Article 4: WHY is comprehension of paramount importance to self-employment?
Article 4 'The Psychology of Comprehension' Section 4 of the sample chapter of the book entitled 'The Psychology of Rapid Self-Employment Achievement Plan, Personal Development & Diet Achievement Guide Under One Roof'
The Steps You Must Take to Escape the Rat Race Before You Get Fired or Pension Scammed
Instructional Design
Instructional models are simply steps for which a qualified teacher designs for his/her learners. Adequate instructions are based on learning theories such as the following:
• Constructivism
• Behaviourism
• Piaget's Developmental Theory
• Neuroscience
• Brain-Based Learning
• Learning Styles
• Multiple Intelligences
• Right Brain/Left Brain Thinking
• Communities of Practice
• Control Theory
• Observational Learning
• Vygotsky and Social Cognition
Let us look into each of them briefly, but not all of them. We want to focus on the first and the second principles of the instructional design. Tomorrow, we can tackle the other principles, to help us ' comprehend' the power of conation, and how to apply it to the psychology of Rapid Self Employment Plan. The comprehension of the conative principles are of paramount importance to the the neuropsychology of achievement.
Do not read consecutively as you would a novel; but take notes, reflect
and then follow the propositions in a curious way please.
Constructivism reflects an ancient philosophical tradition founded on the premise that, in order to construct comprehension, we must use reflection during and after carrying out certain moral duties in our society, so that we make sense of our world. We do so by using our subjective ideas, intuition, and particular mental rules to give meanings to our experiences. Learning is then a nothing more than making room in our mind to cater for upcoming new experiences
The component rules of constructivism:
1. Learning must be meaningful. For that reason, learning reflects the issues around which you are actively trying to construct meaning; otherwise you would not bother learning.
2. Meaning necessitates all around comprehension of what you are learning, and not just part of it. For that reason, the learning development centre around primary concepts, not isolated facts.
3. A qualified coach or teacher must have psychological knowledge of the mental states that the audience use to perceive the world and the opinions they construct to support those mental states.
4. The core substance of learning is for an individual to construct his or her own meaning, not just memorize the "stuff" or the answers, or repeat someone else's meaning. Any system of education must provide valuable way to measure learning, and business gurus or success coaches must help you with reliable assessment form part of the learning process, to ensure that you have record system about the progress of your learning.
Why should you pay £1000's of pounds or dollars, for a course, which is going to leave you with no record of achievement or with no qualification? I have known people who paid £7000 + VAT for a weekend course that left them totally confused at the end of the success seminar.
Any course you join, must influence your learning positively, should be customized to your prior knowledge, and must stress hands- problem solving.
Instructions, as far as the theory of constructivism is concerned, educators centre their attention on linking connections between facts and fostering new comprehension in students.
When I am about to deliver a success course, I tailor my teaching strategies to student responses, catering for their particular need, not by telling them how they should live their life, but by encouraging them to use critical thinking, analyze, interpret, and predict outcome.
As a teacher, I also display open-ended questions and promote all-embracing dialogue among students. I help them consider various options to decision making, consider the consequences of each decision making, weight the pros and cons of their desired outcome, and let them choose from the most likely successful course of action
Assessment procedure in the theory of constructivism provides freedom to self assess, and doesn't point fingers to faults, but identify areas of improvement, or adding value to the decision making, or course of action, to empower and enrich the desired outcome. Like in Education, self-assessment must be part of the learning process so that you can play a larger role in judging your own progress.
Behaviourism is the idea that both animal and human cognition (learning) are observed from the outside, by just observing their behaviour, behaviourists claim to be able to predict the kind of action a human, or animal will display. Behaviourists don't believe that there is any mental states, mental events, that help the observer predict the animal or human action. Behavioural theorists define learning as nothing more than the attainment of new behaviour. Experimental behaviourist identify a reason for repeated or automated behaviour, we can all relate to, called 'conditioning'
Your business coach, or success guru, should have at least basic understanding or qualification in the area of behaviourism. There are two types of conditioning, each displays a different behaviour, classical conditioning, and operant conditioning
For example: classic conditioning is known as reflex and stimulus. The universal known example is Pavlov's experiment, such as when the dog hears the bells, it means to it, that food is coming, thus it begins to salivate. Like anchors, in human, an old cherished song either make you happy or sad, because it reminds you of a past event. So, most people behaviour is wired to an emotional biology of certain past events, and triggers behaviour accordingly.
Operant conditioning links an association between behaviour and an outcome. This occurs on neuro association level.
Examples: The experimental paradigm of operant conditioning is as follows:
A hungry animal is placed in a cage equipped with two mechanisms: a response that can be activated by the animal and a container designed to receive a fixed quantity of food or liquid. Based on responses exploration of the environment presented by the animal, the investigator gradually leads a unit of behaviour under the control of reinforcement.
In other words, the answer chosen by the experimenter, activate the response, followed by the granting of a little food. It will then repeat the animal's response with a probability of occurrence will reach a stable level as long as it is followed by reinforcement. The unit of behaviour and installs or effective response, is functionally linked to its consequences, or reinforcement.
In the experimental paradigm of operant conditioning, there is no causal relationship between the response and strengthening before packing.
In Pavlovian conditioning, the body undergoes the answer. In packaging Skinnerian, it affects the community. In other words, a formal response or Pavlovian is controlled by events that precede it, a response type of operating is controlled by its consequences.
Although most of our behaviour is unconscious, it becomes conscious upon reflection, or when someone points out our reasons for moving toward, and moving away from a goal, duty or a task, and it is driven by our neuro association of pain and pleasure, and reinforced by our biological emotions. As I said earlier, behaviourists don't consider mental events.
Note: have you been given specific attention by your coach, or mentor, to find out what makes you move forward to achieve your goal, or what makes you move away from the goal you desire to achieve, and why? Make sure a qualified teacher with some basic understanding of psychology coaches you. Otherwise, save your money.
D.C. Phillips & Jonas F. Soltis, Perspectives on Learning, Chapter 3.
Please take care in your search of knowledge, wisdom, and affluence
Next section 5 arrives tomorrow
Please take care in your search of knowledge, wisdom, and affluence
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Andre Zizi is a philosopher, qualified teacher, NLP facilitator, trained in the educational psychology. His specialty is in the area of mental toughness and emotional mastery, stress, the psychology and process of business start ups, relationship conflict, how to prevent or overcome an illness and or how to achieve dream goals.
Andre Zizi is the Founder and Director of ZiziWorld LTd and YourDreamComesTrue LTD
ZiziWorld MindGym and coaching is the first of its kind in the world
Skype ID is: Andre-Zizi
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