Amen Clinics Blog Recommends Choline A Recognized Key Micronutrient Essential For Healthy Brain Development And Function

Neurodevelopmental diseases are on the rise according to the Global Burden of Disease Study. Although mental illnesses are multifactorial, Choline, an inconspicuous yet necessary essential nutrient, has shown up in studies as an integral part of optimal neurodevelopment and brain functioning of children. Deficiencies in choline can have serious risks in neurodevelopment problems later responsible for disorders such as ADHD.

The following study found that low choline intake was found in reported subgroup populations with ADHD, ADD and autism spectrum disorders. An intake of choline in early stages of pregnancy and its incorporation in a dietary intervention approach can be essential for those with ADHD/ ADD.

According to the study by the title of:The Role of Choline in Neurodevelopmental Disorders—A Narrative Review Focusing on ASC, ADHD and Dyslexia:

“Choline, a precursor of the brain neurotransmitter acetylcholine and membrane phospholipids, is also a methyl donor so it provides brain growth development and membrane cell structure integrity.” Its metabolites partake in functions of memory and cognition so choline, otherwise known as a substance that helps make acetylcholine, a chemical our brain needs to work properly also helps make parts of our cell walls and is important for brain development and keeping cells healthy.

Studies have shown that “Choline has an important role in neurodevelopment, with normal concentrations enlarging cholinergic neurons in size and number in the medial septum. There is now an accruing body of science demonstrating that choline is important for neurological development and brain function.” (Derbyshire and Maes The role of choline in neurodevelopmental disorders—a narrative review focusing on ASC, ADHD and dyslexia)

Choline is indirectly an essential ‘nutraceutical’ (note an emphasis on prevention rather than treatment) taking into consideration choline, its integral part in enhancement of mood and cognition along with these next indispensable nutrient points below can improve ADHD symptoms.

Dr. Amen Clinics blog supports the importance of including Choline in your Diet to help brain health: 5 Nutrient Deficiencies that Impact Mental Health:

Vitamin C

The following foods provide choline in your diet:

Plenty of foods contain choline, such as meat, eggs, poultry, fish, dairy products, potatoes, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, beans, nuts, seeds, and organic gluten-free whole oats.
(Amen Clinics Blog 5 Nutrient Deficiencies that Impact Mental Health)

Next: This blog on nutrient deficiencies which impact mental health from Dr. Amen mentions how to Integrate the previous study for a dietary plan with choline intake that will promote a brain less prone to ADHD symptoms.

a. Higher protein
b. Lower simple carbohydrate diet
c. Thiamine
d. Rhodiola
e. Ashwagandha

The importance of choline in neurodevelopment and the prominent deficiencies of choline found in populations with ADHD; shows the importance of its roles in modulating gene expression, cell membrane signaling, lipid transport and metabolism, and early brain development.

These benefits have a strong impact in mitigating abnormalities in a developing brain; therefore, signaling its importance to a life-long necessity of the nutrient for brain integrity and support.

Works Cited:
Amen Clinics. “5 Nutrient Deficiencies That Impact Mental Health .” 5-Nutrient Deficiencies That Impact Mental Health, 22 Nov. 2023,
Derbyshire, Emma, and Michael Maes. “The role of choline in neurodevelopmental disorders—a narrative review focusing on ASC, ADHD and dyslexia.” Nutrients, vol. 15, no. 13, 25 June 2023, p. 2876,

Author's Bio: 

James is an online Internet marketing leader, with knowledge in many aspects of digital marketing, content marketing and search engine optimization.