Researchers on obesity recently concluded that there were three important things people can do to lose weight.

1) Eat low energy-density foods---These are foods that have a low calorie per ounce ratio. For example, a slice of watermelon and a slice of cheese can be cut to the same size. Watermelon has about 86 calories per wedge. For the same amount of cheese it would be around 1200 calories. Other low energy-density foods are fruit, vegetables and broth-based soups. It was discovered that people lost more weight eating these types of foods rather than just cutting fat out of the diet. Low energy-density foods are also rich in vitamins and micronutrients.

2) Portion control---By using a salad or lunch plate your plate will appear to be more full of food than if the same amount of food was placed on a large dinner plate. Using the plate will help you judge how much you eat. The key is to not have seconds so eat slowly and enjoy!

3) Add Healthy Variety--- Studies have shown that people who tend to maintain their lost weight eat a fairly limited array of food. If people have a lack of variety they tend to eat less. Variety can stimulate the appetite. Too dull of a diet can be a problem. You may have a tendency to binge if you feel you are missing something. Try to get a happy medium with food. Vary the intake of fruits and vegetables. Raw is preferred over cooked for higher nutrition levels.

The important thing to remember is to 'Exercise More--Eat Less'. Losing weight doesn't have to be a chore. Just think before you eat!

Author's Bio: 

Deborah Mumm has been in the Health and Nutrition industry since 1996. Her business, Healthy Environments Inc., has been helping educate people on the importance of Air, Water and Whole Food Nutrition for a healthier lifestyle.
To discover amazing health tips for daily life visit her blog at or the website at