one place for easy reference.
To-Do lists have many advantages to help you ... Views: 1356
How Can Playing and Having Fun Boost Productivity?
This weekend I can proudly say that I added a new member to my family. Yes, that's right, her name is Zoe, a 7 week old Yorkshire Terrier with lots of spunk, and she is the newest member of my family. Boy, oh boy, can this puppy play!
It ... Views: 1300
Does it? After traveling to a small farming community, I witnessed the value and power of the barter system. The exchange of physical goods and services are keeping a small town moving forward. Which made me think of all the clothes, extra computers, and unopened boxes that are collecting dust ... Views: 1390
We moms are all supermoms considering what we do on a daily basis. Between getting the kids ready for school, preparing breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, being a chauffeur, running our own businesses and managing the home it would be hard to imagine seeing the world run smoothly without good ... Views: 808
The only thing that is constant is change - We’ve all heard that saying at one time or another, and are very aware at how resistant we are to change. But an even more interesting question is: How much time do we spend on our reasons for the change, and getting resources to adapt and “power up” ... Views: 1221
“We come this way but once. We can either tiptoe through life and hope that we get to death without being too badly bruised or we can live a full, complete life achieving our goals and realizing our wildest dreams.” Bob Proctor
Which way do you lead your life? Are you tiptoeing or go forward ... Views: 1491
A few weeks ago while I was on a run, the saying "keep your head in the clouds and your feet on the ground" popped into my head. I'm not sure why I thought of this, but once I did I couldn't get it out of my mind. And while I've heard this saying many times (and actually have always thought it ... Views: 2331
Many studies report the success of acupuncture and herbal therapy in conjunction with pain and symptom management for cancer.
This is mostly used to ease the negative effects during radiation, or chemotherapy.
Tongue ulcers, and mouth sores, peeling skin, rashes, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, ... Views: 2053
Remember the last time a long-term employee left your organization? Remember all the valuable things he/she could do that weren’t required in their job specification? The unofficial event organizer, counselor, mediator, computer whizz, to name just a few. Sometimes the person is remembered more ... Views: 1158
Exercise and Weight Loss
To lose one pound, you must burn approximately 3500 calories over and above what you already burn doing daily activities. This obviously depends on your weight at the moment, and other factors which contribute towards your BMR, Basic Metabolic Rate which is the ... Views: 1678
Ah, Spring! Time for renewal, regrowth, ReCareer. ReCareer? What’s that about? ReCareering is about finding authentic work in the second half of life. I decided to learn more about the process of recareering recently with Richard P. Johnson PhD, author of ReCareer, Finding Your Authentic ... Views: 1936
1. Opt out of distractions to allow time for focused thinking:
- Turn off e-mail indicator on your task bar and send calls to voicemail
- Set Blackberry alarm (for how long you can work) and then hide in drawer
- Close your door or hang a picture of a closed door on your cubicle wall ... Views: 1027
Do you think stress can kill us? Well, according to a research, the answer is a big YES. Unfortunately, it's a part of our lives and something that can't be avoided. In this article, we're going to cover some causes of it, how you will know if you're under it and and how could you manage ... Views: 786
How long have you gone out of your working environment? And when was your last vacation? Aside from the money you earned from your hard work and efforts, what did you get out of it? Well, I am afraid that you would be alarmed after reading through the succeeding paragraphs and suddenly take some ... Views: 916