Dear Loved Ones,
Welcome to Spirituality Inside and Out and the Daily Universal Insights.
We welcome the whole world into this community of Love, Gratitude, Passion and Oneness.
I love you. I love you. I love you. FOR WE ARE ALL ONE.
Are you a Master at Projection?
Are you a Master?
Are you a Master of Projection?
Are you a Master of Projecting your past into the present and into the future?
A Master of Science.
A Master of Art.
A Master of Love.
Or a Master of Abuse.
A Master of Hate.
A Master of Expectations.
A Master of Resentment.
A Master of Impatience.
A Master of Unforgiving.
Must we go on with projecting our pasts into the Now and our Beloved futures? Some say that there is no future and that all that is Is Right Here Right Now.
What do you say and what do you believe?
And how effective is your belief about all that Is in creating Oneness?
Or do you Not have any belief about the Oneness?
How can we change what we cannot change in the past and why do we hold on to what we cannot change?
Is it that we are stubborn?
Is it that we are hurt?
Is it that we keep experiencing the same scenario over and over again?
Is it because we have to suffer? Or we believe that we have to suffer?
Or is it that we want to punish ourselves and others by living in the past?
So which is it? Or is it all of the above? Or None of the above?
You know what you know as you know what your first name is.
You know what you know as you know that we cannot change the past.
And as well, you know that we can definitely learn from the past and project only the Isness from the Now. The Isness being what is in the Now. In the Now without any attachment to what was and what will be.
Simply it Is. And when we encounter challenges and disagreements we can be in the Now and get our learnings. We can forgive ourselves and others and ask for forgiveness to release the past and project only what Is in the Now. As we forgive we transmute any hard and constricted energy into Pure energy.
What is in the Now is just as Beautiful as the Beautiful flowers, waterfalls, rivers, mountains, oceans, forests, the rising sun, the rainbows and the full moon. All of this beauty is in our consciousness as we allow it to blossom in us as us.
Let us Master Love in all things as all things. Let the revealing take place and let the project-ion be a project of Love, Happiness, Abundance, Perfect Health and a Dance in life.
And so it is. Bless you.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
Please feel free to forward and share these Insights to Create Oneness inside and out.
May the love and light of God and the Universe surround, protect and heal you, your loved ones and the planet earth.
For our healers and coaches creating Transformation inside and out.
For our purposeful creations of delightful and inspirational products.
With Love, Gratitude and Respect,
Michelle Morovaty
Truly, With God All Things Are Possible
© Copyright 2007 Spirituality Inside and Out, LLC
Michelle Morovaty is an Intuitive Spiritual Teacher and Healer. She has healed herself from many challenges including Lupus CNS, a car accident and divorce. She uses her intuition and universal guidance to assist people through the healing process.
For more about Michelle and her healing sessions see
and for her guided meditation CD's see
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