Like most discoveries of this type, its origin was rooted with a need to find a solution to a real life problem. As a father of young children that showed no interest or aptitude in science or to follow my profession (I was a University physics demonstrator). I began a quest to discover what my children's natural talents were so that I could help them, like most parents, to pursue careers that would make them a success in life. Like 98% of parents, as my research was to discover, I made the fundamental mistake of looking for only for obvious highly desirable very special talents in my children. Talents that would directly lead them to fame and fortune.

Until the explosion of the Internet in the mid to late 90s, my search was limited to hit and miss trial and error, biographies of very successful people and anecdotal articles about self made achievers. It was also profoundly limited by my own bias of what "I wanted or wished" my children to be instead of looking for the unique special talents that they actually had!

I began my research with 2 basic premises, 1) that the key to success in life is surely well known and preached by psychologists and many others and 2) that looking to find it among the elite Income group would be a waste of time as this group, I reasoned, would be full of those who had inherited wealth, had family connections or ad highly prized talents. I was mostly wrong on both counts.

Fortunately for me, I dint have a choice as to what data to collect and categorize, as all biographies, books and articles on the Internet are only of very successful elite's, the top 1% Income earners. So began my final road to uncover the key to success in life! I was finally able to amass sufficient data to do proper scientific statistical analysis on this group that had achieved great fame and fortune in life and identify the key elements that made their success possible.

the "Unlikely Super Achievers" key! As more data was collected, I became utterly amazed by the numbers of those who have come to be known as the "Unlikely Achievers" that had attained super success in life. Those that had achieved the top 1% Income Level, even though as a child everyone had considered them to have NO chance of really succeeding in life. I gathered all the Factual & Relevant information available of Current & Historical "Unlikely Achievers" that early in life showed no outward signs, like 98%+, of possessing any unique or very valuable Special Talents or Powers, STPs.

To my surprise, as our database grew, it became evident that these "Unlikely Achievers" where not a small minority in the top 1% Income Group, but that they are actually a majority. We then began to look for any Key Patterns that might reveal how they have managed to be so successful in life!

My Research Discovered that:

99%+ of us have at least 1 Unique Special Talent or Power (STP)! the Unlikely Achievers All had Unheralded Low Value Special Talents or Powers, STPs 98%+ Do Not Discover, Under Use or Discard their STPs because they are considered of Little or No Value! the Unlikely Achievers All somehow Uncovered and Regularly Used their unheralded STPs 98% + of Parents Do Not Detect, Overlook or Discard their Kids STPs! the age range when the Unlikely Achiever discovered their STPs was from early childhood to fairly late in life a majority of the top 1% Income Earners where considered very ordinary early in life (the Unlikely Achievers) before they Uncovered and began to regularly Use their obscure low value Special Talents or Powers that 98% Overlook or Discard as valueless. Their very own unheralded STPs was the Key that naturally super pumped to the top their self Esteem and their Psychological/Mental State. Radiating an Aura of being Very Special in some unique way and to super succeed in areas far removed from their unheralded STPs 99% of the "Unlikely Achievers" who where born at the same time of the year and with the same or similar Personality Traits & Hobbies have the same or remarkable similar obscure STPs Anyone - including you or your child, in up to 95% of cases, (each category has a different amount of data in its data base of unlikely achievers - categories with a higher data base will have a higher statistical probability of accuracy - our data base grows daily) who was born at the same time of the year and with similar personality traits & hobbies as the "Unlikely Achievers", Will Have the Same or very similar Obscure Talents or Powers. That anyone can then use to Achieve the Pot of Gold Super Success in Life and be the next "Unlikely Achiever"..

Author's Bio: 

Mr. A. R. Buzzeo has been a Physics Demontrator for over 32 years. His Website that this
Article is taken from is

He can be contacted by email

A. R. Buzzeo is CEO of
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