Are you sick and tired of trying to earn a MASSIVE income from home, only to come up with meager rewards? Have you followed guru's, gadgets and gimmicks month after month, all in the pursuit of profits that never arrived? Are you fed up with feeling JEALOUS of the success of others, scratching your head and wondering why it never happens for you? If you said YES to any of the above... the good news is, you are NOT alone! As a matter of fact, statistically speaking the vast majority of online entrepreneurs are in the exact same position as you, and have the same fears, failures and frustrations to show for it.

I'm going to say something a bit controversial here... and something that MOST online marketing "teachers" won't tell you.

If you have been at this for 12 months or more and are NOT making at least 4 figures a month from your online business, it IS your fault.

(most "slick" guru types will try to tell you to blame someone else... simply because it makes THEIR solution sound so much better, and BACK to the same treadmill you return!)

Here are the EXACT 3 things you need to know to take your business from ZERO to $1000 a month, and THEN... from a thousand a month to 10k, not too far thereafter.

I'm going to make it sound simple, only because it is:

You need:

Articles (much like this one)
Opt in's (a list building instrument and a give away)
Offers (something to sell a small segment of your community to monetize the whole)

That's really it.

If you write articles that build your subscriber base, and you have hyper specific offers to make that correspond EXACTLY with the reason they subscribed, you will never struggle to make a profit in the big picture, ever again.

Does it happen overnight?

Absolutely NOT. But it can happen pretty fast, especially if you keep it super simple like above. (I call this the "strategy of straight lines" simply because it's a linear marketing model anyone can employ)

The best news is, if you HATE writing articles, you can replace 1 (articles) with any other traffic source you prefer.

Social Media
Opt in's


Pay Per Click Ads
Opt In's

The key is only that you build your business around RELATIONSHIPS, and create (or find) high value offers to present to your subscribers, that help them solve the problems they self identified with by reading your content, and singing up for your list in the first place.

That's really it.

One more "secret" I've stumbled upon in my own business -

If you want to make $1000 a month CONSISTENTLY - coach. Teach. Train. Mentor. It's much easier to sell 2 people a $500 per month offer, than it is to sell 100 $10 dollar ebooks. (although both can be done with great success!)

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Want the SECRET to earning 4 figures in ONE Day WITHOUT Tricks, Gimmicks or Guru's? Click HERE and I'll give it to you 100% Free!