There are more benefits of massage than you can think, both on the body and the mind. When accomplished efficiently any tension on the body can be dissolved with the help of this. This is nothing but an ancient healing art that is thought to have originated in India. It involves the implementation of pressure at the energy points and lines.

There are more benefits of massage than you can think, both on the body and the mind. When accomplished efficiently any tension on the body can be dissolved with the help of this. This is nothing but an ancient healing art that is thought to have originated in India. It involves the implementation of pressure at the energy points and lines. This one consists of an array of passive stretching movements with the help of knees, elbows and hands. Apart from stimulating the internal organs to function properly and enhancing relaxation, one can also increase the flow of energy and flexibility with the help of this.

Following are some of the most basic techniques to perform this therapy.

The one for preparing your hands

  • You have to place your left thumb firmly at the base of the left palm.
  • Then you have to rotate your thumb five times clockwise and five times anti-clockwise.
  • After this, you have to turn your left index finger five times clockwise and five times anticlockwise.
  • Then do the steps from one through three for all the fingers in your left hand.
  • After this, you have to repeat the steps from one through four thereby using your left hand on the fingers of the right hand.

One for the Shoulder and Neck

  • You make the recipient sit comfortably on the ground. Then make his head lean to the left side and have your forearm rolled over to that side of the head. Ensure that you should only put the not so hard part of hand there. Then you should drag it down to the left shoulder.
  • After this, you should roll his hand up and down in circles many times.
  • You should roll down his right arm past his ears as his left arm comes down. As you move the hands back and forth, ensure that the movement is very smooth.
  • Now you have to repeat the steps one through three on the right side of the body as well.

Side stretching

  • Make the recipient sit comfortably on the mat on the floor. Then you have to hold his left palm just against his ears, and his elbow should remain to the outer side in order to make it look like a triangle.
  • Then ask him to hold his left forearm with his right hand.
  • Now you have to kneel down facing him and push the left elbow until he receives a full stretch.
  • He can also hold your left elbow for a deeper stretch. After that, you can bring him back to the seated position.
  • Then you have to repeat the steps on the right side of the recipient.

The above are some of the ways of performing Thai massage that has immense benefits both on the mind and the body.

Author's Bio: 

The author Ron Spencer has recently gone for massage services in Perth and is greatly benefitted from the services of remedial massage in Perth.