It’s true that no two persons share the same identity -not even the most identical set of twins. Although it’s possible to share semblance with different people either through name or appearance, sharing the same qualities, values and ideals with someone else is definitely impossible.

Your personality is a set of unique qualities which typically distinguish you from every other person. It’s what attracts people to you, allowing them to form a perception about you.

Personality building can be likened to business branding. It’s a great determinant for success. It helps you to form a solid reputation which will eventually translate to huge career prospects.

So if you’re looking to have an awesome personality that can influence people and inspire them towards greatness, here are the 6 ways to go about it.

1. Have good moral values

This is the most essential step in personality building. Simple moral values like trustworthiness, humility, self-discipline, integrity, respecting other people’s opinions, keeping to an agreement, observing basic etiquette, among others can earn you tons of respect if you take care of them very well.

Nobody wants to ever deal with an abusive, dubious, or controversial person who doesn’t care who gets hurt by his insensitive actions. Compassion is the basis of morality — Arthur Schopenhauer

2. Be independent

People who have the best personalities don’t depend on others for sustenance. You need to be gainfully employed or have a stable means of livelihood, to enjoy a certain level of freedom.

Being financially independent allows you to take control of your own destiny, helps you to make autonomous life decisions, allows you to have an opinion, and makes you stronger.

This gives you a feeling of accomplishment, increases your self-worth, and ultimately improves the way people see you.

3. Be a specialist

Don’t be a jack of all trade, and master of none. Rather, you should focus on being a specialist, and improve your craft. This concept is also widely known as having a niche.

There are lots of benefits attached to having an area of specialization. It allows you to build a solid knowledge base, and this gives you the chance to be the best at what you do.

Also, it helps people to identify you as an expert in your field. This way, they can always refer you to others when there’s demand for the kind of services which you render.

4. Have self-confidence

Self-confidence is a state of mind. It’s the cumulative feeling of having self-esteem, believing in your abilities, and having a positive mind set. It’s about believing in your personal abilities.

To develop self-confidence, you must understand your areas of strength and weakness, learn from your past failures, tap from other people’s wealth of experience, and don’t be an introvert.

5. Be simple

Leading a complicated life drains your energy and makes you feel less comfortable. But when you’re simple and down to earth, you’ll draw admiration from all quarters, and people will always feel relaxed around you.

To do this, you must have a good sense of humor, have a listening ear, dress simply, speak gently, make things easy for people, and always tread the middle course.

You must realize that true beauty lies in simplicity and that being simple is the key to happiness. Remember, the greatest ideas are always the simplest.

6. Be yourself

There’s no point in trying to be like others. No matter how hard you try, you’ll realize in the end that everybody else is already taken. Everyone has their own unique qualities.

Although it’s fine to emulate other people’s good qualities, you must work on refining your personal traits which add to your uniqueness. So, talk like yourself, look like yourself, walk like yourself, feel free to express your opinions, and don’t compare yourself to others.

This quote by Dr. Seuss summarizes the essence of appreciating who you are:

“Today you are you; that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.”


Following these set of rules will help you develop a unique, enviable personality that’ll set you apart from others. You’ll become a better individual, earn more respect, and your success will grow in leaps and bounds.

Author's Bio: 

Hafiz is a freelance writer, content strategist and online entrepreneur. He helps businesses to build brand awareness, get more inbound traffic, engage their target audiences, generate more leads, and increase sales. Follow him on twitter and LinkedIn