Currently, over 30 million Americans suffer from an eating disorder. If the issue is not addressed accordingly, the outcome could be fatal. For instance, one person passes away as a direct result of an eating disorder after every sixty-two minutes.
A patient who has irregular eating habits, such as excessive or inadequate consumption of food, is said to have an eating disorder. Typical forms of this illness include Bulimia Nervosa, Anorexia Nervosa, and Binge eating. If you have a loved one in eating disorder recovery, here are four ways to support them.
Learn about their Eating Disorder
The first step to supporting a loved one is learning about their eating disorder. Do extensive research and get to know their symptoms and treatments and what the disorder generally entails. This way you’ll be able to know how to assist them going forward and advise them accordingly.
Encourage them through the Process
As your loved one gradually recovers, encourage them through the process. Avoid pressuring them with demands or shaming their bodies. Instead, try and engage them in positive conversations. Help them create mini goals and habits that will catalyze their recovery process.
Keep them from Potential Triggers
Warn your loved one about engaging in behaviors that encourage withdrawals. Some of which include excessive exercising. Try and keep them away from negativity whether from friends, or social media and the TV. Anything that will make them feel bad about their situation should be far from their reach.
Help Them Stay Positive
Eating disorders are also affected by their mental states. If your loved one feels bad in their skin, it’s essential to make them understand that adding some weight is good for their health and their physical outlook as well. Constantly remind them that it’s 100% doable to get back their great health and remain healthy.
Be Patient with their Recovery Journey
The journey to recovery will not happen overnight; therefore, as a supporter, it’s important to stay positive and patient believing that your loved one will soon recover and get back on their feet. That positivity will be transferred to them and give them the strength they need. If taking care of them from home seems to be impossible, don’t hesitate to have them admitted to an inpatient eating disorder treatment center so that they can receive the advance care they need.
Are you having trouble helping your loved one recover from an eating disorder? Remember the above tips and seek out professional help if needed.
Dixie Somers is a freelance writer who loves to write for business, health, and women’s interests. She lives in Arizona with her husband and three beautiful daughters.
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