Autumn, with its crisp, cold weather, is 'Vata' season, according to Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurveda describes three 'doshas' or qualities ascribed to all things. The Vata dosha is often compared to the wind, being erratic and changeable, quick, cooling and drying.
Autumn is a time of high energy, unpredictable weather, and increased activity. To
counter the unbalancing qualities of this season, try to follow the general guidelines below. You will likely catch fewer colds, have less dry skin and chapped lips, and feel better overall.
First and foremost, protect your neck from the cold and wind. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the neck is the most vulnerable to those elements and the number one way we catch colds. So never go out without a scarf.
Second, begin shifting away from cold, raw foods like salads and cold cereal and toward warm, unctuous (more oily), nurturing, cooked foods such as oatmeal, soups and casseroles.
Third, get a little extra rest by adding another half hour (and full hour by Winter) to your night's sleep.
Lastly, a technique from Ayurveda to further protect yourself from the drying effect of the cold and wind is to take a little ghee, cooking oil, nose oil (we have some for sale at the Live Well Holistic Health Center in Ardmore, PA) or even butter on your pinky fingers and lubricate inside your nostrils and ears. Trust me, its great, and it really helps kids.
So stay warm, get your rest, keep lubricated, and hopefully you'll enjoy a cold-free Autumn! If that's not the case, we're here to support you with colds, flus, allergies, headaches, immune disorders and other health problems using our all natural approach to health and healing, so please don't hesitate to call us at (610) 896-1554.
Dr. Martin Orimenko DC, ND, FIACA
Dr. Martin is a licensed Chiropractor, Nutritionist and Naturopath. In order to gain a broad perspective on healing holistically, Dr. Martin has studied more than a dozen healing arts, including Ayurvedic Medicine, Acupuncture & Acupressure, Reiki and Breathwork with some of the top healers in this country and abroad. He is both technically skilled and highly intuitive. He has been in practice since 1990, and has treated over 5000 patients with a wide range of health conditions. Dr. Martin has had practices in St. Louis, Missouri and Sausalito, California and is now in practice back in his native Pennsylvania.
The range and combination of treatment modalities that Dr. Martin employs in each visit makes him unique and results in more comprehensive treatment sessions for his patients. One visit for a neck or back problem, for example, may include chiropractic and massage techniques, acupressure, physiotherapies and neuro-emotional work. This approach is broader and more efficient than using the modalities individually. In addition, Dr. Martin utilizes Kinesiologic Analysis, a form of muscle response testing, to detect imbalance - physical, chemical or emotional. He can determine which foods or environmental factors are affecting your health and which nutritional supplements and dietary changes would correct your imbalances and vitalize you. He prescribes a variety of home exercises to help strengthen, balance and heal you physically, mentally and spiritually. Our team guides and supports patients through cleanses to detoxify, rejuvenate and rebalance the body.
Dr. Martin works with a wide range of health problems, including neck and back pain, joint injuries, digestive issues, allergies, headaches, hormonal imbalances, chronic fatigue, weight issues, cholesterol problems, blood sugar imbalances, environmental sensitivies and much more. Once your health conditions are relieved, Dr. Martin will help you rise to the next level of vibrancy and effectiveness in the world and support you in achieving a longer, disease-free life through preventative wellness treatments.
"I was suffering with low back pain off and on for years and pretty steadily for six months. I was amazed and thrilled that Dr. Orimenko took care of it in all of two sessions...Wow!"
Linda Page
"For the first time in almost four decades I have gotten consistent relief from my allergies and asthma. I also have a clearer understanding of how my body works. What I appreciate most is the trust I have that Dr. Orimenko can help me."
Sid Reedy
"Dr. Orimenko is the only person who consistently relieves my headaches and neck pain with his myofascial and acupressure techniques. This has improved my sleep and the ability to deal with pain and everyday stress."
Sue Hohman
"Martin Orimenko is one of the most gifted healers I have had the pleasure to receive work from. I have a deep respect for his commitment to the process of evolving and healing of mind/body limitations in all forms. I have worked with many chiropractors and healers from many disciplines and consider Martin truly of the top echelon."
Peter DeLong
International seminar leader; Clarity Productions.
"I had a very serious case of Crohn's Disease that made my life hell. With a second operation pending, I saw Dr. Orimenko and in a few days was out of pain, and in a few months was living a full and normal life, no operation. I am forever grateful and continue to come in for check-ups and to learn more health management techniques."
John Schalk
"Martin, I am so excited for you to be in PA. I want you to know that your cure for my allergy problems was effective for seven years. WOW! How amazing is that?"Barbara Yount
"Martin is a resource for hope in the midst of complacency in the treatment of chronic illness. The total effect of a treatment in his office is to be empowered to face the world with renewed optimism."
Peggy MacAdam
"Martin is one of the greatest healers I've met around the world! He has been of tremendous value in furthering the growth of my mind, body and spirit. Sometimes when nothing else worked, his treatments did. He knows how to get to the hidden cause."
Sondra Ray
International seminar leader & author of 17 books on spirituality, relationships and healing.
"Thanks to Dr. Martin, this is the first year ever that I did not have a sinus infection. It's wonderful. Dr. Orimenko really helped me re-think how to take care of my body, mind and spirit."Judy Lang"I had been suffering from severe diarrhea for five years. My gastroenterologist was stumped. She had me taking maximum diarrhea medicine plus prednisone and it kept getting worse. I went to see Dr. Orimenko and in a few visits he had me off all medications, and in a few months I was completely cured. I now have sound sleep for the first time in years, all the energy I could want, arthritis in both thumbs completely gone, my liver enzymes stopped spiking to ten times normal, and a quadriceps muscle that had been sore for 14 months (much to the puzzlement of my orthopedist and physical therapist) healed."
Jo Etta Alwood
"I had been having daily headaches and allergies for over 35 years. I was taking 3 to 4 Advil a day with minimal relief. My regular doctor gave me a prescription for a pain reliever designed for headaches. It dropped my blood pressure so low I ended up collapsing. At that point I realized that I needed to approach this problem differently. I had heard about the wonderful things Dr. Orimenko could do with detoxification, so I made an appointment not knowing what to expect, but went in with an open mind. Dr. Orimenko treated me with a variety of techniques. He tested me for food and environmental allergies. No doctor had ever suggested this to me before. I followed the diet he advised and took the supplements he prescribed. Unbelievably, within one week I was feeling much better, and within two weeks I was headache free for the first time in over 35 years. It's wonderful!!! It has been over ten years and I am still headache free. I feel like a new person, all thanks to Dr. Orimenko."
Linda Hoff
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