The last couple hundred years has seen tremendous technological development and change. What awaits us in this new millenium is anybody's guess. Some technology rising to the surface is actually old technology, in refined form, that went basically unrecognized for many years. An example of this is the mind machine, or audio-visual entrainment (AVE) device. It was actually first developed back in the 1950's. Some research was done but it never really "took off" until recent years. Still, most people have never heard of it.

These AVE devices send flashes of lights using a pair of eyesets and pulses of tones through a pair of headphones to gently guide the brain into altered states of consciousness. Brainwaves change frequencies based on neural activity within the brain. Each of our senses respond to activity from the environment and transmits that information to the brain. The senses of sight and hearing provide a favorable mechanism to influence brainwaves. By presenting this pulsed audio and visual stimulation to the brain, after a short period of time, the brain begins to resonate or entrain at the same frequency as the stimulus. Because of this, we can slow down the brainwaves for: meditation; stress reduction and deep relaxation; providing pain relief; inducing dream states and improving sleep. With the ability to both relax and relieve pain, it is especially useful during labour of child birth. Less, if any, painkillers are needed and the labour will often progress more quickly due to the deep relaxation achieved. For chronic pain sufferers, the pain is much more manageable as well as reducing the ensuing stress facilitating a more restful sleep. Even police departments have used this technology to help deal with the high levels of stress they encounter in their profession.

The DAVID, (digital audio/visual integration device) can also be used to speed brainwaves up, making the DAVID an ideal tool to treat slow brainwave disorders such as Attention Deficit Disorder, closed-head brain injury, fibromyalgia, PMS, chronic fatigue, depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder, weight gain, and insomnia and for non- clinical applications such as for enhancing mental performance and boosting creativity. Studies have shown improvement in ability to focus and concentrate for those with ADHD. School marks and behavior quickly improve. Some schools are now incorporating this technology into their programs with very encouraging results.

In addition to entrainment, the imagery created by the visual and auditory stimulation provides a focus for the mind and quietens internal dialogue or chatter. The various areas of the brain begin to integrate into one whole functioning unit like the masters of meditation. With the DAVID, it is possible to experience that same peace and tranquility of a meditator with only a half hour of use. Hypnoidal states can also be achieved.

Studies have shown brain stimulation has resulted in an increase of dendrite growth, connecting the brain cells. Increase in IQ, learning and memory have been noted. After only 20 minutes of stimulation, there has also been observed an increase in levels of neurochemicals and hormones such as human growth hormone, serotonin, beta-endorphins and luteinizing hormones

AVE is not only valuable for clinical use, but it has done wonders for increasing peak performance. In 1994, Canadian, Christine Boudrias won the Olympic silver medal after using the DAVID for peak performance to give her focus and energy as well as to help relax and visualize. Golfers, football players, athletes and sports players of all kinds have found these devices to be an invaluable tool.

Over the years, more research and clinical studies have been done and now some of these devices have reached a very therapeutic level that is now available to the general public. Music and specially designed software can also be used to augment these devices. The versatility and broad spectrum of possible uses for this incredible tool is almost endless. It is truly a technology for this new millenium.

Author's Bio: 

I am an RN and certified entrainment therapist.
Having been a sufferer of fibromyalgia, the DAVID
helped so much, I was able to return to the
heavy demands of nursing and participate in
life once again. Working with audio/visual
entrainment has been truly amazing and exciting.
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