If you're attempting to find the fastest way to get your ex-girlfriend back, then you definitely believe there's still hope. Giving up could be the easy way out though not always the best path. If you are still in love and accept that you continue to have a chance, then I recommend you follow these five steps and you may win her heart back.

1- You first need to analyze what happened in your relationship. Consider the things you wished to improve that your squeeze protested about while you were in the relationship. Do not let these thoughts deter you, but permit them to galvanize you and how are you going to improve your relationship.

2- Don't rush to get your girl back straight away. Give her a couple days to think about what happened and judge her feelings about you. Rushing back only shows signals of desperation and weakness. Take command of your emotions and be powerful. After a few days she will be wondering when you are going to pursue her back.

3- Ladies love an assured man. Walk around with your head up, dress nice, and smile. Remember you're not trying to act like you're better than her , you simply need to be confident. This could make her question whether you really want her back and before you know it she might be the one to pop the question .

4- Send her surprise flowers and a card to work. This can definitely win her heart. Write her a genuine love note expressing how sorry you are and how your life isn't the same without her. Don't expect her to call you right away, give her a little time to actually reflect on how much effort you are putting into getting her back. I promise you before the day ends she is going to call you appreciating your warm gift.

5- The last thing you would like to try after 1 or 2 days gives her a call. Ask her how she's doing. Next, ask her how she would feel if you blokes meet for dinner to discuss some things regarding your relationship. Do not expect a definite yes immediately, but at least you've shown her you are still interested in working things out. This will allow her to have a positive approach, when she is doing accept your date.

Never give up on your ex-girlfriend if you really love her. It might take longer than a week, but as long as you follow these steps you will have her back.

Relationship Coach,

Author's Bio: 

Certified Relationship Coach, speaker, and mentor. He is a master at helping others with their relationship problems. His goal is to help as many people as possible to be successful in their relationship.

For help getting back with your ex girlfriend : http://howtowinrelationships.org/get-your-ex-girlfriend-back.html