Many of us think of a weight loss program or a diet as a time of deprivation. But too often, the more we put certain foods off limits, the more we want them.

When we set our goals too high, we can sometimes get discouraged right out of the gate. And when that happens, we may even find that we gain a pound or two on our "weight loss program."

This time, try a gentler approach to dieting by adopting a series of small, healthful changes. Over time, they can lead to big changes on the scale.

Here are 14 easy ways to get started today:

1. Broaden your goals. There are lots of reasons to lose weight besides simply looking better in your swimsuit on in that new pair of jeans. A more nutritious diet and more active lifestyle will give you better overall health, more energy, improved strength and flexibility and increased stamina. You'll also probably sleep better and feel better about yourself, in general.

Before you start your "diet," identify your health goals in as many ways as you can beyond the number on the scale: Dropping your cholesterol level, for example, or exercising a certain number of hours each week.

2. Cut back on simple sugars. There's no need to go cold turkey. Make gradual changes to your sugar consumption and you may discover that you don't miss what isn't there. Then you can make more drastic changes over time.

Here are some examples of small changes: put one teaspoon of sugar in your morning coffee, instead of two. Cook quinoa instead of white rice one night a week. Choose whole grains whenever possible. Start looking at the sugar content in your foods and choose varieties with less sugar.

3. Go meatless one night a week. Many people commemorate "Meatless Mondays." Experiment with meatless meals here and there.

4. Try a new vegetable. Introduce your family to one new vegetable each week and get beyond those American staples of potatoes and iceberg lettuce.

5. Treat yourself to a new healthy cookbook, or look for a good recipe source online that puts a healthy twist on your old favorites. This can be tremendously motivating as you find that some of your most savory meals will also be relatively low in fat and calories.

6. Cook with more fresh herbs and seasonings. When you cook with fresh herbs, you'll likely use less oil and butter, naturally, because the flavors are so bold and fresh.

7. Switch from table cream to half and half in your coffee. On your cereal, switch from whole milk to 2%. Once you've grown accustomed to the change, make the switch to skim.

8. Serve all of your meals on smaller plates. Your portion sizes will shrink.

9. Eat more slowly. Challenge yourself to chew each bite 20 times. Make a point to slow down and enjoy the company of your tablemates. Try to draw out mealtime. Turn down the lights, turn on some music. In other words, make mealtime an event.

10. Find alternatives to frying your food. Stop deep frying altogether.

11. Find alternatives to mayonnaise for your sandwiches. See if you don't enjoy the flavor of Dijon of spicy brown mustard even more than the white stuff.

12. Try some new salad dressings. If you are a Ranch dressing fanatic, try a light raspberry walnut vinaigrette drizzled over spinach, with some dried cranberries and roasted walnuts.

13. Try some of the new fast food joints that are popping up across the country these days. It's easier than ever to find fresh, locally-sourced foods as an alternative to hamburger and fries. Even when you're in a hurry.

14. Walk more. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park far away from your destination. Call the friend whom you usually meet for coffee and ask her to meet over a brisk walk around the neighborhood instead. Get a quality pedometer and see if you can gradually increase the number of steps in an average day by 500 or 1,000 steps until you are regularly taking 10,000 steps each day.

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Get more diet and healthy living tips at Best Self Help as well as and, where you'll find coupons for popular online diet programs.