Building a career that you’re proud of and will continue to enjoy for many years can seem like a simple and straightforward task. However, as time passes and you start to examine all of the alternative paths you could’ve taken, it’s easy to run into other industries or occupations that might’ve been more profitable or enjoyable for you. When that happens, the urge to improve your career potential will inevitably arise and you’ll find yourself searching for new opportunities in fields that you might’ve never even considered before. Fortunately, if you’re worried about having to go back to school and endure an additional 4 to 8 year educational path in order to earn another degree, you’ll be relieved to know that you can take a faster route by improving your income potential through the following 12 methods for career advancement:
1. Take a National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) Course
National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) courses will equip you with the knowledge and credentials you need to perform relatively advanced jobs in sectors that are desperately in need of skilled workers. Most of these jobs will be related to labour performed in industries related to infrastructure, construction, and engineering, such as plumbing and electrical engineering. If you’re wondering what kind of NVQ courses are out there waiting to be discovered, they are easy to find! is an easily searchable database which contains the largest and most comprehensive list of professional courses on the web. You can browse their site to find and compare thousands of NVQs in order to choose one the perfectly suits your career aspirations and preferences.
2. Work Towards a Raise
One of the fastest ways to quickly boost your income is to simply start earning more with your current employer. While this is an ideal approach to take because you won’t have to make any serious adjustments in terms of moving to a new workplace and becoming acquainted with new processes, you’ll simply be getting paid more for what you’re already doing. Even though you might not get the raise, making an attempt towards it is a decent first effort to make before trying anything else on this list.
3. Focus on Self Improvement
Reading self-improvement books and watching motivational videos will help you develop a stronger sense of discipline and professional accountability that will shine through in your performance at work. Of course, whether you’re aiming for a raise, a promotion, or just an improvement in your own proficiency for personal gratification, by working on the traits that fuel your professional efforts, you’ll be putting yourself in an ideal position to excel in your career.
4. Change Industries Altogether
A common mistake made by people who are unhappy with their current career path is holding onto a specific industry simply because they’ve already invested so much time in becoming an expert at it. If you’re really serious about increasing or removing the limit on your income and you want to broaden your horizons to facilitate that upgrade, you’ll need to let go of preconceived notions and consider the possibility that you may need to alter the course altogether.
5. Generate a Side Income
There are so many ways to generate a side income that this is really a practice that every financially savvy student should take simply to diversify their investments and have extra spending or saving money. Check out a list of ways to generate side incomes and examine each option until you find a way that you might be able to pull off. How will this help you within your career potential, you ask? Well, it will let you save or invest your entire fixed salary while you live off the money coming in from your side gigs or residual income streams.
6. Try Your Hand at Entrepreneurial Efforts
If you want to skip the side income scenario altogether and go full force into becoming an small business owner, you need to be prepared for the amount of commitment that will be required to launch and manage your own companies while also upholding a job. A good rule of thumb to ensure you’re driving forward progress at a tangible rate is to devote at least 2-4 hours to your entrepreneurial efforts each day.
7. Refine Your CV
Refining your CV will instantly make you a more appealing job candidate for any position you apply for. For this step, you can either study CV formatting and creation using an online CV builder tool, or outsource the task to a professional CV design firm to ensure the utmost in professionalism. The latter approach is usually the most reliable way to obtain a high-quality CV fast.
8. Make Relocation an Option
If you’re only examining job opportunists within a limited geographical area, chances are you’re missing out on the highest-paying openings. By expanding your search into other areas of your country or even abroad, you could find communities where your services or qualification are so desperately needed that you’re able to obtain a prestigious on the spot. Of course, you’ll need to weigh the expenses of the move and risks of relocation against the benefits and income potential that the prospective job offers. In most cases, moving to another place is worthwhile if it means you’re going to be earning twice your previous salary or more.
9. Stop Settling for the First Employer Who Will Hire You
The typical job search process goes like this: you put in applications and when an employer tells you that you’re hired, you show up for work. Obviously, you don’t want to turn down a job offer and there is usually a limited amount of time for you to make your decision and respond. Thus, it’s important to put out a high volume of applications to increase your chances of having multiple job offers on the table at any given time.
10. Take Online Courses
Completing an online course might not seem like it could have a real impact on your career, but when you consider the fact that you’ll be obtaining real certifications that can be added to your CV, it’s easy to see why course providing platforms have become so popular.
11. Create a Graphic Portfolio
If you don’t already have a fancy portfolio that shows off your best work, try spending in a portfolio design service that will work with you to create aesthetically pleasing representations of your best work. If you lack experience, you can still put together examples of what you’re capable of in order to show prospective employers what you’re bringing to the table.
12. Study Marketing and Branding
Finally, marketing is always going to be one of the most valuable skills you can build as a corporate professional or small business owner because it gives you the power to take advertising and promotion into your own hands. Take a few courses on marketing and spreading brand awareness and you’ll be able to make your career profiles, applications, proposals, and company value propositions look more appealing for everyone involved. You’ll also gain an understanding of metrics that can help you attract support from investors.
Getting a Degree Doesn’t Always Translate to Earning More Money
If you’re like most people, you’ve probably subscribed to the idea that earning a college degree is the most reliable way to ensure that you’ll earn an above average income. However, many graduates are facing the opposite reality – encountering trouble getting hired for the first jobs and often finding themselves dissatisfied with their annual income even after several years in the workforce.
I have written articles on career development. The unique thing about this article is that whether you are educated or not you can prosper in your career.
I am a reader in the night and writer in the day. When I am not writing then I like to play football.
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