Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can present itself in three forms, central, obstructive, and mixed, and it is extremely essential to know how to stop sleep apnea for several reasons. Obstructive sleep apnea is the most commonly found form of the condition, which occurs when there is obstruction of the airway, and is often found as an underlying issue that increases the severity of snoring as well.

The condition is extremely serious, especially if left untreated, as it can cause the sufferer to stop breathing during the night, sometimes for as long as a minute or more, occurring anywhere from 5 to over 100 times per hour during sleep. Seeking a sleep apnea cure is extremely important to remain in optimal health, as well as to avoid a fatal symptom of the condition such as a heart attack or stroke.

Steps to Stopping Sleep Apnea:

Snoring and apnea are closely linked, with apnea being a root cause of the snoring in as many as 50% of cases. With a snoring mouthpiece, it is possible to target stop sleep apnea also, realigning the lower jaw and releasing obstruction from the respiratory area.

A snoring mouthpiece can be used as a sleep apnea mouthpiece if it is designed to move the lower jaw forward in small increments. This adjustability factor is important as there is an optimal position of the lower jaw that opens the airway and stops apnea. One-size-fits-all anti snoring devices should not be used as a sleep apnea mouthpiece because they lack this important feature.

Adjustable anti snoring devices can be used as a much less invasive measure to obtaining a sleep apnea cure when there is mild to moderate apnea. Following the correct steps, your condition can be alleviated quickly and extremely effectively:

1. Before seeking any type of treatment in the form of a snoring mouthpiece or any further treatment, it is essential to evaluate whether or not you are demonstrating apnea symptoms. The evaluation can be done through the Epworth Scale and the Berlin Sleep Evaluation, providing an optimal method to self-test for the condition.

2. If the self testing reveals that there is a likelihood you are afflicted with apnea, it is then important to take the next step in scheduling a sleep study in order to determine the severity of the condition. This can be done through a referral from your health care provider, or through several research facilities and sleeping centers as well.

3. If the sleep study concludes that there you are suffering from mild to moderate apnea, there is a completely noninvasive method to stop sleep apnea without having to seek further treatment in any other form. With the use of a sleep apnea mouthpiece there can be relief of both snoring and apnea without any invasive treatments.

4. If the case of apnea is severe, CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) remains to be the gold standard of effective treatment for the condition. This will be in the form of a breathing device that includes a nasal or full face mask, attached through a hose to a machine that forces air into the nose and/or mouth maintaining an opening of the respiratory passages. CPAP treatment for severe apnea ensures there is continuous and easy breathing.

5. Surgery is always indicated for more severe cases of apnea, however, it is the last resort of all treatment options. The invasive procedure will involve widening the breathing passages through removal, shrinking, or stiffening of the excess tissue within the mouth and throat, or by realigning the jaw surgically.

A customized, adjustable snoring mouthpiece is an ideal treatment for apnea as both snoring and sleep apnea are closely linked together. Using it as a sleep apnea mouthpiece, the oral appliance will gradually shift the jaw into an optimal position to open the airway in order to effectively stop sleep apnea.

To order customized, adjustable devices guaranteed to stop snoring and control sleep apnea visit

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Don Closson, inventor of the Ultimate Stop Snoring Solution anti-snoring mouthpieces, has been in the health care field for over 30 years with the past 7 years researching and developing oral devices for the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea.
Copyright 2009-2010 Peak Performance Health Strategies