Traditional Chinese therapy called Acupuncture involves the insertion or manipulation of acupuncture needles intestine to different points of the body. It has many benefits to our overall well-being because it promotes good health. Not only improves the functions of body systems, "but you can also try the alarming health conditions.

Acupuncture works directly with the body's energy channels known as meridians. When these meridians become blocked, the body becomes more prone to certain diseases. The good news is that acupuncture needles to restore and uncover these meridians. This will allow the flow of energy and blood circulation of the body is normalized and balanced.
Here are 10 most important health problems that can be prevented and treated by acupuncture.

1. Insomnia or sleep disorder
Insomnia can be carried by the daily stress or anxiety, depression, irregular working hours, environmental changes, medications, drugs and alcohol, or other medical conditions such as asthma, chronic pain, hyperthyroidism, arthritis, etc. should be addressed with acupuncture.

2. Headaches
There is evidence that acupuncture relieves any headache. Headache is classified into two: primary and secondary schools. Primary headaches are not caused by other health conditions while secondary headaches are taken by them, including sinusitis, allergies, dental problems, head injury or brain tumor.

3. Sterility
The inability to become pregnant after a year of sex is called infertility. They are classified into two types: primary and secondary schools. Primary infertility occurs in those with no previous pregnancy. Secondary infertility is the case when a woman has been pregnant before. This health condition can be treated by acupuncture therapy.

4. Neck and shoulder
Acupuncture is an effective remedy for neck and shoulder problems. Neck and shoulder stiffness and muscular tension are common concerns of people working in the office.

5. Urinary tract infections
This can be caused by sexually transmitted diseases, catheters or tubes placed in the bladder, sex, diabetes, or use of the diaphragm. Acupuncture can help in correcting this matter.

6. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Acupuncture is a good approach in treating this condition. Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS can be the result of poor diet, chronic stress, bacteria, hormones, etc.

7. Obesity and Weight Control
When patients have gone through acupuncture, feel sudden reduction in appetite.

8. Stress, anxiety and depression
Acupuncture makes you feel relaxed and relieved of their daily stress anxiety or depression.

9. Sinus problems
This is usually caused by viral or fungal infections, air pollutants, wet weather, fever or seasonal allergy problems. It is treatable with acupuncture.

10. Arthritis
Acupuncture helps to relieve most types of pain, including arthritis.

Author's Bio: 

Lisa Beverley writes highly informative and researched articles for end consumers about a variety of health care topics including remedies, Health and Fitness, Nutrition,Slimming,weight loss products, bodybuilding supplements and diet tips.