The thing is, you'll find that this system in particular, out of all of your business systems, will have tiny off-spring systems. For instance, you have your overall system that may include:

Word of mouth
Email Campaigns
Direct Mail Campaigns
Internet Marketing
Writing articles
... and more ...

and each that's part of the bigger system has it's own system. It's a Universe in motion, actually!

So how can you maximize your marketing system with all of these options? With so much going on?
The first thing you need to do is take a look at what you are presently doing to market yourself and identify the 3 you LOVE the most (it like almost makes you giddy you like it so much). Notice I didn't say the one you do the most.




Then for each area determine how many times per month you currently use that system.

Next, ask these assessment questions:

· How can I amp up this by at least one notch? Two notches?
(Maybe instead of once a month you move it to two. Maybe instead of sending out 25 postcards you send out 250.)

· What needs to happen so that this is more effective?
(Are you following up effectively? Do all of your materials have a strong call to action on them or do they just list your information?)

· How can I improve the follow-through or conversion from start to finish of the system?
(Is there an extra step that needs to be added? Do you need to manage your energy around your beliefs of being "too pushy"?)

This last question is crucial. Marketing is worth very little if it is not bringing in more business. You must determine how to best focus and utilize your marketing energy. So, if you see an area of marketing that is not producing the results you desire you have two choices: 1) Ask, how can this particular marketing process be done differently to produce different results and 2) Let it go.

Remember, if something about your marketing isn't working - You Aren't Doing Something Wrong. You Just Need To Do Something Different. (Feel the difference in the energy between the two?)

EnergyRICH® Call To Action:

1 - Choose your main self-marketing system.

2 - Map out how you will use this system for the next month.

3 - Literally book appointments on specific dates from the start of this system to the follow through.

Want to learn how to activate your 30 Day Energy Management and Marketing Plan? Then join the EnergyRICH® Business Boot Camp. Here's where we cover every piece of the inner (the energetical) and the outer (practical) approach to building a successful business. I share every step in the EnergyRICH® Business Boot Camp( We'll have you set up to connect with your ideal client - both energy-wise and marketing-wise. You've never seen anything like this before. I give you every piece of the Proven Prospects to Profits Process™ AND the steps you need to make it authentically, naturally your own. Signing on prospects will be like brushing your teeth - something you naturally do every day. Why struggle when you can be given a successful process that already works?

Author's Bio: 

Heather Dominick, EnergyRICH® Entrepreneur Success Coach, has over 11 years of teaching and coaching experience. Her coaching philosophy is that an individual cannot "do" business, but needs to BE business at a holistic level that integrates thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. She calls this managing your energy. It's important that an entrepreneur do the inner and outer work necessary to activate this skill and belief in them. Only when you have activated this in you, can you fully and confidently present yourself and your business to others. That is what is at the heart of assisting individuals in making all successful outer changes in your business.