The endometrium is an essential material in the uterine cavity of women. The endometrium is required for healthy menstruation and successful pregnancy every month. In life, because many women ignore the endometrium, resulting in endometriosis.

Endometriosis, as the name implies, refers to the endometrial growth outside the uterine cavity. The occurrence of endometriosis will not only affect women's body and life but also affect fertility.

How to treat endometriosis?

1. Take western medicine

At present, western medicine is mainly through hormone drugs to change the hormone level of the body, stop menstruation, let the ectopic endometrium atrophy, and promote the healthy growth of the endometrium, and then achieve the purpose of treatment.

2. Surgical treatment

At present, endometriosis's surgical treatment is divided into three types: conservative, semi-conservative and radical surgery. For women with fertility requirements, conservative treatment can be selected to preserve the uterus and ovarian tissue, so that fertility will not be affected.

Older women or women without fertility requirements can choose semi-conservative and radical treatment to restore the endometrium to normal position. In general, fertility cannot be preserved.

3. Treat with traditional Chinese medicine

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, there are many types of endometriosis, such as kidney deficiency and blood stasis type, Qi stagnation and blood stasis type, Qi deficiency and blood stasis type, etc..

Herbal medicine Fuyan Pill has significant advantages in the treatment of endometriosis. It can not eliminate endometriosis symptoms but also treat the disease from its root. Although traditional Chinese medicine medicines' therapeutic effect is slower than other therapies, it can improve your immunity and self-healing ability, enabling you to have a better status to conceive with healthy babies naturally.

4. Radiotherapy

When there is no way to bear hormone therapy and other concurrent diseases, radiotherapy can destroy ovarian function and make endometrium atrophy, so as to achieve the purpose of treatment.

Medical and surgical options are available to help reduce your symptoms and manage any potential complications. Try conservative treatments first. Then recommend surgery if your condition does not improve. Everyone reacts differently to these treatment options. Choose the one that works best for you. 

What method can prevent endometriosis?

1. Taking contraceptives

Suppose there is a family history of endometriosis. In that case, women can choose the method of drug contraception, which can not only achieve the contraceptive effect but also inhibit endometrial growth so that that endometrial atrophy can be prevented.

2. Avoid repeated intrauterine operations

Frequent intrauterine surgery will affect the endometrium, especially before menstruation. It will let the endometrium in the wound growth, or improper operation will lead to intrauterine inflammation so that the endometrium will not grow to other places.

Generally speaking, endometriosis is very harmful to women, mainly affecting their fertility. Therefore, women who want to have a successful pregnancy or suspected of endometriosis should have relevant examinations in time and take correct treatment measures to control the development, prevent the impact, and enable them to realize their desire to be mothers.

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