If you are reading this, there is a good chance you have already tried different language products and have been left feeling disappointed. Perhaps you haven’t made a purchase yet but are bewildered and confused by the array of products to choose from. There is a lot to be confused about! There are CDs, talking toys, talking books, text books, audio programs, DVDs, phrasebooks, vocabulary lists, grammar drills, software, magnetic readers and much, much more. The education and edutainment markets are colossal multi-billion $ industries – and they have a vested interested in keeping it that way. They have the resources and skills to mount very slick marketing campaigns – all with the single aim of getting you to part with your cash and buy their product. The truth is that all of these language products cannot be equally effective. Most end up on shelves collecting dust. Indeed research shows us that many famous products hardly work at all.

With the right tools your language ability can take off

The good news is that you can learn a language – no doubt about it. Your success will depend on putting aside some time and then using that time effectively. To avoid frustration, therefore, you need to firstly make sure you use tools that actually work! Too many people start learning a language with the first language tool that comes to hand – without thought as to its effectiveness. It might be a foreign language CD lying around the house, or perhaps an old phrasebook. This is the worst way to start. Language is just like any other endeavour – if you have the wrong tools you won’t achieve your objectives. You cannot play tennis with a golf club. Don’t learn a language with the wrong equipment! On the other hand, clever tools that embed important language principles, will make your learning much easier and a lot more fun.

5 techniques that bring language into your life

Research has shown that the level of language “input” is an important factor in how well you learn your new language. On the other hand, setting aside daily dedicated study time can be difficult. One trick, therefore, is to make your second language a part of everyday life – so that learning becomes automatic and easy.

Here are some simple techniques to get everyday exposure to your new language and power boost your learning.

1. Write foreign words onto pieces of paper and stick them onto common household items – such as mirrors, doors, the fridge, a table, a chair etc. Whenever you see that item, say the word. This is a simple and effective way to build your vocabulary of everyday items. Once you have learned the basic words create new stickers with complete sentences such as “I see the fridge” ; “I open the door”, “I turn on the light”. Say it every time as you complete the action so it all happens in context, every day.

2. Many car navigational systems have language options. Switch it to a foreign language speaker and learn directions and words to do with travelling. From the display you will know what the Sat-Nav is saying and will, therefore, receive information in context. I have my Sat-Nav switched to an Italian woman – it is actually quite fun.

3. At dinnertime, learn the words of all the foods, drinks, crockery and cutlery. Get into the habit of referring to the items in the foreign language. Next learn how to say simple sentences for example “Can I have the peas?” or, “Please pass me the ice cream”. Also learn how to offer something to someone with phrases like “Would you like the water.” Words spoken during the action puts them in a meaningful context. This is a powerful learning technique and will help you retain your knowledge.

4. Read foreign books and websites. If you have a young child read them their favourite stories in a foreign language. Older children and adults can read foreign books for themselves. Research has shown that this simple past time is actually one of the most effective ways to absorb a language.

5. Play foreign language games. Games are an ideal way to learn a language. They are interactive and fun and can substantially boost your rate of learning. Games which utilise Discovery Learning techniques and then place new words into a sentence work best because this replicates the way we learned our first language. Check out www.kloogame.com.

If you complete these five proven ways to boost your language, you will be surprised at how quickly you pick up language in a natural way.

Author's Bio: 

Andrew Finan - a husband, father, businessman and author who has worked with games most of his life. He believes that learning a foreign language is a wonderful thing – one of the top 10 things you should do in your life. It broadens the mind and lets you see the world through different lenses. His mission is to make learning a language easier by sharing the proven principles of language learning.

In 2009, working with games experts and an Oxford University linguist, he developed a language game called KLOO to make learning a language quicker and easier. Vist www.kloogame.com.