Facebook Ads is an advertising tool that allows you to impact your target audience at a relatively low cost due to its multiple campaigns and the locations you can use (Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network, Messenger ...)

In order to achieve results in it, it is necessary to have some basic knowledge since it has much functionality that allows working different types of objectives.

Here I give you 5 tips that will come in handy for you to run successful Facebook Ads campaigns

  1. The Facebook Pixel

The Facebook Pixel is a code by which you give Facebook access to your website, in such a way that it knows the behavior that a user has when visiting your page.

It is essential that you have this code installed, and not only at the basic level, but in a more advanced way with the events that may become business objectives for you: form submission, visit a product file, product added to cart, purchase …

With this what you can do is:

Personalized audiences according to the behavior on the website: For example, you can re-impact those people who have added a product to the shopping cart but have not finished making the purchase.

Conversion campaigns: They are the most profitable type of campaign for business since Facebook Ads look for those users within the platform who have more options to carry out an objective, such as filling in a contact form or making a purchase.

  1. What are you looking for?

The Mind blowing Power for of Facebook Ad tips is a platform where you can achieve different objectives, but before getting involved you need to clearly define what you want. As general objectives to achieve you can have:

  • Traffic to the website.
  • Lead generation.
  1. Spy on the competition

Whether it's for organic or paid strategies, you need to know how to spy on your competition on Facebook as it can give you clues about what might work as well as being a source of inspiration.

For ads you can do it in 2 ways:

Facebook Ad Library: It is the Facebook ad library, a place where all the active ads for any brand on the platform are shown, so here you can see what your competition or other inspirational brands do, but they can also see you. I recommend that you look at the types of ads, copies, creative, formats, landing pages...

Facebook Pixel Helper: It is a Google Chrome extension by which you can see if they have the Facebook Pixel on and also the events, in such a way that if they have all the events, it can be a sign that more conversion-oriented campaigns are working and in a more advanced way.

  1. Define your strategy

Do not go from the zero moments towards the final conversion (contact capture or product/service sale), there are some previous steps that it is recommended that you do not skip.

I recommend that you work with different types of campaigns depending on the moment of decision that the user has, according to their needs or knowledge of the brand.

For example, for an ecommerce, it is advisable to work with strategies in which campaigns that make you achieve cold traffic (the one furthest away from the purchase and from users who do not know you) with hot traffic (they have already visited your website and have also performed a value action before making the payment)

  1. Choose well the objective of the campaign

In Facebook advertising you have different types of campaigns depending on the objective you want to achieve, they are divided into 3 categories:

Recognition: Make a brand known to your potential audience.

Consideration: Get the people we impact to think about our brand and start looking for information about it.

Conversion: Get them to carry out a specific action focused on business.

In addition, each category has different types of objectives according to the type of business, content, action

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Seo Expert