Recently, we have been bombarded with news of many negative worldwide events; news involving the Covid-19 pandemic, violent demonstrations, quarantines requiring the wearing of masks, and potential school closures. Many parents are feeling pressure to work and still be able to provide care and education for their children.

So, considering the negativity of a world that you cannot control, what are some ways to create positivity in your own life and of those around you?

1. Consider starting a new hobby or interest, one you might be able to do at home. A friend of mine recently took an art class. With no previous experience painting, her first work turned out remarkably well! We can learn new hobbies online or use books to guide us along the way.

2. Take time to go through photo album or pictures on your computer or phone to recount happy experiences from the past. Take time to share with others, which can serve to multiply the positivity and joy of remembering those times.

3. Walk, exercise, dance, or move your body physically to produce positive motion. When you exercise, your heart and brain are positively affected. Also, the more you do to help you feel more positive emotionally, endorphins or “feel good chemicals” are generated.

4. Focus on a healthy diet that contain vitamins such as B, C, and D-3. These are especially helpful to your physical and emotional well-being. Limit excess alcohol and nicotine consumption, which can lead to depression.

5. Watch a funny movie. Laughter is healthy for us emotionally and physically, and it reduces stress and takes our thoughts off our current situation.

6. Read a new book or listen to one online. Focus on positive literature that will move you from negativity to positivity or help you address or solve a current problem.

7. Make the positive choice and decision to work on forgiveness, which will ultimately release you from past emotional pain.

8. Look up an old friend. Make that phone call and reconnect. Focus on fun experiences that you have shared on the past.

9. Be future focused. Think about and, if possible, make plans for things you would like to do in the future. Book a trip or plan a vacation. Or, even plan for local excursions like the zoo or a performance.

10. Realize that our negative times are temporary. This too shall pass. Focus on the positivity of God.

Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us that God has a good future for us, one filled with hope! His thoughts are greater toward us than the sand on the seashore (Genesis 22:17). Also, we are so important to Him that He rejoices over us with his singing (Zephaniah 3:17). There are many verses in the Bible that tell us that He sends His own angels to minister to us. But, probably the greatest gift He has given us is the gift of eternal life, as we place our faith in his Son, Jesus.

It’s true that we are living in a negative world with things happening we cannot change. However, you can make the choice to be proactive by making positive changes that can and will make your future brighter! Don’t forget how much God loves you. You are not alone!

God bless you, as you seek to add positivity and joy to your life and to the lives of those around you!

Author's Bio: 

Linda S. Plunkett, PhD, is the author of Supernatural Rescue: From Broken to Beautiful, a book written about her having undergone brain surgery after a tumor the size of a tennis ball was discovered growing in the frontal lobe of her brain. A licensed counselor, Linda offers private, one-on-one, online (video) counseling sessions at