A credit card is one of the best financing options when it comes to Winston's needs and requirements. You can always use a credit card to make offline and online purchases instantly when it is the last few days of the month and you are in need of instant cash. However, a credit card is a very important credit account that impacts your credit health. If you are using a credit card, it is very important that you practise the right credit activities and do a free credit score check from time to time. With good credit activities, you are actually able to improve your credit score with the help of a credit card. It is very important that you avoid making late credit card payments. Credit card bills are very important and you need to make the payment by the due date. There are various ways in which you can avoid making that late credit card payment. The most recent understanding of why you should avoid making late credit card payments -

● When you make a late credit card payment, you actually end up damaging your credit score. Late payments are a very important part of your credit profile, and eventually, you will damage your credit score every time you make a late payment. It is important that you consider making the payment by the due date and not after crossing the due date. You can automate your payment option or set reminders to make sure that you are paying the bills before the due date. Damaging your credit score will actually restrict you from getting other loans in the future. Every time you pay a late credit card bill, 50 points from your credit score drop, which eventually gives you a low credit score. Payments constitute more than 25% of the credit profile. Therefore, it is very important that you have a clean track record when it comes to credit card payments. Learn how to get a business loan .

● When you make a late credit card payment, you actually end up making the bill more expensive than it was before. When you do not make the payment by the due date, the late charges are added to your outstanding credit card balance. Therefore, you need to pay the credit card bill along with the late charges that are applicable on a daily basis. Therefore, the more you delay the credit card payment, the more you end up paying in late charges that get involved in the bill amount.

Finishing up

Improving your credit score with time is important to keep track of. Clix Capital offers a free credit score check facility.

Must Read: Why is an NBFC preferable to a bank for business loans?

Author's Bio: 

I am Ajay Singh, former Finance Advisor with more than 8 years of experience. I am a passionate trader, investment advisor and would love to help people in thier financial decision making.