In these uncertain times, people feel uneasy about leaving their children at home. The days of being able to leave your doors unlocked and your windows open are over. Fortunately, with careful planning, your home can be a safe place for your children even when you are not around. Here are five helpful tips to get you started.

Hire a Nanny

Even if your children are starting to become settled in their teenage years, it never hurts to hire a nanny to hang around the house when you are away. Not only will a nanny be able to help moderate any disputes between your children, but a nanny will also be able to react swiftly in case of emergencies. This way you will be able to have a night out and the peace of mind that your children are safe while you are away.

Use Sensor Lights

Sensor lights will automatically come on as people approach your home. This gives any suspicious character a reason to think twice before approaching an exterior door or window. They will not know if they are being watched or not. This is even more effective if there is a loud beep noise when the light turns on for added security. If anything, this will alert your kids that someone or something is lurking around outside.

Get a Dog

Another great way to protect your kids while you are away is to get a dog or two. Small dogs will be the first to bark and make a racket if anyone tries to get close to the exterior of your home. Larger dogs will have the bite to back up their bark if anyone tries to break in while your kids are home alone. Not only does a dog add another level of protection, but a smart watch-dog will provide enough of a distraction to give your kids time to call for help.

Installing a Security System

If you are looking to make your home secure when leaving your children home alone, then a quality security system is a must. Many modern security systems allow for remote access through smart devices. This will allow you to personally monitor activity around your home no matter where you happen to be. In addition, many security systems will alert the police and the home owner when sensors are tripped. Read NorthStar Alarm reviews and those of similar companies to weigh the strengths and weaknesses of various systems.

Install New Deadbolts, Doors and Door-frames

The FBI reports that a home-invasion, where the intruder gains entry through a door, occurs every 12-seconds. Installing solid metal door frames and a more secure deadbolt system will generally make it more difficult for an intruder to kick in your doors. However, it is also important to replace weak doors with doors that are much sturdier to ensure the best results. Metal doors and multiple dead bolts help to provide highly secure entryways.

You may want to consider installing hurricane windows, with impact resistance to make entry by window more difficult for intruders. Be sure to also test the locks on windows, and even install heavier locks if your current ones are insufficient. Shrubbery and other foliage around windows offer burglars a place to hide, so you may want to change their locations or use painful plants like rosebushes by these potential access areas.

There are many ways to improve your home to protect your kids while you are away. The important thing to remember is to teach your kids to be aware of any suspicious activity occurring in or around the home. It never hurts to role play various scenarios with your kids to make sure they know how to react to any type of threat that may arise in your absence.

Author's Bio: 

A recent college graduate from University of San Francisco, Anica loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. She was raised in a big family, so she's used to putting things to a vote. Also, cartwheels are her specialty. You can connect with Anica here.