We all have setbacks in life from time to time. Setbacks are a few of the many spices of life. They keep us on our toes and even can make life more exciting.

However, when they do happen we may find it difficult to try again and sometimes feel like giving up. This article is going to show you how to keep focused on your goals in spite of setbacks and to keep moving towards them until they manifest.

As creators we were given thought as a tool to shape our own path in life and to manifest what we want in life. It is to our advantage to use thought to move through setbacks and to reach our goals. However, in order to use thought for this purpose we have to make sure the thoughts we think are a match to what we want.

Here are seven steps I use to keep my thoughts aligned with my goals when I face setbacks.

Step one. Know what you are thinking and feeling about the situation/setback.
Become aware of the thoughts you are thinking about the situation and write them down.

Step Two. Take a thought you wrote down and consciously realize what this thought is designed to create when it is held in mind or believed.

For this step you are going to hold that thought in your mind for a few seconds and consciously realize how you feel, and how you live your life when you believe this particular thought.

The purpose of this step is to make yourself conscious of the results this particular thought is designed to create.

While you are holding the thought in mind ask yourself the following questions:

• How do you feel when you believe this thought and where do you feel it?
• What kinds of things do you do during the day when you believe this thought?
• How do you treat yourself when you believe this thought?
• How do you treat others when you believe this thought?
• How do you react towards your goal when you believe this thought?
• How is your confidence and strength when you think this thought?
• How do you feel when you wake up in the morning and begin to think this thought?
• What kinds of things will you be doing tomorrow, or for the next week or for the next 5 years if you continue to believe this thought?
• How will you feel tomorrow, or next week, or for the next 5 years if you continue to believe this thought?

In a short sentence write down the outcome this thought is designed to produce when you believe it or even think it for more than 30 seconds.

Step Three: Decide if this thought keeps you stuck in the setback or propels you towards your goal? In other words consciously realize if this thought in alignment with your goal?

If your goal is to get a position at a new company and you were turned down at your last job interview and you currently believe the thought “this shouldn’t be happening” this is the time to decide if the thought “this shouldn’t be happening” is a match to your goal.

For example, you may realize that the thought “this shouldn’t be happening” is not a match to your goal of getting a position at a new company because when you believe this thought your body feels lethargic, you feel unmotivated, you don’t feel like going to a new interview, and find it difficult to even look for other companies that might be hiring.

Step Four: Ask yourself if you have to continue to believe this thought?

Do you have to continue to believe this thought? Of course the answer is no. You don’t have to believe any thought that doesn’t serve you. That is the beauty and design of thought. They were designed to serve us because we are the creators of our own reality. They were designed to be picked and chosen and used whenever needed and desired.

When you notice that a thought that you currently believe is not in alignment with your goal realize that you don’t have to continue to believe it. You were born free to believe any thought you choose and you can choose to believe another thought at any time. When you do decide to believe another thought within a few seconds of holding that different thought in mind it begins to create different results.

Step Five: Ask yourself if you are willing to believe a new thought.

Isn’t it true that you want your goal more than you want to believe the thought that holds you back from achieving it?

This step reminds you of the reason to believe a different thought. The reason is of course for the purpose of reaching your goal. The purpose of believing a different thought is to see your goals manifest…isn’t it?

This step also shows you that you are in control of your path in life. You are the one that chooses which thoughts you believe and which thoughts you choose not to believe. To believe or not to believe is the decision only you can make.

If you continue to believe a thought that doesn’t help you achieve your goal it is no ones fault but your own. You are a very powerful creator and it is time to take charge of your own destiny. You begin to take charge of your destiny when you consciously decide which thoughts you choose to believe or don’t and at which times.

Step Six: Believe a thought that is in alignment with your goal.

Your job will be to find a thought that is in alignment with your goal.
An example might be if you believe the thought “this shouldn’t be happening to me” some new thoughts might be “yes, this happened and I am willing to keep trying”, yes this happened and I am willing to keep moving forward”, “yes this happened and my goal is worth it, I am going to do what it takes to reach my goal” etc…
Step Seven: Write down the new thought you have chosen and consciously realize what you will create when you believe the new thought.

For a few seconds hold the new thought in mind and then write down how you feel and how you will live your life when you believe this thought.

Some questions you might ask yourself are:

• How do you feel when you believe this thought and where do you feel it?
• What kinds of things do you do during the day when you believe this thought?
• How do you treat yourself when you believe this thought?
• How do you treat others when you believe this thought?
• How do you react towards your goals when you believe this thought?
• How is your confidence and strength level when you think this thought?
• Imagine yourself doing a task designed to reach your goal and you are thinking this thought. How do you feel, what do you experience and how does it turn out?
• How do you feel when you wake up in the morning and begin to think this thought?
• What kinds of things will you be doing tomorrow, or for the next week or for the next 5 years if you continue to believe this thought?
• How do you feel tomorrow, or the next week or for the next 5 years if you continue to believe this thought?
• In a short sentence write down the outcome this thought is designed to produce when you believe it or even think it for more than 30 seconds.
• Is this thought and your goal a match?
If they are not a match find a different thought to believe until you do find a match to your goal.

Repeat these steps on each of the thoughts you wrote down in step one.

I hope these 7 steps are helpful to you in reaching your goals and creating the life of your choosing.

Author's Bio: 

Sherri Hatch is the author of The Secret Power of Thought and the 5 Week E-Course. For more information on how to manifest using the power of thought and the law of attraction visit http:www.secretpowerofthought.com