Article 3 The Psychology of Comprehension Section 3 of the sample chapter of the book entitled
The Psychology of Rapid Self-Employment Achievement Plan, Personal Development & Diet Achievement Guide Under One Roof.

The Steps You Must Take to Escape the Rat Race Before You Get Fired or Pension Scammed

How About a Collaborative learning?
This is the fun bit, instructional method whereby clients work together in small groups towards a common goal. Role-play, test ideas, etcetera. There are tons of literatures on Co-operative learning.

Affective dimensions means, in psychology, the emotive aspect of a person's learning, for instance the motivation to learn, what motivates one doesn't necessarily motivate the other. So when a seminar speaker is using only one method, other clients may feel left out, or feel inadequate, thus, he or she feels obliged to pretend that they have understood the information presented to them, to avoid intimidation.

This led me to think about how to widen participation, provide tutorial, and truly care about the audience progress.

How about teaching 'thinking skills' rather than 'thinking positive'

How about fostering or eliciting questions, and answers?

How about encouraging brainstorming ideas from the audience?

How about encouraging them to apply their own views and approaches, rather than simply accepting the coach's opinion, information, attitudes, and judgments.

How about extending the 3 days seminars courses into a 12 months success certificate course?

Do seminars or coach provide homework with which to monitor the clients' progress? After all, in the UK, educationists normally value critical thinking over the ability to learn facts, from rare case studies of success, or rather than the theories that may work for one but not for the others. After all a client has paid over a minimum £1,000 and others may have paid more.

My research in human consciousness shows two prevailing attitude and behaviour that prevent, discourage people to follow through a program. Clients are unable to 'comprehend' the material that is being presented to them, some clients come with no prior knowledge, success coaches come with no aims and objectives, and hence why comprehension has not reached the mind of the audience, no grasp, no gain.

No matter how many seminars you may have attended, no matter how many books you may have read, if concrete understanding, 'comprehension' has not reached the mind of the audience, both the program, coach and the audience fail. Inadequate instruction
insufficient exposure and practice, lack of scientific knowledge and teaching qualifications, are common thread in today's success courses.

How is it possible by just attending success seminar, you become a millionaire in few weeks? How could you allow yourself the intellectual abuse that takes place in those lousy seminars, that do nothing other than raise your hope for a day or two, then relapse back into unproductive habits of mind?

Success subject is a science in itself, and deserve your full-undivided attention, to study the neuropsychology of achievement, as well as gaining knowledge of the structure of a business start up.

This doesn't mean you have to do a degree in neuroscience, far from it, but just selecting a success program that encompasses the basics of what a qualified teacher do for his students, after all, you are a student of life, and when a business coach come to teach you, you deserve to be presented with quality teaching, and treated as a student. In addition, the key factor to ensure that you get the most out of the course is comprehension.

The Information that success gurus, or business coach, presents should be designed in a way that fosters comprehension.

Instructional Design
Instructional models are simply steps for which a qualified teacher designs for his/her learners. Adequate instructions are based on learning theories such as the following:

• Constructivism
• Behaviourism
• Piaget's Developmental Theory
• Neuroscience
• Brain-Based Learning
Learning Styles
• Multiple Intelligences
• Right Brain/Left Brain Thinking
• Communities of Practice
• Control Theory
• Observational Learning
• Vygotsky and Social Cognition

Each of the above theory has its own definition and each definition, provide the teacher, mentor, and success gurus with a method of how they present and facilitate learning, and foster empowerment. Sadly, many of the so called success coaches or business coaches, lack the above knowledge, thus cause more harm than good, waste of time, energy and money for the person who joined the current success seminars.
Learning theories illustrate the concepts of how individuals learn new ideas. They also express the related connection between information of our prior knowledge and the new knowledge we are supposed to learn.

Next section 4 arrives tomorrow

Please take care in your search of knowledge, wisdom, and affluence

copyright (c) 2008

Feel free to contact me on 07999 579 135 if you have an interest in my products, service, or share business vision.

Author's Bio: 

Andre Zizi is a philosopher, qualified teacher, NLP facilitator, trained in the educational psychology. His specialty is in the area of mental toughness and emotional mastery, stress, the psychology and process of business start ups, relationship conflict, how to prevent or overcome an illness and or how to achieve dream goals.

Andre Zizi is the Founder and Director of ZiziWorld LTd and YourDreamComesTrue LTD

ZiziWorld MindGym and coaching is the first of its kind in the world

Skype ID is: Andre-Zizi