Within you right now is the truth of all you are, and what you can become. But you must awaken to this knowledge before things will start to change. You must awaken the DREAM to begin.
Like the Little Engine That Could, you must being to NOW to think you can. If you truly believe it, there is absolutely nothing you cannot achieve. You are the creator of your life's experiences. All of them.
You may be thinking "I didn't ask for half of what I've been handed in this lifetime," but if you're taking full responsibility for your own life, you cannot blame others or the circumstances of your life for what is holding you back. To manifest anything in your life, you must understand this premise.
#1 Be Responsible for YOU in all aspects of your life.
We are the creators of our own lives. We all make choices and decisions that determine the outcome of the events of our lives. Even when we feel constrained by events or circumstances, we are still choosing a certain mindset to deal with whatever it is. Although it may seem counter-intuitive, making no choice, is a choice.
In the old hippie days, we used to say what goes around comes around. That was before we started talking Secrets and Laws of Attraction, even although the idea is not new. The laws of attraction are easy to understanding.
#2 The Laws of Attraction are Simple
The secret to understanding how to attract things in your life is giving clear signals to the universe. You must be clear on what you want, and you must also declare it to the universe so it is returned to you in the form you requested. This is a burning desire that will be manifested in the here and now of your life.
We live in an abundant universe. There is no lack of anything unless you believe it to be so. We are all either growing or dying. What would be your preference? Life is to be lived in all it's glory, so where do you withhold from life? Where do you hold your focus?
#3 Focus on the Here and Now
Focus on the here and now, this moment. When things are uncertain, ask yourself if this is what you really want? If the answer is positive, then you must do ALL you can to achieve your goals. Put aside any disagreements you may have with someone else. It wastes your energy. Plan for the future, prepare for it by taking the right action, and don't fear it may not work out. Give yourself completely to the actions you must take, and allow the process to unfold naturally.
#4 Faith is the Belief in YOU
Faith to believe in yourself is the greatest gift you can give to YOU.Have faith to believe that whatever you need to experience to grow towards your goals is on it's way, and faith that you can handle it. Believe in your ability to handle whatever comes your way. Believe that you can achieve anything you want. You will not be sent anything you cannot deal with, even if in the moment, you wonder. Everything is there for a reason, even if you can't see it.
#5 What You Give, So Shall You Receive
We all know that you have to put out to get back. It's the fundamental laws of the universe. If I give you this article, then I will receive something of equal or more value because I've made the effort to share something with you. The same is true with our thought patterns. When you can define what it is you want, and can give the details of what that looks like, it's like the telephone line. You put it out and you shall receive.
But some people have trouble receiving, and are putting out time and again, and getting nothing back. This is because they are blocking the return. Perhaps they don't feel worthy of it. Perhaps they feel they are giving a lot and don't deserve to get anything back. In which case, the universe says so be it.
We are continually drawing into life that which we give and expect. So why not expect to have the best. Why not expect to get what you want. We are conditioned to not expect too much. But that's limitation, and the universe is not limited. Only you are. Only you're thinking is limited.
So DREAM BIG, expect the best, expect to see your dreams fulfilled, and then take action towards it. Because without action, it is only a dream.
Human behavior expert Jacqueline Wales is known by many to be the Fearless lady. Her programs have helped women around the world develop strong personal success, powerful communication and clear visions of their goals. She is the author of The Fearless Factor, as well as several other compilations, including When The Crow Sings, a novel, and the creator of The 10 Healthy Habits of Fun, Fearless People. She is also the host of her weekly radio show Fearlessly Speaking on Achieve Radio on Sundays at 5pm EST
Go to thefearlessfactor.com and pick up your complimentary copy of the 4 Easy Steps to Overcoming Fear so you can live your BEST LIFE NOW.
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