Applied Kinesiology is a holistic approach to health care developed by Dr. George Goodheart, DC. This approach to health views the body similar to a triangle called the triad of health. This concept sees the person affected by structural factors, chemical factors, and psychological factors all of which must be in harmony for health to be realized. The body will reflect the imbalance whether it is structural, chemical, or pyschological in the strength or weakness of the muscles. The AK doctor uses manual muscle testing to determine specifically which muscles are weak and then is able to correlate where the disturbance causing the muscle weakness is coming from.
Every muscle in the body has a specific relationship to an organ or gland, a meridian(acupuncture concept), nerve supply, blood supply, lymph supply, cerebrospinal fluid supply, and nutritional supply. When any of these factors is dysfunctioning, the releated muscle will test weak. The doctor is then able to treat the problem using a variety of techniques such as spinal adjusting, nutitional therapy, craniosacral therapy, TMJ therapy, soft tissue manipulation, visceral manipulation, and various reflex techniques to very effectively bring the muscle to proper strenth.
Thus, the weak muscles in the body are a "barometer" of dysfuction and when strong are a "barometer" of health and well being. This comprehensive approach to health care has been used on several world class athletes including professional football, basketball, bicycle,golf, baseball, and tennis players. This approach can fine tune an athlete to a level of performance he or she has never known before. It is impossible to reach maximum performance with spinal subluxations, nutritional deficiencies, cranial-TMJ faults, organ-gland insufficiencies, extremity faults, etc. all of which manifest in the body as weak muscles on manual muscle testing. When these factors are corrected, all the muscles will be strong and the athlete will notice increased speed, reflex time, balance, vitality, confidence, and will be performing optimally.
Imagine what this health approach can do for the average person. AK has helped those with numerous complaints such as low back pain, neck pain, foot-knee-hip pain, wrist-elbow-shoulder pain, migraine headaches, TMJ syndrome, hypoglycemia, PMS, menapause, infertility, weight loss, hormonal imbalances, digestive problems, adrenal weakness, chronic fatigue, thyroid problems, fibromyalgia, sleep problems, immune weakness, chronic pain, depression, mood swings, anxiety, brain fog, and just feeling sick. AK is one of the most powerful tools a holistic doctor has to uncover the cause of a health problem and then correct it. If you are ill or wanting to perform at a higher level, AK is ready to help you.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Thomas Eyrich has been practicing holistic medicine including Applied Kinesiology for over 28 years. He has an integrated practice using many methods to help relieve pain and suffering.